Home PSA Set Registry Forum

So much for trying to have "the best" set anymore!

Tonight i got a real shock when going to look at one of my vintage 'basic' sets, and found some "newcomer" who had just entered the ENTIRE set, all in 8's, 9's, and even a '10'! Kind of takes the fun out of it, when we "average" collectors can have some "millionaire bully" come along, and basically just "buy his way to the top"! This guy is like the "George Steinbrenner" of the hobby. Just what the h*ll is he trying to prove? I guess "ethically" we're not "allowed" to mention names of people like this, but it's probably no secret who i'm referring to--this joker has ZILLIONS of sets in the Registry. It's one thing just trying to have some "friendly competition" among other collectors of modest means, but it's just downright ridiculous when you have "millionaire bullies" in the mix, just BUYING their way to the top, when they probably have absolutely no admiration for the players themselves, as we ordinary collectors do.

Am i alone in my thinking on this, or "is all fair, in love and war" and "the one with the MOST MONEY 'wins' "??


  • I'm not sure who this millionaire bully is, but you can't begrudge someone else's collection or their means to collect what they like at the grades they can afford. It is about competition, but there is nothing wrong with having a nice collection of your favorite player in the condition that you want/like.
    I'll never be #1 in my player sets. But, if I get the cards in great condition that display well, who cares what some contrived registry says?

    That's my 2 cents.
    Ted Williams, Willie Mays, Tom Seaver, Mike Schmidt, George Brett, Bob Gibson, Lou Brock player collector
  • yawie99yawie99 Posts: 2,575 ✭✭✭
    You're alone.

    Seriously, though, just let it go and collect for yourself, not for Registry ratings. You'll be much happier.
  • What set were you collecting?
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    How did he bully you? I sense a little jealousy here.

    Good for you.
  • perkdogperkdog Posts: 31,226 ✭✭✭✭✭
    image How do you know this collector might not have admiration for the players? And who says you need that anyways? The registry has some fierce competition amongst some heavy duty collectors! Ya cant fault them for having the big bucks and beautiful collections, enjoy your set and dont get caught up in who has the best set or the most sets!!!
  • bluemarlinbluemarlin Posts: 627 ✭✭✭
    So he's got a better collection than you,Big deal.

  • i'm sort of on the fence on this issue but i do see the original poster's point. not sure which set we're referring to or if the "newcomer" is already starting out in the top spot. to me that is a little different than say someone entering a new set and slowly, for lack of a better term, "earning" his way to the top spot. even though i realize there is no such requirement to do so, it just seems more fun in the name of friendly competition.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Some people are not into the competition angle. The new person may just have finally
    decided to get his cards graded and entered them into the set.

    For all we know he has had them since he was a youngster.

    Or he may have scoured the earth for them and worked his butt off for them too.

    Just because he has money is not a reason to claim he bought his way to the top.


    Good for you.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    So had he entered 1 card per week then it would have been ok?

    I'm at a loss here that anyone would react this way over cards.

    Good for you.
  • Bottom9thBottom9th Posts: 2,695 ✭✭
    I don't see the problem either. Should the 'millionaire' be disqualified because he has too much money? Everyone tries to build the best sets within his or her means. I think the one with the most high quality cards wins.

  • Stupid thread. It's the nature of the beast for "the money" to have the best cards. If you don't have the bankroll then patience is your only option grasshopper. If I hit the powerball saturday you can be DAMN SURE I'm going to BUY the best collection EVER! But.......I wouldn't put it on the registry anyway. I buy for me, not competition or glory or anything else. So here's a hug to whoever started this.
  • With the shamless inconsistancies in PSA grading. Having the top spot on the registry doesn't neccessarily mean you have the nicest set.
    It simply means you have the nicest flips(labels). There are plenty of "Label buyers" that seem to be more concerned buying labels rather than the card in order to move up in the registry.

    The "Money" people will always have the top spots. My suggestion................ Crack your set out of them silly cases and return it to the raw state it was meant to be in.
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    Man, I'd love to make fun of this thread in the worst way but I'll keep it polite.

    Enjoy your collection and who cares what anyone else has compared to yours. If I won the lottery I'd probably go on a buying spree myself and register my sets just for the fun of it. I dont think I would care who I beat out, if I was number 1 or number 20.

    I know there is a lot of competition on the registries and if you are in to that then fine. Instead of complaining, just open up your wallet. If you dont have the means then maybe you shouldnt play the game.
  • mikeschmidtmikeschmidt Posts: 5,756 ✭✭✭
    Maybe your competitor focuses his time on upgrading cards instead of putting quotations around his Internet ramblings. image
    I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
  • TELL US THE SET!! I want to look.
  • BrickBrick Posts: 4,999 ✭✭✭✭✭
    For many vintage sets it takes more than deep pockets to lead the pack. Many cards are hard to find in top condition and those who have them may not be selling. Also there is a great deal of competition among those with means to purchase these cards. Look at the leaderboard of vintage sets, many have GPA over PSA 8. Davalillo has a tremendous collection yet his 1955 Topps set has quite a few PSA 7s and I would assume his pockets are very deep. I notice that the cards he has in 7 are the same ones I either do not have or have in poorer condition. These cards are simply tough. On a side note I need only 12 more cards for my 1955 set and I will have my first complete vintage set in PSA 3 & better and I will be quite proud of it.image
    Collecting 1960 Topps Baseball in PSA 8


  • Let's see if we can figure out which set this is...

    Could it be the Bob Feller Basic Set?
  • RobbyRobby Posts: 675 ✭✭✭
    I'm sure you wrote this in the " heat of the moment " , and I can see where you would be totally frustrated , but as others have mentioned , if you were to win the Mega Game ( $ 270 Million ) you wouldn't have any remorse about blowing everyone away with a multi - million dollar collection !
    The award is just a piece of paper ! There are hundreds of collectors out there with very nice Psa sets that are not registered , that could be # 1 if they wanted to ! I enjoy my card collection , and it is a great hobby to occupy my time ! The hunt and thrill of searching for each card you need to complete your set brick by brick , to me , is very rewarding and fun ! If you had it all , do you think you would be happy , buying your way to the topp ! Once your at the topp , what's left to accomplish ! A vintage car collection , a Morgan dollar set , etc. ect. ect. !!!!!!
    The fun and purpose of card collecting should be about setting a goal , and building the best card collection that you can reasonably afford !
    Dave ' Robbie ' Robinson image
    Collect 1964 Topps Baseball
    1963 Fleer
    Lou Brock Master Set
  • otwcardsotwcards Posts: 5,291 ✭✭✭
    What difference does bankroll play in this that it doesn't play in almost every other aspect of life?

    If you're going to get this upset about someone getting ahead of you in a registry because they "bought their way in," get ready for a very frustrating life!

    And to suggest that someone that has the money to buy the best may not have the same passion as you do is quite an assumption. And seriously, so you think that they're outspending you so that they can "bully" you? Do you really think that is even on their mind?

    Hey, it's a big sandbox and everyone is allowed to play. If you don't like the rules just because someone else can afford to buy the entire class ice cream, either lick up or hush up...
  • gemintgemint Posts: 6,130 ✭✭✭✭✭
    As others have said, just enjoy your collection and don't ridicule someone else based on how you perceive their motivations for collecting. Putting down someone with money for spending too much is like putting down someone who doesn't have money for having a meager collection.

    You don't have to have a #1 ranking to enjoy your collection.
  • detroitfan2detroitfan2 Posts: 3,342 ✭✭✭✭
    For years now I have been lobbying for PSA set registry rules that, using the NHL/NBA/NFL as a model, would enforce a salary cap and revenue sharing. This would take care of this issue once and for all. Under these rules, a small market owner (i.e. poor schmuck) like me would receive an annual revenue sharing check from the MOSH's and Davalillo's of the world to put into my sets so I could be competitive in the registry. image
  • 19541954 Posts: 2,908 ✭✭✭
    Wow! Sounds like you are having a bad day. Steve, no matter how hard we try in life, there is always someone that is faster, better looking, and richer. I think the set registry has been a great tool to bring collectors together not only through cards but by friendships. Most all of us are guys on the message boards and regardless of what our wives think about us, we were built to compete against each other. No one likes to lose when they compete and I understand your disappointment in a way. Just remember that your cards should have the same value to you regardless if you are first or last.

    Looking for high grade rookie cards and unopened boxes/cases
  • shouldabeena10shouldabeena10 Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭

    Don't listen to all of these guys, they know not your pain!

    Mr. Zillionaire has been basically toying with you, letting you feel you were number 1 for quite some time now, as you lovingly and methodically added cards to your set. He's been lurking in the shadows watching you, silently waiting to make his move ... waiting for that precise moment that he beats out your g.p.a., uploads his new #1 set and tosses you like a rag doll from atop your perch. It was definitely a contrived, strategic move. Designed to do nothing but humiliate you and your cards.

    He's probably reading this thread right now, grinning ear to ear, as he rolls around on his mattress stuffed with hundred dollar bills.

    I say we all mount up, ride full steam ahead over to his McMansion, and torch the place to the ground.

    Follow me Men!! Viva La PSA!!!!

    "Vintage Football Cards" A private Facebook Group of 4000 members, for vintage football card trading, sales & auctions. https://facebook.com/groups/vintagefootball/
  • Nascar360Nascar360 Posts: 1,853 ✭✭✭
    At least they didn't wait till the day before the Registry cutoff date to bump you!
  • Like others have said, build your sets for enjoyment and try to make it the best it can be for you.
  • im sorry, do you want me to delete me set?
  • Wouldn't it just turn into a "fight" for the number two spot? Nothing would change "competition" wise, other than the spot you're competeing for (oh, and you wouldn't get the neat little "award" certificate).
    "I've never been able to properly explain myself in this climate" -Raul Duke

    ebay i.d. clydecoolidge - Lots of vintage stars and HOFers, raw, condition fully disclosed.
  • Can't be Bob Feller.
    Dr. Soloway is far from an "average Joe" in collecting and has had his collection featured in SMR.
    I think we need to keep looking for the set.
    Wanted: Bell Brands FB and BB, Chiefs regionals especially those ugly milk cards, Coke caps, Topps and Fleer inserts and test issues from the 60's. 1981 FB Rack pack w/ Jan Stenerud on top.
  • Interesting discussion here... I have to say, I understand the frustration those must feel when trying to collect a few sets and always getting outbid on the tougher cards by buyers with seemingly limitless funds. However, while it's legitimate to feel frustrated about this, I don't think you really have a leg to stand on if you're trying to claim that this (buying frenzy) is somehow an unethical way to obtain high-ranking registry sets. Unless these guys stole the money they are using to buy these cards, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it from my standpoint. As primarily a seller, I actually love to see this sort of thing. If someone is willing to over-pay for cards, that's their right. They worked hard to make that money, shouldn't they be allowed to use it any (legal) way they want to? The thing is, in most cases, you can still get most of the cards your looking for... and at WAY less cost... as long as you're willing to be patient. Once the "money bags" has a particular card, then you can get the next one that hits ebay for much less. And, as someone else said, what's the big deal if someone has a better set than you anyway? After all, we're talking about baseball cards here, not a life and death situation. In the vast majority of instances, this is a hobby... not a livlihood. I think you need to settle down, get a reality check, and go back to the drawing board with a little more patience in mind.

    It's all about perspective anyway... say you've got 2 guys collecting 1973 Topps Baseball. Let's say collector #1 has been at if for 2-3 years, picking up PSA-8 or better at fair prices all through that time. Then, in the last 2 months, collector #2 comes in and starts over-bidding all 73's PSA-8 and up and wins every single one he bids on... often beating out #1. However, instead of crying foul, col #1 continues to pursue his set, picking up good deals on cards that either #2 doesn't need, or has recently won on ebay. Typically, he'll get these cards for much less than what #2 paid for them, even within weeks of the first auction ending. This trend continues until 3 years later when both collectors have completed their sets. Col #2 is at the #1 spot on the registry, while col #1 sits at #3. They both have stunning complete sets in 8 or better, and while col #2 has a slightly better GPA for his set, turns out that he paid $50,000 to put it together. Col #1 sits a couple notches below him, but only paid $12,000 for his set. Assuming they decided to sell, Col #2 would take a HUGE loss on his set while Col #1 would realize a tidy profit due to his scrutiny and patience in finding the right deals.

    Based on these facts alone, I would say that col #1 built the better (more effecient) set. The slightly lower GPA would barely be noticeable to most collectors but he paid significantly less to obtain his set. To me, these facts would give me solice and make up for the fact that I was technically behind in GPA by a fraction. Now, granted... col #2 could probably care less that he overspent by probably $30,000 on his set... just so he could say he was number 1... because money is probably no object to him. However, money IS an object to most of us, so wouldn't you rather know you got a much better deal on your set... even though it may be slightly below his GPA? While this is technically a hypothetical case, it is very closely matched to at least 1 real issue going on right now. So, take a lesson and learn from it... don't get so bent out of shape and concentrate on doing things the way they work best for you.
    Jim G
    All-time favorite athletes:
    Steve Sax, Steve Garvey, Larry Bird, Jerry Rice, Joe Montana, Andre Agassi, Karch Kiraly, Wayne Gretzky, Ichiro Suzuki, Andres Galarraga, Greg Maddux.
    "Make the world a better place... punch both A-Rods in the face (Alex Rodriguez and Andy Roddick)!"
  • jradke4jradke4 Posts: 3,573 ✭✭✭
    less than 1% of my collection is in PSA holders and on the registry. i am sure many others are like this as well. i have no desire to start slabbing all of my sets. i have focused on key cards, teams and players. in addition i use the psa grades as an example of the overall condition of my collection. so while i am currently #1 in the Favre master set I know #2 is hard at working trying to get it back. then again i have more cards that need to be graded to jump back up. i really dont care if i am 1, 2, 3 or whatever. if you ever notice in SMR when they do a story about a set they usually talk to more collectors than just the #1 guy.

    the other reason why i have some sets listed is to share my collection with others, hence why most of mine have scans. as a result of this and the boards i have made contact with some great people here and have even met a few in person. we all help each other out when we can and some of us even give others heads ups on cards on ebay that one might need.

    i have a few pieces of paper from PSA but they really dont mean anything. what means the most is when someone emails you out of the blue and complements you on your set, asks you for advise about PSA and set collecting, etc.
    Packers Fan for Life
    Brett Favre Master Set
    Favre Ticket Stubs
    Favre TD Reciever Autos
    Football HOF Player/etc. Auto Set
    Football HOF Rc's
  • RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    I agree when the set is retired, and then listed as Mastronet or one of the other auction houses, really no need for that ...image I have come to the realization I will never be #1 on any set.
  • julen23julen23 Posts: 4,558 ✭✭
    the best in terms of a % point?

    the best in terms of the cleanest, sharpest cards?

    there are 2 totally different categories, as collectors, we gauge our cardboard by.

  • theczartheczar Posts: 1,590 ✭✭
    i got bumped a few times and was feeling very bummed. then i went out and ordered this little number and who cares who is ahead me in the registry world.

    Your confidence will soar
  • Fuzz,

    To clarify, my guess is this string was started by the owner of the set now in 3rd position...
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    Why even care if you are #1? Is this a bragging rights thing? Distasteful bragging is annoying.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Don't listen to all of these guys, they know not your pain!

    Mr. Zillionaire has been basically toying with you, letting you feel you were number 1 for quite some time now, as you lovingly and methodically added cards to your set. He's been lurking in the shadows watching you, silently waiting to make his move ... waiting for that precise moment that he beats out your g.p.a., uploads his new #1 set and tosses you like a rag doll from atop your perch. It was definitely a contrived, strategic move. Designed to do nothing but humiliate you and your cards.

    He's probably reading this thread right now, grinning ear to ear, as he rolls around on his mattress stuffed with hundred dollar bills.

    I say we all mount up, ride full steam ahead over to his McMansion, and torch the place to the ground.

    Follow me Men!! Viva La PSA!!!!


    Good for you.
  • The NINJA collector
  • Okay, after having started this thread, and checking back here a day later, after a "cooling off" spell, just thought i'd briefly follow-up. Just to settle "which set it is" -- someone guessed correctly that it's the Bob Feller basic set. For quite a while now, i had been a close #2, and contemplating upgrading a few cards to hopefully re-claim the top spot. Yes, i admit i probably take the "challenge" too seriously. The thing that really got my goat was how, out of nowhere along came Mr. Moneybags and established his whole new set all at once, with all 8's, 9's, and a 10. It's not like it had been a "neck and neck race" the whole time. It's probably a good time to re-examine my "motives" for collecting. I do enjoy the challenge of finding the scarcer and hard-to-find stuff, regardless of the grades, so maybe THAT should be my focus, more-so than trying to compete with the George Steinbrenners of the world! Thanks to all of you who have responded--even in sarcasm.
  • grote15grote15 Posts: 29,760 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Why care what someone else is collecting or what his motives are? How do you even know he bought all these cards at one time, or how he feels about them? That seems very presumptuous and unfair. As collectors, we all have different budgets so it's pointless to envy what you can't control.

    Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
  • qualitycardsqualitycards Posts: 2,811 ✭✭✭
    Regardless what place you are in the standings it doesn't diminish the cards you have collected
    and its all about the cards not the finish line. Someone will always have a better house, better
    car & better cards and so on, just enjoy what you have.
    When I worked on my Turkey Red set I was in 7th place and helped all 6 guys ahead of me by
    trading or alerting them to what was available, and none of the 6 enjoyed their set more then me.
    Maybe the same, but not more!
  • He has the complete sets for all the card issues in the Bob Feller basic. Looks like you should have been #3 this whole time anyways, he just never listed the cards in his complete sets into player sets.

  • << <i>For years now I have been lobbying for PSA set registry rules that, using the NHL/NBA/NFL as a model, would enforce a salary cap and revenue sharing. This would take care of this issue once and for all. Under these rules, a small market owner (i.e. poor schmuck) like me would receive an annual revenue sharing check from the MOSH's and Davalillo's of the world to put into my sets so I could be competitive in the registry. image >>

    Collecting PSA graded Steve Young, Marcus Allen, Bret Saberhagen and 1980s Topps Cards.
    Raw: Tony Gonzalez (low #'d cards, and especially 1/1's) and Steve Young.
  • otwcardsotwcards Posts: 5,291 ✭✭✭
    Wow! After cooling off, it still seems like you haven't cooled off.

    Take a step back and figure out what is important to you.

    You've said it, now you need to do it. Get back to your real collecting "motives" and stop worrying about trying to keep up with the Jones'. And get over the fact that someone beat you -- whether they spent more money or not. It's childish!
  • WondoWondo Posts: 2,916 ✭✭✭
    If winning is so important - collect more esoteric sets. I have a relative cheapie 1971 Milk Duds set that (as of now) cannot be beat with any amount of $$$ with the current pop.

    Of course, nobody else cares. image

  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Or you could collect Pepe Frias and be the big shot there.

    Oh wait, maybe not.


    Good for you.
  • What happens if on Monday PSA decides to kill the registry?? Will you toss all of your cards because there is no one who can look at them and see you are number one?? It's just like I tell people who come into the shop I work at. Enjoy what you collect and don't worry about it's value. If your collection was deemed worthless tomorrow it should hopefully still have some importance to you.
  • Reading the OP makes me realize why I stopped coming over to the Registry forum. Really Steve, do you just walk around and get angry at people that have more than you? Are you pissed at people that drive Porsches? Are you pissed at Brad Pitt because he has Angelina? I'm really at a loss for words with the knowledge that people are walking around the world with this mentality.
  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,917 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Get over it, stop whining and moaning. A "millionaire bully", sounds kinda childish to me, more like High School and the QB snagged your girlfriend. Was the guy supposed to PM you that he was gonna top you on the Registry? Did it really impact your life in such a manner that you had to vent about it here? Get a grip man, these are only baseball cards for heaven's sake. In the scheme of life the Registry doesn't amount to squat!

    Appreciate what you have, or quit the hobby and sell.

  • elsnortoelsnorto Posts: 2,012 ✭✭

    << <i>Steve,

    Don't listen to all of these guys, they know not your pain!

    Mr. Zillionaire has been basically toying with you, letting you feel you were number 1 for quite some time now, as you lovingly and methodically added cards to your set. He's been lurking in the shadows watching you, silently waiting to make his move ... waiting for that precise moment that he beats out your g.p.a., uploads his new #1 set and tosses you like a rag doll from atop your perch. It was definitely a contrived, strategic move. Designed to do nothing but humiliate you and your cards.

    He's probably reading this thread right now, grinning ear to ear, as he rolls around on his mattress stuffed with hundred dollar bills.

    I say we all mount up, ride full steam ahead over to his McMansion, and torch the place to the ground.

    Follow me Men!! Viva La PSA!!!! >>

    While early in the race, I am voting this Post Of The Year. It literally made me "LOL" and that, my friends, is not an acronymn I use liberally.


  • << <i> just downright ridiculous when you have "millionaire bullies" in the mix, just BUYING their way to the top, when they probably have absolutely no admiration for the players themselves, as we ordinary collectors do.


    This is the quote of the year IMO. imageimageimageimage
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