Is anyone familiar with this detector from costco?

costco detector
I have never detected (if thats the correct grammar) but it sounds like a nice hobby for me (like my wife wants me to have another hobby )
I have never detected (if thats the correct grammar) but it sounds like a nice hobby for me (like my wife wants me to have another hobby )
LCoopie = Les
ACE 250
the reason I was considering it is because it came with other stuff like a dvd (I am sure I need some kind of education), so if the detector is OK I thought it may be a wise choice, but I would defer to the knowledgable, especially the "holy" one
best wishes and thanks
Includes: Metal Detector, Pouch & Digger Pack, Carry Bag and Video
Bounty Hunters are good cheap machines. Cheap in both the good and bad sense of the word. "Cheap" meaning perhaps not quite as solidly built as some other brands, but lightweight and easy to use. "Cheap" meaning inexpensive, with lots of bang for the buck. I had pretty good luck with a $199 Bounty Hunter Quick Draw back in the mid-1990s, and today's cheap detectors can do stuff that it took a middle of the line or upper tier detector to do, ten years ago.
(And that's not a bottom-tier Bounty Hunter, either- it's a model or two up the scale.)
Compare the features of the two. Certainly the Ace 250, from all I have seen, has what it takes to find the goodies and is yet one of the most inexpensive starter machines out there. That Bounty Hunter would probably perform well as a starter machine, too, but for the extra money on it, I would check the features to see what it has that the Ace 250 doesn't. If it doesn't have that many more features, or it has features that don't make that much difference to you, go with the Ace- it's a good little machine. If, on the other hand, the Bounty Hunter has an extra bell or whistle or two that you like, go with it. I will say that my old Quick Draw used to perform in one park area here that was so strewn with trash I couldn't work my more expensive Garrett in it, but the cheap Bounty Hunter did fine. They seem to have "cleaner" discrimination than the Garretts.
A lot of this talk about features might go over your head, but that's why we're here to answer questions.
really, thanks
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If you can afford to step up into the midlevel with something like the GTAx-550, and you think you'll be serious about using it, then you should do so, by all means.
But the Ace 250 is a really impressive "little brother" to the 550. We Garrett folks are sometimes referred to as "Green Machine People", since most Garrett detectors are a signature green color. The Ace 150 and 250, however, are yellow, earning the popular 250 its affectionate nickname of "The Yella Fella".