2007 finds summary... better late than never
I like seeing everyone's year in review pics, so here's my summary pic with most of the best finds. This is usually the pic that I save and refer to as "eye candy" later when I look back at the year.
Oldest verified coin 1792 1/2 real
Total silver 45 (missing some I think)
Spanish silver 2 (1 real, 1/2 real)
Seateds 3 (quarter, dime, half-dime)
Barbers 7
Halves 3 (Barber, Walker, Franklin)
Gold items 6
many tokens (1884 horse drawn railroad token was my favorite)
buttons (4 p-buttons, but my favorite was a "Mexicana Republica")
Hopefully the picture is clear enough so you can see the other totals too...
Many fun hunts last year, Demodigger and I continued the night hunts due to busy schedules. Hopefully we can keep that up this year if we have the energy!
Happy hunting in 2008!

(pic was too big so I had to break it in two)

You have a lot of variety on the silver coins , "one of each" of many good ones --> many building blocks in place for a dug silver type set right there!
The buttons and tokens are excellent! Most of them look to be in really good shape to boot.
On your gold items, I'm always fascinated how different your gold finds are compared to what I find over here. Lots of variety with charms, bracelets, rings, etc...
I'm only finding rings.
Say, I found a little General Service button with the gilt on it like that during a previous visit to Satilla Square. Not the current visit, where the Knights of Pythias medal came up, but the one before that, when I had just gotten the GTI-2500.
You suck for having multiple Phoenix buttons. Geez.
You know, overlooking the jealousy-inducing stuff like the SLQ and Barber half and Seated stuff for a moment- I see a piece that I think is neat... that little $1.00 token near the thimble. (Speaking of thimbles, the few I dig are usually smushed flat, and I have never found a silver one).
<< <i>Halves 3 (Barber, Walker, Franklin) >>
I've found five halves EVER. (Six, if you count one clad coin).
And two pieces of Spanish silver in a year is a good total, in my book. Some relic hunters may top that, but I for one have not found any Spanish silver in about four years.
Hadn't thought about that but yes, my variety was higher last year. I could see how easily I may have had only mercury and Roosevelt dimes. As for the tokens, those were a big surprise for me last year... previous years I might find one or two, but several ended up in my pouch last year. And the jewelry... that is odd, but do you think it might be a cultural thing? From what I saw in Europe, most people kept things simple and classy, or do you see others wearing the other sorts of items like necklaces, bracelets and the charms?
Thanks Dubba!
Hope 2008 is a good one for you too
Thanks Jerry!
I think you would blow both Zot and me away when it comes to the gold finds. (maybe due to different site preferences?... but I always enjoy seeing that tray of finds you post)
Thanks LM!
That gen. svce. button was incredible coming out of the deep turf. I was informed that it could be from WWI, and during those years the buttons received a more generous amount of gilt than the later buttons (WWII). The mfg's script on the back even seems a little older so the explanation made sense to me. As for the p-buttons, I had one week that was incredible last year... got out with DemoDigger twice in about one week, and back to back hunts produced a total of 3 (2 cuffs during one hunt, and 1 coat during the other). I have heard that a p-button was found out on your coast (probably more, but not recorded). Would be interesting to speculate how those end up out your way. The $1 token was found by going back to an iron laced site that had previously produced many mercs and wheatbacks... used a small coil, and found that one hiding amid the iron. The silver thimble was found in school/park turf that was producing "modern" silver coins and my guess is that the thimble was below the those finds... probably from the home site that pre-dated the modern turf. Concerning the halves... those are tough finds. Of the 3- one came from wandering out in the middle of an area that had nothing else in it, one was in a hole with iron and I almost didn't dig it (DemoDigger can attest to that one... he had just walked over the area so I figure the iron was really affecting that signal), and the last one from a super deep pocket spill that only had a nickel whisper that coaxed me to dig (inches below the nickel, silver was hiding). Spanish silver can be tough too, but it's all about the location... DemoDigger and I have a friend out here that dug almost a couple dozen Spanish silvers last year- wow. Hope you have more opportunities to get out this year... love to see those additions to the digger's diary.
<< <i>And the jewelry... that is odd, but do you think it might be a cultural thing? >>
It's a cultural thing. Few people wear gold charms or bracelets over here. This may vary between European countries (plenty of cultural differences within Europe alright...), but at least in Finland it's rare.
Especially when you take in to account how little MD time you are able to muster up.
Lafayette Grading Set
<< <i>It's a cultural thing. Few people wear gold charms or bracelets over here. This may vary between European countries (plenty of cultural differences within Europe alright...), but at least in Finland it's rare. >>
Zot, Here's another note... mentioned your observation to my wife and she said that we have a large Spanish/Mexican population and most are Catholic. It almost becomes a joke when I tell my wife I found another gold charm. She will immediately say "Catholic?"
Thanks Ricko!
Yes, that represents a lot of coil time...
Thanks GR!
I may have limited opportunities, but I find ways to get out so it doesn't affect family time (lunch time and night hunts!)
Thanks PPC!
(I remember Tony
If you took his idea and ran with it, the results would be stunning.
Thanks GoldenEye!
LM, thanks. That's a great way to document and remember finds. Thanks for the reply, I would've missed Zot's link had you not provided the link here. (things have been moving a little more quickly around here in the forum!)
That is an awesome year if I say so myself. I can only hope to find the variety of different coins that you have found. (That's over the next couple of years, not this year alone) I'm still waiting to find my first Barber coin, first American coin older than 1900, first half dollar, first Indian head, first Buff nickel and quite a few others.
The day will come and when it does, you better believe that I'll show them--not to show off, but so I can share those finds with everyone here.
Once again, congrats on your finds. How would this past year compare to other years' finds? Was this year better/worse/average?
Thanks Speer!
I really enjoy seeing other's finds here... sometimes I get wrapped up with all the other responsibilities and don't post, but the year-end pic is one I like to submit.
As for best years, 2007 was probably 2nd best, even though I found more silver... I think 2006 was my best due to quantity/quality of oldies (my most seateds found in a year came from 2006 = 11).
I'll attach my 2006 picture below (less any jewelry found that year... forgot, or just didn't add it to the pic that year). The other years were good, found some fun oldies, but quantities were not as high as the last couple years.
Thanks for the reply. I enjoy seeing the silver you dig up... keep on diggin'. I'm looking forward to seeing you hit your goals!
Once again, that is an awesome pic. The areas that I've been hunting recently aren't going to produce "old" finds. Yeah, I'm getting some "recent silver" which isn't a bad thing--silver is silver. I do have a few areas that I can hunt that hopefully will produce some older finds (early 1900's anyway) and hopefully I can get out to one or two of those areas here over the next couple of weekends.
I'm looking forward to seeing some of your future finds (when you get time to take pics of them)
What kind of areas are you hunting? You are in CA, right?
Thanks again Speer!
Yes, I'm in CA... mostly hunt older parks (search for the super deep targets only), demo's, and any open fields that had history.
If you have the old spots in your area, the old stuff is there! What state are you in? (think you mentioned 2, due to military moves, correct?)
lets see gold coin, silver dollar......
I'm currently in OK. The SW part of the state. I have an old ghost town (long gone--it's now a cotton field) that is within 3 miles of me and I have gotten permission to go out there to hunt that field. I have found a few things out there but mostly modern farm equipment (no, not tractors or ploughs, some of the lost smaller pieces
Anyway, I'll keep looking and I'll eventually find it. When I do, I hope there are goodies to pick up.