First treasure hunt

Ok well I am back and it was interesting. It was frustrating at first. I went to the local park and found a lot of pull tabs. But then it started getting cool. Nothing big at first just a bunch of pennies. Then I hit a gold mine. Or a clad mine i should say. I found $.55 all stuck together. This find made me think. How in the heck does 2 quarters and a nickel dating 2006 get 5 inches into the soil that far? I don't have a digital camera yet so I wont be able to post any pics for a while.
In total I made $ .87. However I did find a ring. I don't know if it is silver or aluminum but, it was fun. I am using a Bounty hunter quick draw ll. I bet it will get a lot more fun once I know how to use it properly. I live in Washington state so I don't know how many aniques I may find. I am wanting to find more old coins and gold rings. Any hints on where to look. I was thinking under the bleachers at the local schools and beaches for finding rings.
Well off to do the family time thing. Looking forward to hearing any comments.
Good Day all
In total I made $ .87. However I did find a ring. I don't know if it is silver or aluminum but, it was fun. I am using a Bounty hunter quick draw ll. I bet it will get a lot more fun once I know how to use it properly. I live in Washington state so I don't know how many aniques I may find. I am wanting to find more old coins and gold rings. Any hints on where to look. I was thinking under the bleachers at the local schools and beaches for finding rings.
Well off to do the family time thing. Looking forward to hearing any comments.
Good Day all
Yes! And Yes! !
Under grand stands is a good place...but can be hard work.
The beach is also a fine place to get the goods. Get a sand scoop or make one.
Good Luck
Those old yards could cough up some silver coins... I think that's usually the easiest way to find silver coins.
Scary Jerry
The older pocket spills are even MORE fun.
The BH QD2 is a good machine, if it is anything like its QD1 predecessor. I had the original Quick Draw, and it was a bangin' little machine for the money, and nice and lightweight, too!
Washington State? No colonial coins for you, perhaps, but you live in an area old enough for Seated Liberties, for sure. I think I read about some Seattle parks in H. Glenn Carson's Coinshooting book, a classic which came out in the 1970s. If you can pick up a copy, do so, by all means. The advice in it is timeless, even though detectors have changed. The way Carson wrote the book, it will probably never become obsolete. I believe the subtitle of the book is "how and where to use a metal detector", or something like that. I need to buy another copy. I had it almost completely memorized when I was younger. Carson covers the "where to go" question pretty nicely. He used to write a column in the back of Western & Eastern Treasures magazine. (For all I know, he still does, though he can't be that young anymore).