Only one find today...

But I did *not* dig trash. 
I think I'm done with the TB sanitarium. Between the tick bite and six hours there without a single cent, I'm done! I did find this, though. I'm sure these were worth quite a bit to someone 15 years ago when they lost the keys to their Dodge Aries and their nagging wife would NOT SHUT UP about the damn things!

I think I'm done with the TB sanitarium. Between the tick bite and six hours there without a single cent, I'm done! I did find this, though. I'm sure these were worth quite a bit to someone 15 years ago when they lost the keys to their Dodge Aries and their nagging wife would NOT SHUT UP about the damn things!

"I'll split the atom! I am the fifth dimension! I am the eighth wonder of the world!" -Gef the talking mongoose.
<< <i> I'm happy I had the discipline to ignore every beep, which I didn't have the last time. So yeah, I'm not discouraged. It's still fun! >>
Not to worry you...but this came in at the pop top range....
<< <i>
<< <i> I'm happy I had the discipline to ignore every beep, which I didn't have the last time. So yeah, I'm not discouraged. It's still fun! >>
Not to worry you...but this came in at the pop top range....
Holy cow! Nice find!
The CZ-3D has a tone, well, more like a screeching wail that tells you you've found a HUGE piece of junk. I'm not talking about pop-top ranges, I mean the "You've found a manhole cover" screech that makes me wanna rip my head phones off. That's what I've been ignoring.
I found two lincolns today! Including a 1968, my oldest find yet!