My finds for February (Lots of Pics!)

I haven't been able to post all my pics this monthly, mainly out of laziness. Here are my finds for the month and an explination of them.
This is an old Clorox bottle cap that I found at a 1900's homesite. The house was used up until the 1930's or 40's so I hope to be able to get a good date on the cap here soon (It's in good shape so if you know a bottle collector that needs a cap for their Clorox bottle, I have one!)

This is a Boy Scouts neckerchief holder/clasp. I found it at the Lodge I hunt at. Doesn't appear to be real old but I know it's been a LONG time since the scouts have been down there. (This thing is in WONDERFUL shape)

This is a sterling silver knife/fork/spoon handle I found at a house that recently burnt down. The home was rather old but it was hard to hunt because the fire had melted a lot of aluminum and it was everywhere. This was the only thing I found other than trash.

I am not Catholic so I'm not EXACTLY sure what this is but it appears to be the Virgin Mary (if someone can id this a bit better for me I would be appreciative). Found it at the Lodge where I hunt.

Another Civil War bullet here. After obtaining it's size and weight we were able to determine that this is one of the three rear balls on a Civil Way BucknBall shotgun round. You can tell that this has been fired and on the other side has a small flat spot where it hit it's target.

While hunting a field we came across a nice size group of Turkeys. Beautiful birds, wish I had a better pic of them! I guess these would qualify as a Wildcard find? Either way I'll submit them!

Now this is a unique item I found. I know it is a button but what type I have no clue. The front appears to have an "I" on it but it actually appears to be a dent in the button. Under a magnifying glass you can see details that appear to "possibly" be feathers or eagles feet (could just be my imagination also). Either way it was found at the same depth and within 3 feet of the Civil War bullets I found so I'll assume it is a Civil War button (until I can be proven otherwise!)

Here is a fragment of a Civil War bullet. Not sure what caliber it is going to be because of the deformity. I have some other smaller pieces I found around it but this was the main piece.

And finally my second silver ever. A 1953 D Silver Washington Quarter. Found it in a spot that I had hunting many times before. I thank my new Bigfoot coil for finding this one!

All in all it was a good month. I found some nice stuff and also got to bring my new son home! I know that my hunting time will greatly decrease from here on out so my finds will be fewer and farer between!!!
This is an old Clorox bottle cap that I found at a 1900's homesite. The house was used up until the 1930's or 40's so I hope to be able to get a good date on the cap here soon (It's in good shape so if you know a bottle collector that needs a cap for their Clorox bottle, I have one!)

This is a Boy Scouts neckerchief holder/clasp. I found it at the Lodge I hunt at. Doesn't appear to be real old but I know it's been a LONG time since the scouts have been down there. (This thing is in WONDERFUL shape)

This is a sterling silver knife/fork/spoon handle I found at a house that recently burnt down. The home was rather old but it was hard to hunt because the fire had melted a lot of aluminum and it was everywhere. This was the only thing I found other than trash.

I am not Catholic so I'm not EXACTLY sure what this is but it appears to be the Virgin Mary (if someone can id this a bit better for me I would be appreciative). Found it at the Lodge where I hunt.

Another Civil War bullet here. After obtaining it's size and weight we were able to determine that this is one of the three rear balls on a Civil Way BucknBall shotgun round. You can tell that this has been fired and on the other side has a small flat spot where it hit it's target.

While hunting a field we came across a nice size group of Turkeys. Beautiful birds, wish I had a better pic of them! I guess these would qualify as a Wildcard find? Either way I'll submit them!

Now this is a unique item I found. I know it is a button but what type I have no clue. The front appears to have an "I" on it but it actually appears to be a dent in the button. Under a magnifying glass you can see details that appear to "possibly" be feathers or eagles feet (could just be my imagination also). Either way it was found at the same depth and within 3 feet of the Civil War bullets I found so I'll assume it is a Civil War button (until I can be proven otherwise!)

Here is a fragment of a Civil War bullet. Not sure what caliber it is going to be because of the deformity. I have some other smaller pieces I found around it but this was the main piece.

And finally my second silver ever. A 1953 D Silver Washington Quarter. Found it in a spot that I had hunting many times before. I thank my new Bigfoot coil for finding this one!

All in all it was a good month. I found some nice stuff and also got to bring my new son home! I know that my hunting time will greatly decrease from here on out so my finds will be fewer and farer between!!!
A little information on the medal. That is a Holy Virgin Mary Miraculous medal. Beyond being the mother of Jesus, she was also known as the protector of humanity. Depending on the age and metal content, it might be worth a few bucks if you decide to sell. Mary
As far as the Mary Medal goes, it is starting to coorode so I doubt anyone would want to pay anything for it.
<< <i>cool finds asutodd...the neckerchief slide is from the webelos, and i don't think it's that old....webelos is the stage of scouting between the cub scouts and the boy scouts....infantry button ? i hope so....hh >>
I was a Webelo. Probably still have the get-up stashed somewhere. Never continued on through Boyscouts though. Lots of fun while I did it.
I don't know of any variants with an incuse "I", but maybe. The button certainly looks about the right age. And some of those rarer Confederate locals are worth big bucks, even in sorry shape! A lot of them were sorry-looking when they were new, as they were crudely made, for the most part.
I have found one "block I" myself. It had a nail through the shank. Sold it on eBay (rusty nail and dent and all) for $113, several years ago- and it wasn't a Confederate local.
Here it is, in part of the collage banners from my forum's intro page.
Can't swear yours is Confederate, but from what I've seen so far, it has my Best Relic vote, merely for the "what if" factor of it. And there were certainly Confed local buttons made in your part of the country.
As to your turkeys, they're probably not Wildcard-suitable, being wildlife, but maybe we should add a "best photo" competition, eh? I love the shots, with the stubbled field and all. We don't see enough sceneshots on treasure hunting forums... the finds are only half the story! This is why I love Zot's posts- he includes lots of sceneshots of Finland, and the mandatory "critter pic" in many of them. (Not that he is the only one who tells a good story with good pictures).
Oh... I forgot. Your Catholic medal is called a "Miraculous Mary" medal. I have found one, maybe two of them over the years. Like St. Christopher medals, they're a rather common find, at least in the religious medal department. I believe, like the St. Christophers, that you can find them in both silver plate and Sterling silver. One of the three or so St. Christophers I have found is Sterling. I keep it on the rearview mirror of my van. A friend of mine wears a gold one, so maybe they made the Miraculous Maries in gold, too.