Open invitation to hunt / Good NEWS!

I am extending an invite to anyone that wants to come hunt the old Kiwanis/FOP Lodge that I am currently hunting (see link Here). This place has never seen a detector, that the owners know about so it has been pretty much untouched, except by me. I have found about 7 to 8 bucks in clad in three days of hunting there, one 1899 indian head, 1958 Wheatie, one gold earing, and a child's charm. I have found NO silver. I'm not sure of the history of the building as far as age goes but I am working on that. I am talking with the owners to see if they can give me the run down on when the building was made, where the old buildings used to be, the old play grounds, and any other info they have. So if you are interested in coming to Salisbury, NC and showing how to find the deep old stuff let me know. I have run of the place since I run the FOP lodge so we can go anytime. Im open to anyone that wants to go. There are over 8 acres of land to hunt there with all sorts of playgrounds, picnic areas, ampetheatres, and a pond. Just let me know if you are ever in the area and we can swing over there!
Now onto the good news. For those that know nothing about Salisbury, NC...we have a nice background as far as history goes. Desoto came through here on his crossing of the Yadkin, the Saponi Indians lived around here (also traded with the Cherokee's at one time), and the big thing is we were a HUGE Civil War town. The city was once used has a huge Civil War prison. THere is a gentleman that owns all the property that once was the Prison, even has some of the original houses and buildings standing on it. He has agreed to let me come in and do some detecting. He says that he has two other people that he lets come in and detect and everytime they come they find something new. I hope that inexperience doesn't let me get shutout but if the rain holds off I'm going tomorrow after work. If it rains it will be next Thrusday before I can go. I'm excited about this one!! One of the guys has already pulled several buckles, bullets, tools, and a 8 Reale. I hope I get this lucky!!! Wish me luck!
Now onto the good news. For those that know nothing about Salisbury, NC...we have a nice background as far as history goes. Desoto came through here on his crossing of the Yadkin, the Saponi Indians lived around here (also traded with the Cherokee's at one time), and the big thing is we were a HUGE Civil War town. The city was once used has a huge Civil War prison. THere is a gentleman that owns all the property that once was the Prison, even has some of the original houses and buildings standing on it. He has agreed to let me come in and do some detecting. He says that he has two other people that he lets come in and detect and everytime they come they find something new. I hope that inexperience doesn't let me get shutout but if the rain holds off I'm going tomorrow after work. If it rains it will be next Thrusday before I can go. I'm excited about this one!! One of the guys has already pulled several buckles, bullets, tools, and a 8 Reale. I hope I get this lucky!!! Wish me luck!