Beware of the Ticks!

Just a little reminder to those that hit the woods and tall field grass detecting, ticks are out... I pulled a nice deer tick (Blacklegged Tick) (Female with red hind quarters) off of me today. These are the ones that have Lime's disease. Luckily she was only crawling around and had not latched on yet. Remember to wear your bug spray! Here is a pic of what she looked like (no this is not the one I found on me)

<< <i>Okay, I'll be watchin for them,
<< <i>
Good one laser! LOL
<< <i>
<< <i>Okay, I'll be watchin for them,
<< <i> Good one laser! LOL >>
LOL..I keep looking for Jack Nicholson to come around the cornner like in "The Shining." ;-)