anybody have any clue as to what this could be?

found just off a big beach in pebble beach known for being a spot where the Spanish camped. Actually didn't detect this-- saw it embedded in the dirt after a storm, so i pried it out. My first thought: an old sword tip! But my detecting expert friend says it's probably just iron industrial slag. Anyone else have a diff. theory??
The Dorsal Fin off of Jaws' offspring. I'm sticking to that theory until proven wrong.....
Too many positive BST transactions with too many members to list.
When I saw you posting, I thought we might have an ancient or medieval coin or somethin!
Looks like Jefferson nickel to me! Yep, that's what it is!
Oh... you mean the other thing. Hm. I haven't a clue. Looks 20th century industrial, though.