Some goodie's from the last few weeks!!
Posts: 684
Have got out a few time's here and there since my oldest daughter started
playing winter soccer league and I'm,so I am a little busy
So a few week's ago I was hitting this lot and wasn't finding much but rivot's
and bottlecapsnot finding much I was heading out and spotted a unusual marble.
Maybe somebody can give some help with this one as I don't know what it is made out of??
A few day's later I went back to that spot just knowing there was something good just waiting there
for me to find.Well it showed itself a half hour later and kicking a rock
out of the way.It was a 1857 seated dime in rough shape,but I don't care
Then this weekend out hunting with a few buddies I scooped up this nice 1849 seated half dime
in really good shape after that all I found was half of some old spectales and alot of trash!!
here's the marble
playing winter soccer league and I'm,so I am a little busy
So a few week's ago I was hitting this lot and wasn't finding much but rivot's
and bottlecapsnot finding much I was heading out and spotted a unusual marble.
Maybe somebody can give some help with this one as I don't know what it is made out of??
A few day's later I went back to that spot just knowing there was something good just waiting there
for me to find.Well it showed itself a half hour later and kicking a rock
out of the way.It was a 1857 seated dime in rough shape,but I don't care
Then this weekend out hunting with a few buddies I scooped up this nice 1849 seated half dime
in really good shape after that all I found was half of some old spectales and alot of trash!!
here's the marble
The marble looks like a Bennington, a clay marble... but hard to tell for sure. The surface looks aged and the finish cracked. (I am a marble collector) Some more light could help. Nice coins. Cheers, RickO
Tightbudget it's definatly not glass.
Ricko I have some benningtons and this do's not have any of the spot's where
it sat while being baked.I'm wondering if it's some kind of stone.
Did they make any out of stone??
I will see about getting some better pic's and repost them.