Home Metal Detecting

big 18K today, 3-27-08

was working an empty lot today with a friend. this guy always leaves his trash in the holes he digs. i always tell him to remove the trash but he never listens. frustrating. so today we worked this lot that has some heavy trash content. i had just dug and removed a beer can and got a another signal in the hole. the DFX showed as "5". this is usually some tinfoil or pulltab. i looked down and saw this gold pendant. what a great lesson to teach someone. the gold appears to be 18K and weighs about as much as a quarter.


  • Wow!!!


  • Nice recovery........No telling how much gold has been left at sights, because of that very thing.
  • Thats a neat find. I've found duplicates in the same hole on a couple of occasions and i've only been at this thing for a little while yet.
  • davbecdavbec Posts: 321 ✭✭
    nice one demo!
  • ha!...good for you!....good for your friend too....ha!...nice find...hh
    "see ya at the beach"
  • Nice find. Proof of the statement I've read here often - Recheck the hole before filling it in. WTG
  • Great find!!!!!!! What exactly is it?

    Dumb me.....I accidently hit enter on the last reply before I typed anything. I remember detecting a grassy play field at a school when a man came up and asked me what I was doing. He was being a wise guy, he was just curious. I was checking out a positive tone when he came up. He then asked what I had found. It was a beer can. I showed it to him and put it in my pocket. He asked why I kept it. I explained I was removing junk so the next person detecting the area would not have to find it. He said he thought that was nice of me. I told him I always remove junk for that very reason. Anyone who does not remove junk should be reported to the sheriff.

    I have always double and triple check the same hole. Especially in grass. I have many times found goodies with the second and third look.
  • Wow is right. Great find Brian.
  • Nice find Brian... guess I should've stopped by but I wanted to beat the traffic out of town today. Good that yuo had the opportunity to give your friend the lesson. Maybe give him a new nickname until he corrects his ways?

    What does it say on the bottom of the pendant? (if it's Hebrew, do a close-up of it and I'll see if I can translate it)
  • crispycrispy Posts: 792 ✭✭✭
    One of the golden rules: If you take the time to dig a hole always check it again after you remove what you think was the target. Especially true of coins because they are often lost in multiples from the same "leaky pocket". In your case it was target masking but you knew better. Nice job on the gold demodigger! A great lesson for the novices and a reminder for some of us more "experienced" folk who tend to forget the golden rules from time to time. image
    "to you, a hero is some kind of weird sandwich..."
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Excellent finds and great lesson.... double check the hole..... trash and treasure frequently live together. Cheers, RickO
  • KarbKarb Posts: 557 ✭✭✭
    Very nice!! Gotsta love gold!!

    Hoarding silver and collecting history
  • guitarwesguitarwes Posts: 9,270 ✭✭✭

    Nice find.

    "JUDAH" means Praise. I bet you were doing some praising after finding it.
    The lion symbolizes the "Lion of the tribe of Judah".

    The writing on the bottom looks Hebrew.

    @ Elite CNC Routing & Woodworks on Facebook. Check out my work.
    Too many positive BST transactions with too many members to list.
  • Teach! That is the way ;-)

  • marymmarym Posts: 713
    Wow Brian, that's an awesome find!!
    Be Still and Know
  • I'm second guessing my guess on the Hebrew word because I don't remember the exact letters (only remember seeing the "yod" and "he" letters on your medal when you showed it... made me think it was Yahweh, but those are also in Judah too)... might need to check it out again.

    Anyway, very cool chunk of gold image
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