thought i'd make you northern folk...

a little jealous...ha ha ha!...i'm kiddin.... i'm just trying to share in the joy that is md'ing......i was lucky enough to get out on sat and sun mornings for a few hours each day.....sat i headed down to ft. lauderdale with my buddy who is down from maine and wanted to give md'ing another try....i had all the gear for both of us to do a water hunt, but he decided that a stroll on the sands with the bh id was good enough for him and passed on the swimming (chicken) so i suited up and got wet....the ocean was as calm as could be and i was happy to be out there...after an hour and a half of my underwater, national geographic special, we met back up....i could tell he found something cool by the smirk on his face as i approached....i said "what did ya find"? as he held out his hand and proudly said, "a ring"! this was only his second or third time md'ing and he was excited with his find....a ring marked sterling with a cool looking black pearl ? on it... his previous best find was a pull tab so you can imagine his joy...hee hee hee!....i hated to "one up" him, (not really as he has given me plenty of thumpings on the golf course over the years), so i pulled out my cool looking gold band and told him "next time i'll show you how to program that machine to find gold"...his jaw dropped, both at my comment, and at the sight of the gold band....hee hee hee! he called me a few choice names as he looked at the rings, then we headed off for some breakfast....

it was very cool for both of us to find a ring, and i think he'll want to give it a go next weekend...i gave him the bh id to take with him for the rest of his extended vacation, and told him to go nuts....i hope he finds something good, as he is staying near the treasure coast and has the time to venture out ?
on sunday the sea's were a little rougher... i contemplated going in the water while drinking my coffee on the bumper and watching the sun rise.... "what the hell", i suited up and went was rough and i lasted only an hour or so, but made the most of it after finding a depression in the sea bottom....2 silver rings that had been in the vault for a while as the pics will attest....i wished it would've been calmer and that i had more time to hunt, but i'll take 2 silver rings any day....hh

have a great week everybody

it was very cool for both of us to find a ring, and i think he'll want to give it a go next weekend...i gave him the bh id to take with him for the rest of his extended vacation, and told him to go nuts....i hope he finds something good, as he is staying near the treasure coast and has the time to venture out ?
on sunday the sea's were a little rougher... i contemplated going in the water while drinking my coffee on the bumper and watching the sun rise.... "what the hell", i suited up and went was rough and i lasted only an hour or so, but made the most of it after finding a depression in the sea bottom....2 silver rings that had been in the vault for a while as the pics will attest....i wished it would've been calmer and that i had more time to hunt, but i'll take 2 silver rings any day....hh

have a great week everybody
"see ya at the beach"

Congratulations!!!!!!!! MDH