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Does a trimmed card have any value?

I know I may get answers from all sides, but I was wondering what everyones view was on trimmed cards. And when I ask about trimmed cards, I am not talking about modern cards, but vintage. Mantle, Williams, Robinson and those guys. Is there a price range where a trimmed card would still have value? For instance, does a card that books at $1000 have any value when it's trimmed or should it be at least $2000?

The reason I am asking is there is a card I am looking at that books around $3000 in nmt shape, but this copy is trimmed. Just slightly, you can hardly notice it unless you are looking for it and it still displays nice. The card has a price tag of $200 on it and I am wondering if it is worth a couple of hundred, because there is no way I could afford a copy that looks as nice as this one does. I was thinking of buying it and just have it slabbed as authentic for my own collection and display purposes.

Ok guys, give me some feedback! image
Looking for Carl Willey items.


  • does a trimmed card have any value?

    -- sometimes.

  • Yes, they do have some value...but it varies card to card. If it's a rather hard to find card (a 1914 Cracker Jack Matthewson for example) the percentage of the full value would be higher - maybe 20%. For easy to find cards, (most Mantle, Williams & Robinsons) maybe 10% of the full value.
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    its worth whatever someone will pay for it..
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    I think in the situation that you described, yes it is worth it. Will it have resale value? Maybe, maybe not. However if like you say you can get it into a top TPG holder as authentic then it will have some liquidity.

    The bottom line is you saying you like it, so IMO that is all that really matters.

    Good for you.
  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭
    I bought a 57 banks and a 62 mays mantle.. I own them for about $65...
    I personally trimmed them.. knowing I am not going to sell them...
    I have them on my shelf and they display awesome...

    I say pick it up if it is for display.. $3k vs. 200 to have the real article??
    if you had an original that was cut short from the factory would you chuck it?? or sell it for less/?
    hell no you wouldnt.. buy

  • originalisbestoriginalisbest Posts: 5,918 ✭✭✭✭
    Well, they're your cards -- but color me confused as to why you'd trim them....
  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭
    the corners were rough... like psa 4.. at the most..
    I wanted to display them and not sell them...
    if you could see the before and after.. you might agree..
    maybe not.. but like you said... they are my cards..
    it is not something I do normally.. the mays/ mantle I picked up cheap
    to do just what I did to the banks.. and on my shelf they look like mint condition..
    as before they would look like crappy old cards.. with cool players..
    only I know.. and it is better then having a reprint.. I get some satisfaction of knowing that
    it is authentic..
  • originalisbestoriginalisbest Posts: 5,918 ✭✭✭✭
    Were they mine, I'd have matted them, and not defaced the cards in the process. But they are your cards, so to each their own.
  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭
    I didnt want them matted.. I want to display them like baseball cards..
  • metalmikemetalmike Posts: 2,152 ✭✭
    yes. A 1952 Topps Mickey Mantle for example. Back in the dark ages 1983 a ex copy was 1000 dollars. or you could buy a 1983 1952 Topps reprint of the same card for 5-10. A trimmed card may look better but is it worth that much money? If I can't eat it smoke it drive it It is a toy. Yes a toy. Your 200 dollar card may be authentic, I'd rather have the reprint or a well loved one. Mike
    USN 1977-1987 * ALL cards are commons unless auto'd. Buying Britneycards. NWO for life.
  • AhmanfanAhmanfan Posts: 4,380 ✭✭✭✭
    Oak - I respect your right to do what you want with your own cards. But the fact is, during your lifetime or after, at some point those cards are going to be sold. and that could be where a problem arises.
  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭
    I can't help what other people do.. I am just saying I have no intention on selling them...
    if ever I decided to sell them I would tell the person it was trimmed...
    I sold one trimmed card.. a 60 bob gibson... got like $3 on ebay for it.. listed it as trimmed..
    it was trimmed before I got it.. back a long time ago when I was 16 or so..
    I thought I got a great deal.. but after I looked real close
    I noticed it was trimmed.. anyway... the person that bought said.. honest ebayer.. would have never known...

    the 62 I trimmed all 4 sides... it will be noticably smaller.. the banks may be as well... the banks was the first card I ever trimmed..
    I had it sitting on my desk.. and just felt unsatisfied looking at its rounded corners..but I love the card, now I love looking at it..

    dont trim to deceive... I am 34.. and will own this til I die.. what happens after that. who knows.. but it will go to my kids
    who will know it is trimmed and hopefully I raise them well enough to know right from wrong...

    the point was.. the card he is speaking of... if it is say a clemente rookie.. that appears mint.. but it was trimmed...
    I would buy that... for $200.. it is a rare piece of history.. look at the t206 wagner.. most reports say that is trimmed..
    history is history... I will never sell a trimmed card without letting the buyer know.. period.. I would never trim a card
    if I intended to resell it.. I have trimmed 2 cards in my life... which I openly admitted and proudly showed you pictures of..

    I dont have the money to buy a psa 8-9 mantle or 57 banks.. but I can spend 21 on the mantle and 28 ( i think ) on the banks..
    and display it like they are.. and thats what card collecting is about.. some people will be happy with a demolished psa 1 52 topps mantle..
    I would only own that because it is worth so much.. I would be much happier with a trimmed 52 that looked mint..
  • How much are trimmed cards worth once they are in PSA 9 and PSA 10 holders?
  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭
    I thought that didnt happen? image

    I actually read somewhere that people have theories that many are...
    my personal feeling is as long as they measure up.. what I dont know is what I dont know..
    when i did it to my own cards.. I realized I was ruining its $$$ value..

    I went to that big show in chicago.. and saw many psa 9's
    and I cannot fathom how a 45 yr old card would survive in that condition..
    especially when they had no monetary value back then.. people didn't know to care for them...
  • AllenAllen Posts: 7,165 ✭✭✭
    Yes they have value. I would not trim cards like he did even for my collection, but I would buy a card for way less if it was trimmed and still looked good. I am looking for a Jerry West Rookie, if I can fund a stunner that says it was deemed trimmed and it was cheap- I would buy it.
  • metalmikemetalmike Posts: 2,152 ✭✭
    1:17 am I have given up trying to find a fair/good Pete Rose rookie, at this point until reprints are cheap I'll stick with the 1964 Topps real rookie. rookiecardsaredumbwhataboutlastcards? LAST CARDS? what dat?
    USN 1977-1987 * ALL cards are commons unless auto'd. Buying Britneycards. NWO for life.

  • << <i>its worth whatever someone will pay for it.. >>


    So True . . .

    In my collection , I would like to have the card where John Elway is wearing a Yankee uniform and it really wouldn't matter to me if it was trimmed / stomped or crumpled .

    Naturally I would much rather have the untrimmed /stomped or crumpled variety .

  • I personally wouldn't want a trimmed card especially for a couple hundred bucks...if you can't afford one, buy a reprint for a buck, or keep a scan for free.
  • Another downside of owning trimmed cards is that they cast doubts on the rest of your collection to prospective trading/buying partners.
    My sets:
    1977 Topps Star Wars - "Space Swashbucklers"
  • stevekstevek Posts: 28,729 ✭✭✭✭✭
    A trimmed card is worth nothing to me, with the possible exception of a T206 Wagner, that's it.

  • << <i>I personally wouldn't want a trimmed card especially for a couple hundred bucks...if you can't afford one, buy a reprint for a buck, or keep a scan for free. >>

    I don't feel the same about reprints as I do about the original .
  • swartz1swartz1 Posts: 4,911 ✭✭✭
    2 threads two days in a row about trimming ....this is a goner...

    Looking for 1970 MLB Photostamps
    - uncut

    Positive Transactions - tennesseebanker, Ahmanfan, Donruss, Colebear, CDsNuts, rbdjr1, Downtown1974, yankeeno7, drewsef, mnolan, mrbud60, msassin, RipublicaninMass, AkbarClone, rustywilly, lsutigers1973, julen23 and nam812, plus many others...

  • << <i>Oak - I respect your right to do what you want with your own cards. But the fact is, during your lifetime or after, at some point those cards are going to be sold. and that could be where a problem arises.
    John >>

    You have got to be kidding me with this.....big deal. Nothing HAS to be sold. I think it is fine, that he trimmed them to look nicer to display. They are after all his cards, he can do what he wants w/ them.
  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    Of course it has value.

    Anything that is Very expensive in pristine condition, whether it be a car, card, coin, etc, always has a market for a less desirable or damaged piece.

  • RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    well when I bought mine in GEM 10 holders they did, then when I cracked them and sent them to PSA they didn't. I would have no problm selling them to Mr mint however
  • perkdogperkdog Posts: 30,245 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It would not bother me to own an expensive card IE: a 1914 Cracker Jack or '52 Mantle that was trimmed. I wouldnt pay big bucks for it though..
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Stevek only the wagner? What about 52 Mantle, Mays and those types of cards?

    55 Clemente, Koufax etc etc etc?

    Steve D

    Good for you.
  • jimq112jimq112 Posts: 3,511 ✭✭✭
    I don't mind trimmed cards if it's a card I would otherwise not spend the money to own. I buy them as a toy to be enjoyed, not as an investment, but I figure that if "I" bought it that someone else will also, maybe not for as much, but someone will buy it if I ever need to sell it.

    Just be honest if you have to sell it.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Every set that I collect i can afford the cards in them, so i have no need to want any trimmed cards in my sets. I would rather have a lower graded example then an authentic but trimmed card.

    I also would rather have a card with rounded corners as an example and would not trim a card up so it looks nicer.

    Good for you.
  • BuccaneerBuccaneer Posts: 1,794 ✭✭
    I agree with Steve, as well as the post that a knowingly trimmed star card might cast doubt on your entire collection. I believe altered cards will become more reported and thus, more of a taboo.
  • stevekstevek Posts: 28,729 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Stevek only the wagner? What about 52 Mantle, Mays and those types of cards?

    55 Clemente, Koufax etc etc etc?

    Steve D >>

    For example, if a trimmed 52 Mantle was offered to me for free, but with the stipulation that I could never sell it, then I wouldn't even want it. Frankly, I find trimmed cards repulsive and don't ever want them in my card collection. I never said some trimmed cards wouldn't have value to somebody, of course they would, that's obvious, but trimmed cards are worth nothing to me.


  • << <i>

    << <i>I personally wouldn't want a trimmed card especially for a couple hundred bucks...if you can't afford one, buy a reprint for a buck, or keep a scan for free. >>

    I don't feel the same about reprints as I do about the original . >>

    Different strokes for different folks....i would rather have a reprint of the card in question PLUS $200 than an altered original. There are PLENTY of cards I would like for $200, and I have no desire for a trimmed card, so the OBVIOUS choice for me is $200 PLUS a reprint. The only exception would be to have a trimmed card that I could flip for over the $200, as it wouldn't fit in my collection.

    I would rather have any of these cards (recently sold around $200) than ANY trimmed card that I could not flip.




  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭

    So if someone gave you a 52 trimmed Mantle w/o the stipulation you would have no problem?

    I'm confused as to why you wouldn't want a trimmed, but Authentic 52 mantle.


    Good for you.
  • dizzyfoxxdizzyfoxx Posts: 9,823 ✭✭✭
    As far as I'm concerned, any trimmed card is only worth the recycle amount for the cardboard.
    image...There's always time for coin collecting. image
  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭
    I am curious why 1/100th of an inch would make a card worthless?
    would you rather have a 68 camaro that is beat up or one fully restored...
    either way it isn't the same car that came off the line..
    again.. I would never pay full $$ for a trimmed card.. I agree that it being altered takes
    some integrity away from it.. but to think that there are not cards holdered that have been trimmed is naive...
    we have all sent cards that came back as trimmed.. that I would have never thought that.. and we all also know that when we
    believe they are wrong we resubmit and it gets slabbed..
    the theory of owning a 86 psa rice over a 55 clemente to me is crazy...
    I would much rather have a real clemente rookie over a untrimmed slabbed rice anyday...
    there are a million rice cards... and who said the rice wasn't trimmed.. just some guy...
    there has been a million threads on this board about.. look at this card.. it don't look right..
    and many times they don't.. and I say.. I wouldnt even need to think twice about calling that ev of trimming..
    but it is slabbed and people pay huge money.. so I can buy a "mint looking" slightly trimmed clemente rookie
    for $200... or your slabbed and possibly trimmed rookie for $3k... unless you are the original owner, you just never know..
  • mealewormmealeworm Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭
    The only problem is some trimmed cards find there way into graded holders.
    1957 Topps 99% 7.40 GPA
    Hank Aaron Basic PSA 7-8(75%)
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    I would never pay the same for a beat up camaro either. So i fail to see your analogy.

    Good for you.

  • << <i>The only problem is some trimmed cards find there way into graded holders. >>

    So how much are those cards worth? The ones that are trimmed but in holders, are they worth less than ones that are not trimmed and in holders?
  • stevekstevek Posts: 28,729 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>SteveK

    So if someone gave you a 52 trimmed Mantle w/o the stipulation you would have no problem?

    I'm confused as to why you wouldn't want a trimmed, but Authentic 52 mantle.


    Steve >>

    Yes, because w/o the stipulation I would immediately sell the dam thing. Who ever turned down free money?

    But a trimmed card has no place in my collection. I don't like trimmed cards, I don't want trimmed cards, and that's that. I mentioned the T206 Wagner because it is such a Holy Grail of card collecting unlike any other card.

  • stevekstevek Posts: 28,729 ✭✭✭✭✭
    A "car analogy" to a "card analogy" frankly is a very poor analogy.
  • cards should never be trimmed. If the card is a PSA 3, then it's a PSA 3. Yes trimming it looks like a PSA 6 or something, but it goes against the idea of a collectible. Don't trim your cards. When you die, your wife will sell them all as nrmt!
    Running an Ebay store sure takes a lot more time than a person would think!
  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭

    a beat up camaro.. = a psa 1 52 mantle...

    a restored camaro.. = a nice looking but trimmed mantle...

    people including you are saying you would rather own the psa 1 mantle

    I am saying if it was not baseball cards but a 68 camaro.. you would have no problem owning the restored car...
    even though it is not stock...

    hope that helps.. if not.. sorry..
  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭
    steve.. I dont think it is a poor analogy at all..
    and the fact you would own any trimmed card regardless makes you sound like a hypocrite

    you have conditions when you will own a trimmed card.. either way.. that t206.. is altered.. and should therefore be worthless

    the mantle and banks are not in my "collection" the are on my shelf..
    much like a painting on a wall..
  • BuccaneerBuccaneer Posts: 1,794 ✭✭
    OAKSYS, because cards (in the advent of third-party authenticating) are not meant to be physically altered beyond normal wear and tear. The only analogy I can make to a car would be rolling the odometer back.
  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭
    rolling back an odometer.. is done to defraud.. I am not condoning defrauding..
    rolling an odometer.. doesnt apply at all..
    I do not approve of someone trimming cards and selling them as unaltered..
    I am saying.. make something old.. look better then its natural state...
    for your own personal gratification..
    all the while everyone knowing that it has been altered...
    someone that would rather own a "photo copy" or a reprint
    as opposed to an authentic original.. seems like they are only in it for the money..
    I am sorry I replied to this to offer my support..
  • BuccaneerBuccaneer Posts: 1,794 ✭✭

    << <i>I do not approve of someone trimming cards and selling them as unaltered.. >>

    And that is the crux of the problem we are facing when such alterations are getting better and more of them are ending up in holders to be sold. We should not be encouraging alterations for any reason because we cannot know what will or will not happen to such cards tomorrow.

    Don't be sorry about debating an important issue such as this. It comes with the territory.
  • A trimmed card is basically worthless...end of story....the value of the card is based on it's original condition...tampering with that condition devalues the card...it's no longer an original card...

    The issue that I might have with trimming a 57 Banks card that might have been a PSA 4 card is that the PSA 4 has value to those that can not collect a PSA 8 or PSA 9....

    Example...I have a friend who collects 1954 Topps PSA 5 cards...why because he cannot or does not want to pay PSA 7-8-9 prices...trimming a PSA 5 destroys an irreplaceable card (they don't make these cards any more)...for other collectors...what if all PSA 5 cards were trimmed...then what? Most likely the value of a real PSA 5 would increase...because there just simply would not be any to buy (and demand would increase the value)...and again that same collector now cannot afford or wish to buy the PSA 5 cards...

    Last, all property such as collectibles, even though we may own them physically in our lifetime should be looked at as that we are merely "caretakers" of these properties for the moment...I may own my sets...but it is temporary...don't I have some sort of responsibility to those that will own my sets after me? As I collector I think I do...and for that reason alone I think everyone should re-think trimming a card, because they own it for the moment only...destroying by tampering these "cardboard" wonders is just wrong...

    Topps 58,59,60,61,62,63,64 Sets
    Fleer 60, 61-62 Sets
  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭
    see.. everyone keeps saying they end up in holders.. so to me it sounds like most everyone is willing to buy a potentially altered card..
    as long as the 3rd party says it looks real good and if it was altered they can't tell...

    I guess everyone should buy graded cards if it is that concerning..

    I bet it is much less then people think.. I really believe that some happen for whatever reason...
    and I don't know what to say about it.. that is the reason I pretty much only deal with post cereal...
    I know those were altered up front..
    or if I buy raw.. I take the chance that it is possibly altered and budget accordingly... and roll the dice
    if I see a real nice raw card.. my first thought is why hasn't it been graded...
    surely most people that own a real nice vintage card.. would get advice before just throwing it up for sale..
    I don't think anybody on the planet is so oblivious to the fact that old baseball cards hold incredible value..

    I think psa is pretty solid at catching trimmed.. I dont deal with the others.. so cant speak for that...
  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭
    I own my card for my happiness today.. not someone elses I will never meet...
    I spent good money, that I earned... I dont live my life worrying about crap like that...
    it is not an investment.. if someone wants to buy a psa 5.. buy a psa 5.. mine wont ever be a psa 5..
    I could care less what that holder says.. mine is the real deal.. and looks better then yours and I probably paid a heck of a lot less..

    if I were buying for investment.. it wouldnt happen... this is not an investment!!!!!!
  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭
    The issue that I might have with trimming a 57 Banks card that might have been a PSA 4 card is that the PSA 4 has value to those that can not collect a PSA 8 or PSA 9....

    exactly.. I am the collector who cannot afford the psa 8 - 9...

    and a psa 4.. is ugly to me...
    so now my cards look like 8-9's
    but have the value of a 1... my choice.. I wasnt concerned about the couple dollars
    as long as my intention is not to swindle you..
    you shouldnt be concerned with it..
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