Wedding ring

Even though this is an old find, it is a find. It is a .925 silver wedding ring. Only problem is the stones are cubic zirconia. I put an ad the the local newspaper trying to find the owner.....Guess she was definetly through with the guy as I got no response to the ad. It was found in a park where lots of picnics are held.

Welcome back!
That's a very nice ring.
I was completely confused for a moment when looking at the picture, as it looked like the ring has been put around a massive log!
I then saw your fingers at the top, which put things back into their correct scale
When you write a post, there's a drop-down menu to the far right at the top of the post that says "Select Emotion".
When you click on it you get a long list you can select from. The ones I used in my post are "Big grin", "smile" and "funny"
It easily happens that one starts using these funny faces a bit too much, but they can be useful to spice up the posts a bit and avoid misunderstandings (e.g. by putting a wink after something that's meant to be a joke...)
Happy ones I tend to use a lot
Big grin
When finding something great:
Dancing smiley
...and when not finding anything great.....:
Uber mad
When drooling at someone else's finds.....
You can also write them without using the drop-down meny by just typing in the characters used for each one (for example, "big grin" is a colon followed by capital D), but it's probably easiest to select from the menu at first.
By using the preview button you can see what your funny faces will look like before you submit the post on the board.
Thanks for all the information. I appreciate it. That's a very nice collection of rings you have there. I always wonder how people can be so careless. Then again, some of them could be thrown away on purpose.
I love reading your posts and seeing your great finds that you have made. I know that you probably said earlier but how long have you been detecting and what detectors do you use?
I am glad you have enjoyed reading the posts I have written. This February will be (13) years that I have been doing this great hobby. Sometimes it seems like I just started last week. One of these days, as time permits, I am going to write a new post on how I got started. I believe it will be an interesting read. I use a very inexpensive Bounty Hunter Tracker IV. (Cost $129.95) This is actually my third one. I have literally worn out two of them. I bought a White's XLT several years ago and I only kept it for about a week. I returned it because I liked the Tracker IV much better. The first 4-5 years I was out almost daily and many times I would go out 2-3 times the same day. (I have been retired for over 20 years, so I have lots of time to spend on my hobby.)
I mentioned in one of my posts that I am almost 74 years old. I am currently in Southern Arizona and there are not too many places to go here. Many parks are off limits to detecting. Big signs that read "NO METAL DETECTING"
Much of the area is American Indian Sacred Grounds and I've heard that big fines can be levied to anyone who tries detecting there. I'll take their word for it. When I am in Colorado, I still get out almost daily. The good Lord has blessed my with very good health. All of the schools in this area have fences around them and they are always locked. Can't get into those potentially lucrative soccer fields, football fields, and baseball diamonds.
Goodness, I sure know how to rattle on don't I?
I am down in Elizabeth now and have a couple other members who are out here. Waiting for the snow to melt....but looks like we are getting more on Monday...
Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.