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The 1819/18 O-103 R-5 from edmerlr's Second Auction arrived today

When I saw the coin in Ed's auction I really liked the look of it from the scans. In the auction Ed said "This die state is almost impossible to find with the EXACT die crack diagnostics as described in the Overton/Parsley book. That is, the O/P book states (by omission) that there is NO reverse die crack. I have been told that there are no more than 4 examples extant of this die state without the reverse die crack. The following coin is as close as I have come. This coin has the die crack under the E in AMERICA. The die crack runs up to the right wing, but stops just short of going into the right wing. I have checked with other Bust Half specialists and it is felt that the O-103 without ANY die crack should be renamed the "O-103 Prime." ...and I was told that my coin qualifies for the O-103, R5. "

After hearing that is was a R-5 I thought I need to pick this one up so I sent my bid of $380 to Ed on December 20th. I was lucky enough to have placed my bid early because Ed said that someone else had tied my bid after New Years so since I placed my bid first I won it. In hand she is absolutely gorgeous. Thanks again, Ed. She is an outstanding addition to the collection.image

Well here she is. What do you think of her?image


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