Posts: 201
I have a metal detector at my dads house from years ago. I dont think it was expensive when he bought it but I want to dig it out and try it. I've read some good spots are around old foundations and I know the best place 2 look it is deep in the woods but i've come out of there with some nice bottles. Do u think I should buy a new one or try the one I have for awhile? Thanks for the help I'm jumping over from the currency forum.
I keep a census on Hawaii Error notes, Radars, Repeaters, Hawaii Stars (all denominations), Low serials, 6 of a kind, 7 of a kind, Canceled notes, AC blocks, ZB blocks, FC blocks, Uncut sheets and Late plates. If you have any information you would like to share please PM me. Thanks.
If there are old foundations or cellar holes in the woods where you've found old bottles, chances are there will be other metallic goodies around. However, if my experience with such sites is any indicator, be prepared for a staggering amount of rusty iron trash, as well.
A lot of it depends on the era of your cellar holes, too. If they date to before about the middle of the 1800s, then the trash metal might not be so bad- just a few nails here and there, maybe a spike or a horseshoe or two; stuff like that. If, on the other hand, they date anywhere from the late 1800s on, particularly in any part of the 20th century, then be prepared for bedsprings, cans, and all kinds of crap.