general question about gold/gold jewelry

Figured I would try out this question here first....before badgering the coinboys next door.
Regarding rings, wedding/engagement etc. How do you determine the weight of the ring if there is a gemstone on the ring?
I have inherited a variety of wedding bands, both men's and women, solid gold bands, couple of ruby rings etc.
I'm keeping the ones from my parents and grandparents, but the others have no sentimental value to me.
Besides the weight of the ring, how do you determin the cut of the stone, the quality? I called several jewelry stores, only a couple have a gemologist, and they charge $50 per item, which I thought was just a bit crazy.
Thanks for your input!
Leo M.
Regarding rings, wedding/engagement etc. How do you determine the weight of the ring if there is a gemstone on the ring?
I have inherited a variety of wedding bands, both men's and women, solid gold bands, couple of ruby rings etc.
I'm keeping the ones from my parents and grandparents, but the others have no sentimental value to me.
Besides the weight of the ring, how do you determin the cut of the stone, the quality? I called several jewelry stores, only a couple have a gemologist, and they charge $50 per item, which I thought was just a bit crazy.
Thanks for your input!
Leo M.
I have done considerable research on the net and in books regarding identification of gemstones. While I am NOT a gemologist, I can say that the information available, with careful study, can make you reasonable astute in identifying most gems. Also, there are tools available (electric 'meters') that will identify real diamonds etc as opposed to counterfeit stones. Determining weight (carats/karats) of stones or metal is best done with a good electronic scale available online - roughly $80. You will have to remove the stone for this. Cheers, RickO
Then it's just a matter of subtracting the stone weight from the total weight of the ring. Not 100% acurate of course, but at least you won't have to pop the stones out.
If these rings are in good shape then authentication of the stone is the most essential and they should not necessisarily be seperated from the setting .
If the stones are good enough then it is possible that they are worth more seperated ,, to authenticate diamonds ,rubies and emeralds look for black inclusion within the stone ,,there is no such thing as flawless true stones will have inclusion in them ,,this is especially true of emeralds and rubies ,, diamonds can be tricky to see and clarity is determined by the amount of magnification that is taken to see the debris within the stone ,, the higher the magnification the better the stone .
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