Looks like someone got too close to the railroad tracks!! I ahve several quarters that I put on the tracks as a kid. Amazing I saved them. I can't believe you found only one quarter. I have found quite a few so far in just one month of detecting. Could be the fact I'm in a virgin site. Well, keep up the good work and you'll find a silver one before I do!! Todd
Todd I must admit that the 3rd coin I found with my detector was a 1938 d winged liberty dime. The first two coins were zincolns. Its been a very long dry spell since then though. I thought "hey this is easy". Boy was I wrong. Good luck on more silver . When I get well I'm hitting it with a vengence. Have fun guys.
i made a bunch of those last week. working on the RR can be boring. i like to place 2 coins on the rail and make an impression of each other on each coin.
Have fun guys.