Consistant noise ever get to you?
I am a proud owner of an Infinium now. I just got it, and the -5 to -15 weather is keeping me indoors till the spring thaw starts to melt the icealong the rivers. Does the constant noise of these machines ever get to you? I watched the Garret instructional video and I am concerned I'll get tired of this because of the ever constant noise. Does this seem to drown out after awhile? How do you pro's deal with the constant noise factor?
My detector has a constant threshold hum and I've become use to it. Also your ears will pick up on slight changes and wobbles in the threshold which may be giving clues to deep objects just out of detection range.
This site may help:
<< <i>On my GTI 2500, I set the threshold to a barely audible sound...I use earphones and I hardly hear it. >>
Quick question Millennium, what type of earphones do you use?
I think I might pick up a pair myself since I'm not too fussy about wearing a headset all day, but I have no idea what would be a good brand to pick up.
Right from the Garrett site. Mine have Koss on them but I can't tell from the pic on the site if they do...