Home Metal Detecting

Well...I went to a baseball field here that has been hunted

and hunted and hunted by all of us MD'ers...The biggest problem with the field, is that dirt has been hauled in to this area well before it was a baseball field. It is the sight of an old Methodist church too, and over the years coins have been tough to come by in there. I myself, have hunted it hard, and I suspect the rest of the MD'ers here, have too.

This was an excellent chance to try out the depth on my new Black coil for the GTi 2500....the design is such that it is supposed to greatly reduce the falsing when the detector is operated in the very high sensitivity area....

I have to tell you...if you have a GTi 2500 and do not have this coil, you are really missing out. It's like you are getting virgin territory to hunt all over again!

Here is my take today after aprox 3 hours at the site....


I was getting pennies and dimes at 7"....in this soil, at this field, that is amazing.......I pulled 2 of the barber dimes at the very pegged out indication on the screen...I am just dumbfounded! I can't wait to get to my better sites...


  • davbecdavbec Posts: 321 ✭✭
    Thats awesome. Can you get a close up of the Barbers? I just got the Garrett gtax 550. And got in some action today.
    Had great success. Will post tomorrow.
    I wonder if that coil would work with my machine.

    what is that at the bottom of your photo?
  • Cool wish i had finds like that.

  • Gotta love hitting those hunted out spots with the new tech!
  • Davbec..Here ya go.....the pic at the bottom is a button back..the face is gone...I looked and looked hoping to find it, but never did...


    Here's the Rosies looks like one got a little mower activity...


    And a Merc, Always love to see Mercs! I scratched it....Grrrrrrrr This was pretty deep for a Merc dime.

  • image That is some haul, very impressive!
  • Nice!
  • crispycrispy Posts: 792 ✭✭✭
    Silver Roosies are always nice, Mercs are very nice to find, but Barbers are a hoot. That is a very nice haul (and for only a three hour hunt no less). You have to hit that spot again. Nice job Steve. What's the size and shape of the black coil? Is it a Garrett's product or third party?
    "to you, a hero is some kind of weird sandwich..."
  • wtg!...i would be excited too...can't wait to see what you and blackie dig up next...hh
    "see ya at the beach"
  • marymmarym Posts: 713
    Wow Steve, those barbers are great! Of course the little merc is my favorite. image I'm going to have my first dug merc framed, if I ever dig one! Mary
    Be Still and Know

  • << <i>What's the size and shape of the black coil? Is it a Garrett's product or third party? >>

    It's the new coil that the GTi 2500 ships with now. I had the chip upgrade and they GAVE me a new coil!.It is less bouyant so it is easier to hunt in and around water too...

    Here is the link:

    Garrett Back coil
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That is awesome for an area that has been as hunted as you describe.... very cool.. Cheers, RickO
  • mcheathmcheath Posts: 2,437 ✭✭✭
    Thats awesome for any area in my bookimage
  • holeinone1972holeinone1972 Posts: 5,368 ✭✭✭
    Is this a $900 detector?


  • << <i> Is this a $900 detector? >>

    You could say that....I paid $749 when I bought it in late 1999...They have recently done a chip upgrade and developed a new coil that is phenomenal! I think they are around $900-$1000 now...
  • pocketpiececommemspocketpiececommems Posts: 5,976 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It would probably make me sick for you to follow me. Those are some fantastic finds for a "hunted out" area.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,661 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Howard Coffin Park, I presume.

    (No, wait... there was never a church on that site. You must be talkin' one I haven't hunted.)

    You suck.

    All I ever got there was modern trash. (Edit: this was in reference to H.C. Park, but I suppose you are talking about another site.)

    Of course I didn't stay long, and let the trash scare me off.

    Bravo! image

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,661 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>It would probably make me sick for you to follow me. Those are some fantastic finds for a "hunted out" area. >>

    Oh, trust me, it would make you sick if you ever had him follow ALONGSIDE you at the same time. I can say that from experience. image

    On the same site on the same day, he will routinely dig five silvers to my one, at a minimum. It's sort of a quandary- on the one hand, you love watching a master like Steve at work, but you find yourself wishing you'd hit a particular site just a LITTLE bit harder before sharing it with him! image

    Regardless, he'll still find stuff on the sites you've hunted.

    BUT, I have been known to occasionally come behind HIM and get a small crumb or two HE missed. image

    Which only proves how impossible it is for anyone to TRULY pick a site "clean". We have parks here that both of us have hunted for 20+ years, and they are still producing. (These are not gigantic parks, either.)

    Both of my better finds in my last "Digs O' The Day" stories (two in one, March's only outings) took place in part on a site that he and I had already hunted, so I found some stuff we both missed. It wasn't as easy as that glorious first day, though, when all three of us hunting scored multiple finds. The finds diminish with each visit as the easy stuff gets skimmed off, but for somebody like Steve who's meticulous and VERY skilled, there is always something left to dig up.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • Wow, impressive 3 hours there.
    I lust for silver.
  • LM..it's the old baseball field near the Arco Church, off of Newcastle extension, near the Pulp Mill entrance, You know, between the Cemetery and The entrance to the Mill..

    I wish I had taken my camera....I swear I am going to start doing it.

    Here is the area:

  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,661 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hmm, I never knew about that field. My knowledge gets a little sketchy north of Gloucester Street.

    I hate you for finding TWO Barber dimes (not to mention the 1898 at London Street in December). image

    I have been trying my doggonedest to find one, and though I have found some nice Mercs, I still haven't dug a Barber in uhh... lemme see...

    November 28 of 2004, to be exact. I think that was Thanksgiving Day that year. I was in North Carolina and found a well-worn 1913 dime.

    A Barber quarter hasn't happened for me in more than a decade.

    I gotta get out more. Maybe this Union Street place I last hunted (the padlock site) will break the jinx. It is certainly within the realm of possibility- after all, I dug a Barber dime AND a Merc in the sidewalk strip right in front of the house, back in the '90s, when I detected a whole heckuva lot more. (But that was in my single bachelor days between marriages. Now that I am married and a father again, priorities have changed, naturally.)

    PS- thanks for the detailed pointers, BTW. Maybe you and I can go back there sometime, after I've run out of Victorian yards.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • Anytime you are off and want to go, let me know...I can always pretty much go. ( I'm sleepin' with the Boss...LOL)
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