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‘Rainbow’ toners: Heritage vs TT

ad4400ad4400 Posts: 2,112 ✭✭✭✭✭
Does TT seem to offer colorfully toned coins more often? Or is it TT's marketing, with ‘Rainbow’ and ‘Toned’ tags that are leading me to that opinion, and the two venues really do have about the same number? And if TT has more offerings, is that because co-signors think this marketing brings attention to their coins? Or is it something more fundamental about the types of coins that end up in one venue or another?


  • Teletrade definitely offers more rainbow toned coins. The main reason is probably because they use the rainbow icon to indicate this. Think about this: how do you search for rainbow toned coins on Heritage? Type in "rainbow" in the search box. But they don't always have a description for each coin or may not use the word "rainbow" but instead use words such as mauve, peach, violet, etc. So your search could turn up empty. Same goes for eBay. Teletrade does an excellent job of distinguishing these toners using the rainbow and toned icons (some nice rainbow toners hide behind the regular toned icons because Teletrade will mess up every once in a while). So Teletrade is not perfect, but it still remains as the most efficient online auction venue for buyers finding "toners". And because the buyers can find them more easily on Teletrade, this is where many of the "toner" dealers and collectors consign to.
    A lie told often enough becomes the truth. ~Vladimir Lenin
  • ....ALTHOUGH NOT PERFECT , as you state, T.T is pretty good across the board -

    but their Rainbow designation needs tweaking .....
    As well as their "toned" description ; browse thru any recent or upcoming auction and you will find dozens of coins marked as toned that are basically brilliant
  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    TT has more

    some of their photos actually hit the color - others may as well be black and white photos
  • bestclser1bestclser1 Posts: 5,566 ✭✭✭
    Teletrade is the good,bad and the ugly when it comes to rainbow coins.BUT,They are still ahead in the picture quality.Heritage is getting better,but too slow for the leader in the business.JMO
    Great coins are not cheap,and cheap coins are not great!
  • TT for sure. I've recently bought some nice Franklin toners from TT, can't find anything interesting at Heritage these days
    despite the greater volume of coins available.
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,423 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Most of Teletrade's "rainbows" ... aren't!
    A lot of their "toned" isn't even very toned.

    Just gotta look at each and decide on your own...

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • tightbudgettightbudget Posts: 7,299 ✭✭✭
    TT, but they have a broad range of colors when it comes to rainbows. I've seen black coins labeled as "rainbows."

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