Home Metal Detecting

5 miles from home and all off limits

This link is to an article that appeared in our local newspaper on May 25, 1988, two years before I moved here. It is by far the most complete summation of the history of this area I have found to date. Now, if I can just figure out the main route that travelers would have taken to and from Willow Springs or even where they rested along the way, I might have some place to hunt.

The entire Willow Springs site is privately owned and when I talked to one of the partners last summer he was real friendly until I used the words "metal detector" and he abruptly told me in no uncertain terms that the place was off limits and he was no longer interested in talking to me.


  • We have a lot of history around here. Keep plugging and we'll find a good juicy spot nearby. You ready for Ballarat? Give me at least two weeks notice and I'll be up for it. My friend in Pasadena wants to go too.

  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Try getting some aerial shots of the area... even satellite may help. You can detect old travel routes and also delineate private vs. public areas... lots of surprises can be found this way. Cheers, RickO

  • << <i>This link is to an article that appeared in our local newspaper on May 25, 1988, two years before I moved here. It is by far the most complete summation of the history of this area I have found to date. Now, if I can just figure out the main route that travelers would have taken to and from Willow Springs or even where they rested along the way, I might have some place to hunt.

    The entire Willow Springs site is privately owned and when I talked to one of the partners last summer he was real friendly until I used the words "metal detector" and he abruptly told me in no uncertain terms that the place was off limits and he was no longer interested in talking to me. >>

    Sounds like sour grapes....possibly someone had hunted and found something major and this guy got the shaft on it....
    This is a very dumb ass thread. - Laura Sperber - Tuesday January 09, 2007 11:16 AM image

    Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.
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