First gold of the year...
Not much to say about this one but last week I decided I didn't care that it was raining a bit during lunch, and went out to a park near my office. I only picked up the usual clad coins, and then walked over this signal that was "sneaky clean." When I'd swing the coil over it from all directions, it was showing +12 on my XLT and the number didn't budge (usually a great sign). It's a small ring for a child, barely fits on my pinky, but it's marked 14K. (per a quick net search, the "BG" refers to "baby gold")

Congrats on the gold!!
Ricko and Dubba - Thanks!
Zot- noted, and sig-line now reflects the change.
I don't think I can stomach a loss in a case where Rick is even only counting his finds as halves....
Thanks Davbec!
Zot- I thought you'd say that! haha! So, you know I just have to leave it that way now!
(you're going to kill me this year anyway so my "point 5" will be appropriate by December '08)
Thanks Speer!
Not selling short, just setting realistic expectations due to baby#4 showing up about 8 weeks ago.
Thanks G-man! I knew you'd appreciate that comment since we've talked about those solid vdi hits