which to buy detector and other must haves?

OK I am thinking of getting a Garrett ace 250 but would I be better to buy this one?
Ace 250 for $213 or Ace 250 with larger coil and accessories? for $297
Or is there a better machine for around $300 ????
I read a neat thread about the gti 2500 I think, but I do not want to invest $900
Also what other tools are a must to have? Certain kinds of digging tools?
Ace 250 for $213 or Ace 250 with larger coil and accessories? for $297
Or is there a better machine for around $300 ????
I read a neat thread about the gti 2500 I think, but I do not want to invest $900
Also what other tools are a must to have? Certain kinds of digging tools?

Good luck with what ever you go for....
I have the $200 dollar one with the smaller coil. I got it for a gift so I had no choice . The bigger coil will let you cover more area, but the small one for me is fine right now.
I wanted to see if I would like the hobby first before I went spending alot of cash on accessories and a better machine.
If your doing alot of detecting in the sand I would invest in a nice scooper.
I dont have a pinpointer , but can see myself getting one in the future. The ACE 250 actually has a pinpointer built into the unit, However it is kind of awkward to use as
your shifting through the soil or sand.
A good shovel will be a good investment. The one that comes with the Garrett broke on me the first day I went out, so carry a spare if your using that one.
I also like a belly bag with a zipper to keep all your finds from dropping out. The apron that comes with the ACE 250 is not for me.
I think the hardest part about the hobby is finding places to detect and researching. Good Luck and have fun.. Take a camera and Post your finds!
The 250 is a great starter machine for the money, from everything I have seen, or if you want an excellent midlevel Garrett, go for the 550. I did as well with a 550 than I have done with the 2500. I used the 550 (or its predecessor, the 500) for about 12 years, and most of my detecting has been done with a middle-of-the-road model. I didn't upgrade to the top of the line until relatively recently- only about two years ago. The added features of the top-tier machine are great, but I could find just as much with my old 550 as I can with my 2500.