What is the best metal detector and why?

Since the last one I had was in 69 (it was a sweety too), I'm figuring that a few improvements have been made since. Anyone care to re-educate an old fart on the hot hot???
Me and my dad went here and bought them afew years ago. I have a blast with this thing.
Here's the store... Kellyco
Pick a machine that has the features you think will help you the most in your style of hunting. Ask yourself what sort of hunting you want to do most, whether it be beach hunting, relic hunting, coinshooting, prospecting, etc.
Picking a good detector is only 20-25% of the equation at most. The biggest factor in the equation is the user: YOU. What sites you choose, and strategies you come up with, and how much practice you get with your machine.
Having previous detecting experience from the early days of the hobby is a plus. Today's detectors are different, but the strategies and methods are mostly the same.
I noticed in one post where it was mentioned that two OLD grumpy men were encounted while detecting. All old metal detecting enthusiasts are not grumpy.....I am 74 years old and I do not fit that catagory. I wll share space, techniques, stories, and even my lunch with a fellow detector. My brown recluse spider bite is just about all healed up and I will be hitting the parks etc soon. Remember the old saying "Happy Trails to you til we meet again" I say. "Happy Hunting to you til we meet again"
Menomonee Falls Wisconsin USA
http://www.pcgs.com/SetRegistr...dset.aspx?s=68269&ac=1">Musky 1861 Mint Set
Bah! Everybody knows them dagblasted things don't work....
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.