Any White's users here?

I'm contemplating adding another detector to my arsenal here soon and I'm thinking about a White's model. When my tax refund comes in (I'm hoping it's a healthy refund this year since I had 5 months tax-free time in the sands of Iraq this past summer) I'm going to seriously look at either a DFX, XLT or MXT. Can some of you White's users give some honest feedback? I know that all detector reviews NEVER EVER bad mouth a detector and I'm wanting honest info from the people who own them. I know a few White's users and they stand by their machines. They LOVE them.
Are they a good detector on the beach? (I don't currently live within driving distance of a beach, but hopefully next year when I retire from the military, I'll be near a beach.
How does the machine manage with relics?
I've heard they have a fairly steep learning curve. I can completely understand that as far as top end machines go, BUT how hard is it to "learn" the machine?
I guess I'm looking for some versatility to my arsenal and I think the White's machines provide me the best bang for my buck as far as non Garrett machines go.
One last question--What is normally the best deal on these different models from Kellyco? DFX, XLT and the MXT?
Thanks all,
Are they a good detector on the beach? (I don't currently live within driving distance of a beach, but hopefully next year when I retire from the military, I'll be near a beach.
How does the machine manage with relics?
I've heard they have a fairly steep learning curve. I can completely understand that as far as top end machines go, BUT how hard is it to "learn" the machine?
I guess I'm looking for some versatility to my arsenal and I think the White's machines provide me the best bang for my buck as far as non Garrett machines go.
One last question--What is normally the best deal on these different models from Kellyco? DFX, XLT and the MXT?
Thanks all,

For what it's worth...... I'd say White's has a really good track record. I've never owned anything else, so I can't elaborate.
WTB: Barber Quarters XF
In 1990 I got a top of the line White's Eagle II SL90--Still working fine!
I just had to have a White's DFX around 3 years ago! Works just fine!
Now, my wife and I go out and hunt side by side and find stuff. Both detectors are close in abilities.
We go to the salt beach and to the hill tops. They both work fine.
The DFX goes a little deeper and is lighter in weight. I have a BigFOOT coil on each unit.
If I get into an old area with trash...I put on a small coil.
I use the same program for all my huntings.
Good Luck
G Man
(It was a pretty good machine for the era, though.)
Always Looking for Raw Proof Lincoln Cents !!