Kid Stories about metal detecting--Everyone else Add your stories here

I got a little excited and hit post without putting anything in here!!!!
Reading MDH's post made me think of a "kid story". Everyone post their favorite post here.
This happened when I was in the UK.
I was out metal detecting a beach in Oct/Nov (can't really remember) and there were very few people out there. I was on the beach with my 2500 for the first time and I was having some trouble with falsing. It seemed like I was digging more and more ghost signals and I was getting frustrated. Eventually I started moving back up the beach some until I was out of the super wet sand. As I was moving along, I noticed a family with two kids walking out towards the water. The kids would stop and play around for a few minutes in the sand and then keep on moving with their parents. I moved back and forth gridding a small area and I noticed an area that the kids had stopped and played at an area just in front of me. One of the kids had placed an "X" in the sand and I said to myself, "wouldn't it be cool if X marks the spot?" I moved on by (the "X" wasn't within reach of my grid yet) and stopped shortly after and made my turn back. When I got to the X in the sand, there wasn't a sound. I said to myself, "oh well, maybe not this time." Within two feet of the X, I get a solid mid range signal at about 6-7 inches deep. I immediately started digging and out popped a 24K gold wedding band. I quickly placed it on my finger and I made my way back up towards the vehicle. I had already been there for about 2.5 hours and I had about an hours drive ahead of me back home. I figured I better call it quits on that find and make my way home.
The "X" was off by just a smiggin but I'll never forget that as long as I live. Anytime I'm out detecting and I see a kid make a place in the ground--smiley face, X, circle, etc, I always dig. It hasn't happened again, but you never know when it will happen again.
Here's a pic of the ring.

Reading MDH's post made me think of a "kid story". Everyone post their favorite post here.
This happened when I was in the UK.
I was out metal detecting a beach in Oct/Nov (can't really remember) and there were very few people out there. I was on the beach with my 2500 for the first time and I was having some trouble with falsing. It seemed like I was digging more and more ghost signals and I was getting frustrated. Eventually I started moving back up the beach some until I was out of the super wet sand. As I was moving along, I noticed a family with two kids walking out towards the water. The kids would stop and play around for a few minutes in the sand and then keep on moving with their parents. I moved back and forth gridding a small area and I noticed an area that the kids had stopped and played at an area just in front of me. One of the kids had placed an "X" in the sand and I said to myself, "wouldn't it be cool if X marks the spot?" I moved on by (the "X" wasn't within reach of my grid yet) and stopped shortly after and made my turn back. When I got to the X in the sand, there wasn't a sound. I said to myself, "oh well, maybe not this time." Within two feet of the X, I get a solid mid range signal at about 6-7 inches deep. I immediately started digging and out popped a 24K gold wedding band. I quickly placed it on my finger and I made my way back up towards the vehicle. I had already been there for about 2.5 hours and I had about an hours drive ahead of me back home. I figured I better call it quits on that find and make my way home.
The "X" was off by just a smiggin but I'll never forget that as long as I live. Anytime I'm out detecting and I see a kid make a place in the ground--smiley face, X, circle, etc, I always dig. It hasn't happened again, but you never know when it will happen again.
Here's a pic of the ring.


<< <i>I got a little excited and hit post without putting anything in here!!!!
Reading MDH's post made me think of a "kid story". Everyone post their favorite post here.
This happened when I was in the UK.
I was out metal detecting a beach in Oct/Nov (can't really remember) and there were very few people out there. I was on the beach with my 2500 for the first time and I was having some trouble with falsing. It seemed like I was digging more and more ghost signals and I was getting frustrated. Eventually I started moving back up the beach some until I was out of the super wet sand. As I was moving along, I noticed a family with two kids walking out towards the water. The kids would stop and play around for a few minutes in the sand and then keep on moving with their parents. I moved back and forth gridding a small area and I noticed an area that the kids had stopped and played at an area just in front of me. One of the kids had placed an "X" in the sand and I said to myself, "wouldn't it be cool if X marks the spot?" I moved on by (the "X" wasn't within reach of my grid yet) and stopped shortly after and made my turn back. When I got to the X in the sand, there wasn't a sound. I said to myself, "oh well, maybe not this time." Within two feet of the X, I get a solid mid range signal at about 6-7 inches deep. I immediately started digging and out popped a 24K gold wedding band. I quickly placed it on my finger and I made my way back up towards the vehicle. I had already been there for about 2.5 hours and I had about an hours drive ahead of me back home. I figured I better call it quits on that find and make my way home.
The "X" was off by just a smiggin but I'll never forget that as long as I live. Anytime I'm out detecting and I see a kid make a place in the ground--smiley face, X, circle, etc, I always dig. It hasn't happened again, but you never know when it will happen again.
Here's a pic of the ring.
Great story, Metaldetectinghounds story reminded me alot of a similar situation I was in last summer- working a beach area at a campground near the bath houses. A group of young boys, probably 7-10 year olds if I had to guess, came running up seeing me with my metal detector and digging holes- asking what I was doing. I so wanted to find something cool for them to see- but kept digging bottle caps or zincolns. So- as this was the day I had previously dug a large bronze silver dollar size Indian head token dollar , while they were looking away to their parents calling them to go, I quickly reached into my apron and dropped the dollar token back into the hole and when they took one last look and saw it they were pretty excited, one kid grabbed it and went running off to his mother. I got up and started swinging the detector again- I had my headphones off so they could hear the signal (actually I think they broke earlier that day) anyways, I had plenty of eager diggers standing by for a few minutes- I was getting worried that the one with my digging tool I let them use was going to hack into someones hand, fortunately their parents called and the one brought back the token and they left shortly thereafter. Who knows maybe one of them persuaded their parents to buy them a metal detector for Christmas instead of a Wee... or whatever you call it
<< <i>I was on the beach with my 2500 for the first time and I was having some trouble with falsing >>
I noticed this yesterday AM, though the falsing was nowhere near as bad as it had been with my 550. I moved the sensitivity down. Were you using the Salt Elimination?
As far as the salt elim feature--it was so long ago, but I do remember turning it on and not getting that much different results from the 2500. I messed around with a couple of the different settings on the machine but I can't remember what it was on when I found the ring. Also, this was very soon after I got the detector as well. I was still a very new novice on it.
I do seem to think that the Garrett machines that I own aren't that great near salt water (especially the wet sand) but I did manage to find that beauty of a ring. I've never used anything other than a Garrett and I've only been on the beach 2 or 3 times with my detectors altogether (both the Ace 250 and the 2500) so I'm not neccesarily a good person to comment on that. I think if I were to revisit the beach now, I would be a little bit more familiar with the machine in the sand.
I think if I was going to do a whole lot of wet surf hunting, I would definetly get a PI machine.
I know this wasn't alot of help to you, but I have had so few opportunities to hunt the sand, I can't give you any semi-decent feedback.