The Official "ASUtodd's First Silver" betting pool- what's it gonna be when he finds it?

Poor Tood is goin' nutso, obsessing about finding his first piece of silver.
Since the more he obsesses about it, the longer it is gonna take him to find it, I thought I'd have some fun at his expense, which will no doubt get him even itchier, so this might be a long-running thread!

We shall see!
When his lucky day arrives (which it should... evennnntually... haha), what type of silver coin do you think it will be?
Predict the type and date of the coin to win. You don't have to guess the date on the coin exactly, though you do have to get the type right. Once we see what type he finds, then we can use the guessed dates to narrow it down.
Winner gets this lucky medal I carried on a recent hunt (which worked quite well, enabling me to find another, older medal!)

Now, MY money's on his first silver being a Mercury dime, but that is a safe bet, statistically speaking. As is a silver Roosie dime. But MY first silver coin, found back in the early 1980s, was a dateless Standing Liberty quarter, or, if you count only from 1992 when I began keeping proper records of my finds, it was a silver Washington quarter.
But my bets don't count here, since I will be giving the prize. Go ahead, pick what you think is the most likely silver coin he is likely to break into "the silver club" with. If more than one person names a particular type, then we check the dates you guessed to see who got closer. If we still have a tie, then the prize goes to the first one who posted it.
Oh yeah-sorry,Todd, but since you have at least partial control over the outcome, I guess I can't let you bet in your own First Silver pool. But you get my services as a detecting tour guide in April, so if you ain't found it by then, we will have to work VERY hard on taking you somewhere that you can pull it off.
Besides, you'll have found your first silver coin, so you'll be on Cloud Nine anyway. It's a magical feeling, no matter how humble a piece of silver the coin might be. I remember my first like it was yesterday, even though it was more than a quarter of a century ago that I dug it.
Since the more he obsesses about it, the longer it is gonna take him to find it, I thought I'd have some fun at his expense, which will no doubt get him even itchier, so this might be a long-running thread!

We shall see!

When his lucky day arrives (which it should... evennnntually... haha), what type of silver coin do you think it will be?
Predict the type and date of the coin to win. You don't have to guess the date on the coin exactly, though you do have to get the type right. Once we see what type he finds, then we can use the guessed dates to narrow it down.
Winner gets this lucky medal I carried on a recent hunt (which worked quite well, enabling me to find another, older medal!)

Now, MY money's on his first silver being a Mercury dime, but that is a safe bet, statistically speaking. As is a silver Roosie dime. But MY first silver coin, found back in the early 1980s, was a dateless Standing Liberty quarter, or, if you count only from 1992 when I began keeping proper records of my finds, it was a silver Washington quarter.
But my bets don't count here, since I will be giving the prize. Go ahead, pick what you think is the most likely silver coin he is likely to break into "the silver club" with. If more than one person names a particular type, then we check the dates you guessed to see who got closer. If we still have a tie, then the prize goes to the first one who posted it.
Oh yeah-sorry,Todd, but since you have at least partial control over the outcome, I guess I can't let you bet in your own First Silver pool. But you get my services as a detecting tour guide in April, so if you ain't found it by then, we will have to work VERY hard on taking you somewhere that you can pull it off.

Besides, you'll have found your first silver coin, so you'll be on Cloud Nine anyway. It's a magical feeling, no matter how humble a piece of silver the coin might be. I remember my first like it was yesterday, even though it was more than a quarter of a century ago that I dug it.
My bet's going to be a 64 no mint Rosie.
G. Man
Go get it Todd!! I need that medal
NA...LOL....just pullin yer chain..I'll predict a Merc Dime 1944...Good luck and keep at it!
My first Merc was a 1942, but it wasn't my first silver coin. Still, it showed up fairly early in my career.
Like Todd, obsessing about getting his first silver, I obsessed about my first Merc, which made it take longer. But it showed up.
Sometime in '93 or '94, I watched a buddy dig a V-nickel next to me and obsessed about getting my first one. It seemed it would never happen. My friends even tortured me by carving V's into modern Jefferson nickels and planting them in my path! LOL.
Finally it happened, a month or two after the obsession took hold.
Since I'm not playing for the prize, I get to make three guesses.
1. A Merc dime from the 1940s.
2. A silver Roosie from just about any date between '46 and '64.
3. A silver Washington, I'm guessing 1940s or 1950s. I seem to have found several 1944s.
Speaking of obsessions, I still have yet to dig my first silver Washington from the 1930s. Just hasn't happened yet. Nor have I yet dug a mintmarked Buffalo nickel, though I have dug many Buffs, including two 1913 coins, one being Type 1 and the other Type 2. You'd think I'd have found a common-date mintmarked coin before I got those.
Hint- don't guess "25 penniä" or "2 Markkaa".
Tell you what- do it by February 1st and I'll give you a German mark of that period. I'm bound to have one lying around.
OK I'll play. But I'm putting the bar high:
Walking Liberty half, 1941 no mintmark
But cruel in a kind way, of course... at least we're showing we care!
PS- do you suppose I frightened metaldetectinghound away? Yikes. I guess he wasn't ready for the likes o' me?
But then again, as I mentioned, my very first dug silver was just that- a dateless SLQ. (Back in the early '80s, before I kept records on my finds, so I don't count it in my current silver tally).
Go get it Todd~!
Good luck and HH,
1836 Capped Liberty
dime. My oldest US
detecting find so far.
I dig almost every
signal I get for the most
part. Go figure...
<< <i>how about the ever frustrating 1892 barber dime, just a year shy of a seated. hahahahaha >>
I'd take one of those, with no frustration at all!
Seated half dollar.
Good Luck Todd. I really hope it's bigger than that!
<< <i>Holy crap man, you trying to give me a heartattack???? The only thing scarier than that would be a picture of Dick Cheney and John McCain with shotguns roaming the streets!!!
Todd >>
why arent you out there finding that silver coin?...hee hee hee!...hh
"well,,,we're waiting"
Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.
<< <i>My first Merc was a 1942, but it wasn't my first silver coin. >>
My first Merc was a 1942 as well, but it was my first silver coin.
Strange thing is most of the Mercs I've found date 1942. I think I have 9 or 10 now.
So I'll guess a 1942 Merc as Todd's first Silver.
I hope he finds better though!
<< <i>Poor Tood is goin' nutso, obsessing about finding his first piece of silver.
Since the more he obsesses about it, the longer it is gonna take him to find it, I thought I'd have some fun at his expense, which will no doubt get him even itchier, so this might be a long-running thread!
We shall see!
When his lucky day arrives (which it should... evennnntually... haha), what type of silver coin do you think it will be?
Predict the type and date of the coin to win. You don't have to guess the date on the coin exactly, though you do have to get the type right. Once we see what type he finds, then we can use the guessed dates to narrow it down.
Winner gets this lucky medal I carried on a recent hunt (which worked quite well, enabling me to find another, older medal!)
Now, MY money's on his first silver being a Mercury dime, but that is a safe bet, statistically speaking. As is a silver Roosie dime. But MY first silver coin, found back in the early 1980s, was a dateless Standing Liberty quarter, or, if you count only from 1992 when I began keeping proper records of my finds, it was a silver Washington quarter.
But my bets don't count here, since I will be giving the prize. Go ahead, pick what you think is the most likely silver coin he is likely to break into "the silver club" with. If more than one person names a particular type, then we check the dates you guessed to see who got closer. If we still have a tie, then the prize goes to the first one who posted it.
Oh yeah-sorry,Todd, but since you have at least partial control over the outcome, I guess I can't let you bet in your own First Silver pool. But you get my services as a detecting tour guide in April, so if you ain't found it by then, we will have to work VERY hard on taking you somewhere that you can pull it off.
Besides, you'll have found your first silver coin, so you'll be on Cloud Nine anyway. It's a magical feeling, no matter how humble a piece of silver the coin might be. I remember my first like it was yesterday, even though it was more than a quarter of a century ago that I dug it. >>
1796 quarter
or a piece of jewelry earring or ring .
Always Looking for Raw Proof Lincoln Cents !!
<< <i>Thanks for the opportunity Rob.
My bet's going to be a 64 no mint Rosie.
G. Man >>
Forgot to congratulate you on the win, Gary!