If they sold for $5K apiece on TT you would be looking at $400 in fees. FV fees on the Bay might be a shade less if you didn't take PP. I don't have a clue as to what kind of hassle TT has with chargebacks or whatever, but it would be worth the hassle not to have to worry about whether or not the buyer's funds were good. I'd give TT some strong consideration for sure.
Guidelines on how to fill out the submission form to submit one set for the First StrikeSM - 10th anniversary designation:
The 10th anniversary platinum set needs to be in a sealed Mint box and go on it's own submission form with no other coins. The least expensive grading tier due to the coins value is 'Regular' at $30/coin. So if you are sending just one set it would go like this:
1/. Fill in your collector club information on the top left of the form with your return shipping address below.
2/. Where it says 'Package Information' on the top right of the form, put '1 for total number of submissions. This submission is '1' of '1' and total nuber of coins is '2'.
3/. Under type of submission check 'Grading'. Under Service Level check 'Regular'. Check where it says 'Other' and put 'First Strike/10th Anniv. Designation' $10/coin and 'Return Mint Box $2' in the space provided. (OPTIONAL: TrueView $10 if you want your coins to be imaged)
4/. Under Fee Calculation put
- 2 x $30 for service level fee = $60 - 2 x $10 for additional service fee = $20 - 1 x $2 for Return Mint Box - OPTIONAL: TrueView = 2 x $5 = $10 if you want it - Handling fee = $5 - Return shipping fee would = $22.75 for two coin with a declared value of up to $5,000 total. - Total Charges = $109.75 (or $119.75 if you want TrueView) - Fill in your method of payment and sign where it says 'Cardholder signature' if paying by credit card.
5/. Under the table in the lower half of the submission form:
- On Line 1 put:
Quantity = 1 PCGS Coin No. = 393054 Date = 2007-W Denomination = $50 Variety = First Strike/10th Anniv APE Proof Leave current grade, certification number and Minimum grade blank. Under Declared value put $2,500
On Line 2 put:
Quantity = 1 PCGS Coin No. = 393056 Date = 2007-W Denomination = $50 Variety = First Strike/10th Anniv APE Reverse Proof Leave current grade, certification number and Minimum grade blank. Under Declared value put $2,500
6/. Under 'Total Declared Value' on the bottom right corner put $5,000
7/. Sign and date the form at the bottom.
8/. Tear the gold colored copy from the form and keep it for your records.
9/. Package the set in the sealed Mint box in another box with the submission form.
10/. Address the package to PCGS P.O. Box 9458, Newport Beach, CA 92658
11/. On the bottom of the address side of the package write 'Regular'.
12/. Mail it to PCGS and pray
Good Luck,
Never teach a pig to sing. You'll waste your time and annoy the pig
i second the boycott of first strikes, they are a gimmick and nothing more. what a waste of money, and a black carbon spot on our hobby. just another service fee. stupid, stupid, stupid.
Why did you put 5000 declared value?? I put 1950. I forgot to put Truview but I called PCGS and spoke to Terry Gilbert, she was very nice and gave me her email and said when they recieve the package she will take care of it. A+++++ service, not all I need is for the 2 coins to come back a 70.:<
<< <i>Why did you put 5000 declared value?? I put 1950. I forgot to put Truview but I called PCGS and spoke to Terry Gilbert, she was very nice and gave me her email and said when they recieve the package she will take care of it. A+++++ service, not all I need is for the 2 coins to come back a 70.:< >>
Declared value is what the coins are worth to you and is the amount they will insure the package for. The shipping rate is the same for coins with a declared value of $1,000 - $5,000 so you might as well insure them properly in case you get a 70.
Never teach a pig to sing. You'll waste your time and annoy the pig
Your item arrived at 10:56 AM on December 26, 2007 in NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92658, first time I was nervous with the shipping, I didn't know max insurance for express was only 5,000...
That seems rather high for a set with a 30,000 mintage and is still available from the Mint, I would say $8,000 - $10,000 given the historically low 70 ratio of the PRDCAM APE.
Never teach a pig to sing. You'll waste your time and annoy the pig
<< <i>That seems rather high for a set with a 30,000 mintage and is still available from the Mint, I would say $8,000 - $10,000 given the historically low 70 ratio of the PRDCAM APE. >>
There was an early 2007-w first strike 70 bid up to $5K on monday that didn't sell so I assume that these will bring more.
<< <i>There was an early 2007-w first strike 70 bid up to $5K on monday that didn't sell so I assume that these will bring more. >>
If you think that $5,000 is a deal, you can buy this one. You might be able to offer him $4,950 >>
checking the PCGS population reports, based on $50 Platinum 2007-Ws graded so far.. it looks like you / we /they / them gots about a one in ten shot of the regular Proof grading 70.. the Reverse Proof.. who knows.. none graded yet.. a pair of First Strike 70s should bring about $10,000.00 or more.. after the magic "product not available" goes up on The Mint's sales page.. who knows where the ceiling is for First Strike 70s.. i think i'm gonna hold my sealed box (between my knees.. with apologies to Jack Nicholson..).. until the February Long Beach Show and walk it in and hand it to PCGS.. i'm not real keen on the idea of this thing bouncing around in the mail again after it bounced around from Memphis to me via Fedex last week.. however, they told me they don't do same-day walk-through First Strike labelling at shows so they'd have to mail the two slabs back to me while i squirm and stare at the pretty wood box with two gaping holes in it..
the 12/21 shipping date on the outer box guarantees they'll be eligible for the holy First Strike label anyway..
why walk it into a show instead of mail it?.. wellllll.. i bought a Mint sealed never-opened 2006-S SF Old Mint Gold off eBay a few weeks ago.. opened the box, slid the clamshell out of its blue slipcase, and the capsule had popped out of its recess, popped apart, and the coin was sitting naked on the felt lining (luckily undamaged and un-dinged, since there's not a lot of vertical space for it to move around inside the closed clamshell case).. and this is not the first time i've heard of this happening, although it's the first time it's happened to me..
from looking at pictures of opened Platinum Anniversary sets on eBay (in auctions where sellers have opened them and taken many pictures).. it looks like the coins in their capsules are pressed into a felt lining in two holes in a wood platform with some kind of magnets to stand it up when the box's lid is raised.. but could THOSE capsules pop open in transit like my SF Gold's capsule did?.. is there MORE vertical room in that domed wood box than in the small blue clamshells? sure looks like it.. almost makes me want to put it under an x-ray machine to know that they're still in their capsules.. is the Mint getting sloppy pressing the capsules together or what..
the Long Beach show is a half-hour drive for me.. so what's the rush to mail it to PCGS?.. as long as it stays sealed, it qualifies for all the silly label options anyway even if i submit it to them next Summer..
and i still don't understand why they didn't just sell the Reverse Proof by its lonely, but had to double the price of the set by pairing it with a regular Proof that was already sold for months.. doing that doubled the price of this set.. had the Reverse Proof been sold by itself for about a grand, i think they would have had a one-day sell-out. even with a Mintage of 30,000.. timing the release of this set during the last days of the Xmas spending madness, plus the two grand price, plus the 30,000 limit are all factors as to why this set hasn't sold out yet.. if there's some kind of logic under which The Mint operates, its name is pretzel..
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.." - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
i couldn't disagree more.. having bought (in 2000), slabbed, and sold (in 2002).. four 2000-W LOC BiMetallic Uncs. five years ago, and got $1900.00 for MS70s.. what are MS70s going for now?.. four grand and up.. we can agree to disagree but in my opinion, people who are selling the Platinum sets raw or even sealed box on eBay or selling to a dealer and taking a hundred or two profit right now are cheating themselves out of a LOT of money.. i'm not psychic, but there are too many good arguments against selling these sets so early.. especially if you only have one..
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.." - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
Not always true. I flipped the Silver 20th anniversary eagles for between 100 and 400 percent. The later flippers had as much as 900% last time I checked. I do agree however, that if you do plan on flipping a few or more of these that you should start covering costs as soon as you can.
<< <i>There was an early 2007-w first strike 70 bid up to $5K on monday that didn't sell so I assume that these will bring more. >>
If you think that $5,000 is a deal, you can buy this one. You might be able to offer him $4,950 >>
I have NO idea if $5K is a deal or not; it sure aint to me. My point is if those bring $5K or better, then why wouldn't a matched pair of the current set bring that much per coin or more!! I's jiss tryin ta put this chit in perspective. The first set will sell fer moon money; the second a little less.
<< <i>Why did you put 5000 declared value?? I put 1950. I forgot to put Truview but I called PCGS and spoke to Terry Gilbert, she was very nice and gave me her email and said when they recieve the package she will take care of it. A+++++ service, not all I need is for the 2 coins to come back a 70.:< >>
Declared value is what the coins are worth to you and is the amount they will insure the package for. The shipping rate is the same for coins with a declared value of $1,000 - $5,000 so you might as well insure them properly in case you get a 70. >>
Depends on where they get lost. If lost in transit to PCGS they are only worth what you paid for them and at this point it is mint issue price of $1950. If they get lost on the way back from PCGS, you have to prove value based on the grade. You can do this from closed auction prices and PCGS price guide but at this point I doubt you will get the Post Office to reimburse you anywhere north of issue price. There just isn't enough sales history determine a price other than issue price or slightly above.
i couldn't disagree more.. having bought (in 2000), slabbed, and sold (in 2002).. four 2000-W LOC BiMetallic Uncs. five years ago, and got $1900.00 for MS70s.. what are MS70s going for now?.. four grand and up.. we can agree to disagree but in my opinion, people who are selling the Platinum sets raw or even sealed box on eBay or selling to a dealer and taking a hundred or two profit right now are cheating themselves out of a LOT of money.. i'm not psychic, but there are too many good arguments against selling these sets so early.. especially if you only have one.. >>
Way too high a mintage for the 6000 person collector base. Sell early as within 3 months until eternity, these sets will lag behind every other plat offering to date. When plats do come into their own in about 10-15 years. These sets will be the dogs and the 2004-2006 plats will be the kings.
<< <i> If lost in transit to PCGS they are only worth what you paid for them and at this point it is mint issue price of $1950. If they get lost on the way back from PCGS, you have to prove value based on the grade. You can do this from closed auction prices and PCGS price guide but at this point I doubt you will get the Post Office to reimburse you anywhere north of issue price. There just isn't enough sales history determine a price other than issue price or slightly above. >>
in 2002 or 2003 i ordered a Monaco Euro Mint / Unc. set directly from the Monaco Mint (i'm on their Subscription list).. the ONLY way to get these at issue price is to be on their list, get their official letter, printed on their colored letterhead, fill it out, and air mail it back to them.. the set cost me something like $40.00 plus Postage.. these are not only immediate sell-outs, but Monaco has more list subscribers than the number of sets they make, so even being on the list doesn't guarantee you'll get order fulfillment.. the key is to fill out the order and mail it back to them as fast as possible, and they will NOT take it as a FAX.. it has to be the same original colored letterhead letter they send you in the mail..
they billed me, weeks later.. they shipped it, it was pilfered in transit probably by someone at a Customs House who figured out what was inside the package(s) and started pilfering the sets.. this happened to multiple people, because, like the two yearly Vatican sets (Proof and Unc.), Monaco's sets are in VERY high demand by Euro collectors, and sell-out immediately and immediately wildly escalate in value.. some years Monaco doesn't issue an Unc. set at all.. like 2007.. in 2006 they ONLY issued a three-coin Proof set, even though their Euros come in eight denominations like all the other countries in Euroland..
anyway.. when my mailman handed me the padded envelope, i noticed a strange blue tape across one end of it.. in his presence, i took off the tape, found the padded envelope (which is logo-crimped around all four edges).. had been slit open on one end.. someone had pulled out the cardboard sleeve and we saw that its shrinkwrap had been broken, the coin set aken out, the empty sleeve put back in, and the package sloppily taped up..
i filed a claim against the USPS for loss.. since it was an International shipment, i had to go through the USPS' Int'l claims office in NYC.. i asked them what value to claim loss against, since this set was sold out, and no longer availble for $40.00.. and they told me "current market value".. i said how do i establish that?.. they said "find any coin dealer ad or eBay sale result, print it out, and submit it along with your claim form.. you can use ANY valid, current in-stock price you can find, as high as you want, we only need proof of ONE price.. as long as it is a coin set that is currently in-stock at a coin dealer, or a recent eBay auction page..".. or words to that effect..
i sniffed around and found that a huge Euro dealer based in The Netherlands, muntplaats.nl, was selling the set for about $500.00.. i printed out their Web site's sales page for the set at that price and submitted it along with my USPS claim form plus print-outs i made of photos of the pilfered packaging.. after a few weeks, i received a check in the mail from the USPS for something like $510.00.. which was Muntplaats.nl's price for the pilfered set, plus the cost of the Postage i had paid the Monaco Mint on my order form..
so in other words, the USPS will reimburse you for an Insured parcel's contents not at the price you paid for it, but for its current market value.. in that case, a rare $40.00 Mint set was currently selling for $500.00, and that's how much i was reimbursed..
since these Platinum sets are still available at issue price, that's probably what you'd get if yours was lost in Transit.. AFTER they sell out and prices escalate, then the whole claim game will change..
i contacted the Monaco Mint people and sent them photographs of the pilfered set.. they replied and said yes, we have been getting reports from other US-based members of our subscribers' list that their sets have been pilfered too.. so we are changing to a different style of shipping packages, changing our return address (which was something like "The Monaco Coin and Stamp Office (in French)".. and trying to Track down exactly where this is happening..
i replied and said since your limit of purchase is one (1) set per subscriber, and mine was pilfered in Transit, is there any chance i could get a replacement?.. they said well we can't GIVE you one but yes, we'll make an exception and sell you another one for $40.00.. i said sounds good to me.. they charged me another $40.00 (can't remember if they charged me shipping again).. and i received the replacement set a couple of weeks later.. which i later sold on eBay for over $500.00..
i don't just flip rare Euro sets (Vatican, Monaco, and San Marino have been the rarest, since those three tiny countries went Euro in 2002).. there are some Euro coins i collect, enjoy, cherish, and stay in my collection, like the HUGE 50 Euro Silver Salvadore Dali Commemorative which is my board Avatar over there and pictured below, right after i got it.. <-- plus some other special low-mintage interesting, artistic Euro coins.. like Austria's yearly BiMetallic Silver / Niobium Commemoratives.. (this for anyone who wants to play J'accuse and tell me i'm not a coin collector, just a flipper..) ..
at any rate, not to belabor the point, but the two times i have filed a claim for loss against the USPS (i also sold a Vatican Mint set on eBay to guy in Paris France which never got there.. the USPS Traced it, which took a month, and the result was "Lost in Germany" (!?)).. they have reimbursed me the highest dealer price i could find, in both cases, more than ten times what the sets originally cost me.. all i had to do was prove current market value based on a Dealer's ad.. which in both cases was a print-out from a Dealer's Web site of sets identical to the ones i had either shipped and got lost, or received and been pilfered..
just for grins, here's the monster 50 Euro Dali Silver and Gold coin, still in my collection.. Dali's famous "melting watch" is actually a removable Gold free-floating insert on the coin with a watch face on one side, and i forget what's on the other side..
the biggest coin (Silver and denominated).. i have ever owned.. not only beautiful, serial-numbered, low-mintage, and in a gorgeous presentation case with Dali paintings on its cardboard box.. but also useful as a hockey puck and a weapon
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.." - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
<< <i>I'd guess that the first pair of 70's sold together and having consecutive cert numbers with all the trimmings could fetch $15K. >>
Thats Funny
I would say these will do worse than the FS Jeffersons. You will be lucky to $3K for a 70 set. You heard it here first. >>
Why is it funny? When PCGS started doin ASE 70's again how much did the FIRST 2006-W FS go for? $2500 and there will likely be plenty of them. The first guy to get a pair of PCGS 70's with ALL the trimmings will do well if he sells ASAP.
Way too high a mintage for the 6000 person collector base. Sell early as within 3 months until eternity, these sets will lag behind every other plat offering to date. When plats do come into their own in about 10-15 years. These sets will be the dogs and the 2004-2006 plats will be the kings. >>
"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts." -Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan"..
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.." - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
"Way too high a mintage for the 6000 person collector base. Sell early as within 3 months until eternity, these sets will lag behind every other plat offering to date. When plats do come into their own in about 10-15 years. These sets will be the dogs and the 2004-2006 plats will be the kings."
Close - you mean 2003-2005 - no?
Please visit my website at www.wondercoins.com and my ebay auctions under my user name www.wondercoin.com.
Re: "LOC" coins - Interestingly, only about 10%-15% more than 69 coins. The spread is next to nothing now. The best bet would have been to take the $1,900/coin you got for 70's way back when and bought more raw coins. You would have really cleaned up!!
Please visit my website at www.wondercoins.com and my ebay auctions under my user name www.wondercoin.com.
Re: "LOC" coins - Interestingly, only about 10%-15% more than 69 coins. The spread is next to nothing now. The best bet would have been to take the $1,900/coin you got for 70's way back when and bought more raw coins. You would have really cleaned up!!
Wondercoin >>
except i bought them in 2000, had them slabbed in 2002 by which time they were no longer available from the Mint at $390.00.. also interesting is that the Proof version, with a Mintage of over 20,000 (the Uncs. were 6683).. is now selling (at least on TeleTrade) in PR70 for MORE than the MS70 Uncs. but that's only for PCGS 70s.. if you want a raw Proof, you can get one for about a grand.. a raw Unc., try about $2500 to three grand..
when i sold my NGC MS70s on eBay, NGC's population of 70s was somewhere around 14.. i'd like one back but i'm savin' up for Lincoln-related stuff.. i think the whole Lincoln cent series is going to go ballistic come 2009 when the coin turns 100.. the country will be swept up in Lincoln fever and the keys and semi-keys should go insane.. just a hunch .. the question is will the Lincoln Memorial Reverse cent continue on after 2009 or will they do away with the cent entirely?.. a question which is still waiting for an answer.. i'd love to see The Mint do a 2009 $5 Gold Commemorative reprodution of the SVDB.. just a dream but it'd be too cool..
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.." - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
<< <i>There was an early 2007-w first strike 70 bid up to $5K on monday that didn't sell so I assume that these will bring more. >>
If you think that $5,000 is a deal, you can buy this one. You might be able to offer him $4,950 >>
why walk it into a show instead of mail it?.. wellllll.. i bought a Mint sealed never-opened 2006-S SF Old Mint Gold off eBay a few weeks ago.. opened the box, slid the clamshell out of its blue slipcase, and the capsule had popped out of its recess, popped apart, and the coin was sitting naked on the felt lining (luckily undamaged and un-dinged, since there's not a lot of vertical space for it to move around inside the closed clamshell case).. and this is not the first time i've heard of this happening, although it's the first time it's happened to me..
.. >>
The SF capsules had a major problem that almost ALL the coins popped out of the capsules. I think they have corrected the problem and it would be rare for the coin to pop out. (though not impossible).
<< <i>There was an early 2007-w first strike 70 bid up to $5K on monday that didn't sell so I assume that these will bring more. >>
If you think that $5,000 is a deal, you can buy this one. You might be able to offer him $4,950 >>
why walk it into a show instead of mail it?.. wellllll.. i bought a Mint sealed never-opened 2006-S SF Old Mint Gold off eBay a few weeks ago.. opened the box, slid the clamshell out of its blue slipcase, and the capsule had popped out of its recess, popped apart, and the coin was sitting naked on the felt lining (luckily undamaged and un-dinged, since there's not a lot of vertical space for it to move around inside the closed clamshell case).. and this is not the first time i've heard of this happening, although it's the first time it's happened to me..
.. >>
The SF capsules had a major problem that almost ALL the coins popped out of the capsules. I think they have corrected the problem and it would be rare for the coin to pop out. (though not impossible). >>
I bought 2 of the SF old mint gold $5 coins from an eBay seller; one was out of the capsule and PCGS gave it a 69; the other was ok and got a 70.
that's really strange that this capsule popping open disease was endemic to the 2006 SF Golds.. some different source for the capsules or they just bought a run of them that were made slightly out of spec?.. or did the Mint just bring in some temporary help who didn't know how to squish the two halves together firmly enough?.. i've never had it happen on ANY other Modern Commemoratives of any size (50c, $1 Silver, $5 Gold, $10 Gold).. back to the Proof George Washington Halves in 1982.. until they got to these.. i demand a Congressional investigation! i also noticed that the First Spouse Golds.. at least my Jefferson Unc, has no thumb notch to aid lifting the capsule out of its felt platform, making it a real beeyotch and a half to get it out to admire the other side.. from the pictures i've seen of open Platinum sets, they don't have a finger notch either.. while most all other capsulized-a-lated moderns do have a notch.. and some even have / had little red white and blue ribbons under the capsules you just give a tug to and it lifts the capsule out of the indentation.. but getting that Jefferson out of that hole is a pain.. if there's any rhyme or reason to how The Mint tweaks its packaging from one year to the next, one Modern to the next, it totally escapes me.. like "Hey, Harry.. we can save 12 cents each if we don't do a finger notch for these $500.00 Gold coins!".. oh well, just another mystery..
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.." - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
<< <i> I bought 2 of the SF old mint gold $5 coins from an eBay seller; one was out of the capsule and PCGS gave it a 69; the other was ok and got a 70. >>
you lead a charmed life.. lean closer to the screen so i can rub you for good luck..
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.." - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
I received mine today at 1:28 scanned at post office at 2:10.
Post office was busy today.
I sent them in for First strike and Trueview.
I sent them overnight with tomorrow 3:00PM delivery--of course PO will be closed but they will be waiting for PCGS on Monday morning. I also sent them in express service (5-day). I hope it will be faster than Regular service?
<< <i>Who has sent theirs in for 1st strike grading? >>
I must confess.
President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay
TeleTrade or eBay?
"i'm in"
The 10th anniversary platinum set needs to be in a sealed Mint box and go on it's own submission form with no other coins. The least expensive grading tier due to the coins value is 'Regular' at $30/coin. So if you are sending just one set it would go like this:
1/. Fill in your collector club information on the top left of the form with your return shipping address below.
2/. Where it says 'Package Information' on the top right of the form, put '1 for total number of submissions. This submission is '1' of '1' and total nuber of coins is '2'.
3/. Under type of submission check 'Grading'. Under Service Level check 'Regular'. Check where it says 'Other' and put 'First Strike/10th Anniv. Designation' $10/coin and 'Return Mint Box $2' in the space provided. (OPTIONAL: TrueView $10 if you want your coins to be imaged)
4/. Under Fee Calculation put
- 2 x $30 for service level fee = $60
- 2 x $10 for additional service fee = $20
- 1 x $2 for Return Mint Box
- OPTIONAL: TrueView = 2 x $5 = $10 if you want it
- Handling fee = $5
- Return shipping fee would = $22.75 for two coin with a declared value of up to $5,000 total.
- Total Charges = $109.75 (or $119.75 if you want TrueView)
- Fill in your method of payment and sign where it says 'Cardholder signature' if paying by credit card.
5/. Under the table in the lower half of the submission form:
- On Line 1 put:
Quantity = 1
PCGS Coin No. = 393054
Date = 2007-W
Denomination = $50
Variety = First Strike/10th Anniv APE Proof
Leave current grade, certification number and Minimum grade blank.
Under Declared value put $2,500
On Line 2 put:
Quantity = 1
PCGS Coin No. = 393056
Date = 2007-W
Denomination = $50
Variety = First Strike/10th Anniv APE Reverse Proof
Leave current grade, certification number and Minimum grade blank.
Under Declared value put $2,500
6/. Under 'Total Declared Value' on the bottom right corner put $5,000
7/. Sign and date the form at the bottom.
8/. Tear the gold colored copy from the form and keep it for your records.
9/. Package the set in the sealed Mint box in another box with the submission form.
10/. Address the package to PCGS P.O. Box 9458, Newport Beach, CA 92658
11/. On the bottom of the address side of the package write 'Regular'.
12/. Mail it to PCGS and pray
Good Luck,
Thanks for the complete help guide on Submission.
I'm in with Trueview pics...It's only $10 more and Phil always does such a nice job.
Gardnerville, NV
Our Website -->Innovation, Native & Presidential Dollar Errors, Lincoln Cents and more
Check it out --> Our eBay Auctions
<< <i>FLBH,
Thanks for the complete help guide on Submission.
I'm in with Trueview pics...It's only $10 more and Phil always does such a nice job. >>
Someone sent me a PM asking how to fill the form so I thought I would post it. I agree it's worth the $10 for TrueView
Successful forum transactions: jessewvu, nankraut, tootawl, levinll, mistercoinman, metalsman, adamlaneus, chuckc, fivecents, kingplatinum, jdimmick, waterzooey, moderncoinmart, bige, steelielee,
<< <i>Why did you put 5000 declared value?? I put 1950. I forgot to put Truview but I called PCGS and spoke to Terry Gilbert, she was very nice and gave me her email and said when they recieve the package she will take care of it. A+++++ service, not all I need is for the 2 coins to come back a 70.:<
Declared value is what the coins are worth to you and is the amount they will insure the package for. The shipping rate is the same for coins with a declared value of $1,000 - $5,000 so you might as well insure them properly in case you get a 70.
And of course, I paid the extra $10ea for First Strike. I would love to boycott, but it doesn't make financial sense.
What a bummer that would be, losing a perfect first strike 70 set in the mail.
Successful forum transactions: jessewvu, nankraut, tootawl, levinll, mistercoinman, metalsman, adamlaneus, chuckc, fivecents, kingplatinum, jdimmick, waterzooey, moderncoinmart, bige, steelielee,
<< <i>That seems rather high for a set with a 30,000 mintage and is still available from the Mint, I would say $8,000 - $10,000 given the historically low 70 ratio of the PRDCAM APE. >>
There was an early 2007-w first strike 70 bid up to $5K on monday that didn't sell so I assume that these will bring more.
<< <i>There was an early 2007-w first strike 70 bid up to $5K on monday that didn't sell so I assume that these will bring more. >>
If you think that $5,000 is a deal, you can buy this one. You might be able to offer him $4,950
<< <i>
<< <i>There was an early 2007-w first strike 70 bid up to $5K on monday that didn't sell so I assume that these will bring more. >>
If you think that $5,000 is a deal, you can buy this one. You might be able to offer him $4,950
checking the PCGS population reports, based on $50 Platinum 2007-Ws graded so far.. it looks like you / we /they / them gots about a one in ten shot of the regular Proof grading 70.. the Reverse Proof.. who knows.. none graded yet.. a pair of First Strike 70s should bring about $10,000.00 or more.. after the magic "product not available" goes up on The Mint's sales page.. who knows where the ceiling is for First Strike 70s.. i think i'm gonna hold my sealed box (between my knees.. with apologies to Jack Nicholson..).. until the February Long Beach Show and walk it in and hand it to PCGS.. i'm not real keen on the idea of this thing bouncing around in the mail again after it bounced around from Memphis to me via Fedex last week.. however, they told me they don't do same-day walk-through First Strike labelling at shows so they'd have to mail the two slabs back to me while i squirm and stare at the pretty wood box with two gaping holes in it..
the 12/21 shipping date on the outer box guarantees they'll be eligible for the holy First Strike label anyway..
why walk it into a show instead of mail it?.. wellllll.. i bought a Mint sealed never-opened 2006-S SF Old Mint Gold off eBay a few weeks ago.. opened the box, slid the clamshell out of its blue slipcase, and the capsule had popped out of its recess, popped apart, and the coin was sitting naked on the felt lining (luckily undamaged and un-dinged, since there's not a lot of vertical space for it to move around inside the closed clamshell case).. and this is not the first time i've heard of this happening, although it's the first time it's happened to me..
from looking at pictures of opened Platinum Anniversary sets on eBay (in auctions where sellers have opened them and taken many pictures).. it looks like the coins in their capsules are pressed into a felt lining in two holes in a wood platform with some kind of magnets to stand it up when the box's lid is raised.. but could THOSE capsules pop open in transit like my SF Gold's capsule did?.. is there MORE vertical room in that domed wood box than in the small blue clamshells? sure looks like it.. almost makes me want to put it under an x-ray machine to know that they're still in their capsules.. is the Mint getting sloppy pressing the capsules together or what..
the Long Beach show is a half-hour drive for me.. so what's the rush to mail it to PCGS?.. as long as it stays sealed, it qualifies for all the silly label options anyway even if i submit it to them next Summer..
and i still don't understand why they didn't just sell the Reverse Proof by its lonely, but had to double the price of the set by pairing it with a regular Proof that was already sold for months.. doing that doubled the price of this set.. had the Reverse Proof been sold by itself for about a grand, i think they would have had a one-day sell-out. even with a Mintage of 30,000.. timing the release of this set during the last days of the Xmas spending madness, plus the two grand price, plus the 30,000 limit are all factors as to why this set hasn't sold out yet.. if there's some kind of logic under which The Mint operates, its name is pretzel..
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
<< <i>Those that flip first flip best
i couldn't disagree more.. having bought (in 2000), slabbed, and sold (in 2002).. four 2000-W LOC BiMetallic Uncs. five years ago, and got $1900.00 for MS70s.. what are MS70s going for now?.. four grand and up.. we can agree to disagree but in my opinion, people who are selling the Platinum sets raw or even sealed box on eBay or selling to a dealer and taking a hundred or two profit right now are cheating themselves out of a LOT of money.. i'm not psychic, but there are too many good arguments against selling these sets so early.. especially if you only have one..
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
<< <i>Those that flip first flip best
Not always true.
I flipped the Silver 20th anniversary eagles for between 100 and 400 percent. The later flippers had as much as 900% last time I checked.
I do agree however, that if you do plan on flipping a few or more of these that you should start covering costs as soon as you can.
<< <i>
<< <i>There was an early 2007-w first strike 70 bid up to $5K on monday that didn't sell so I assume that these will bring more. >>
If you think that $5,000 is a deal, you can buy this one. You might be able to offer him $4,950
I have NO idea if $5K is a deal or not; it sure aint to me. My point is if those bring $5K or better, then why wouldn't a matched pair of the current set bring that much per coin or more!! I's jiss tryin ta put this chit in perspective. The first set will sell fer moon money; the second a little less.
<< <i>
<< <i>Why did you put 5000 declared value?? I put 1950. I forgot to put Truview but I called PCGS and spoke to Terry Gilbert, she was very nice and gave me her email and said when they recieve the package she will take care of it. A+++++ service, not all I need is for the 2 coins to come back a 70.:<
Declared value is what the coins are worth to you and is the amount they will insure the package for. The shipping rate is the same for coins with a declared value of $1,000 - $5,000 so you might as well insure them properly in case you get a 70. >>
Depends on where they get lost. If lost in transit to PCGS they are only worth what you paid for them and at this point it is mint issue price of $1950. If they get lost on the way back from PCGS, you have to prove value based on the grade. You can do this from closed auction prices and PCGS price guide but at this point I doubt you will get the Post Office to reimburse you anywhere north of issue price. There just isn't enough sales history determine a price other than issue price or slightly above.
<< <i>I'd guess that the first pair of 70's sold together and having consecutive cert numbers with all the trimmings could fetch $15K. >>
Thats Funny
I would say these will do worse than the FS Jeffersons. You will be lucky to $3K for a 70 set. You heard it here first.
<< <i>
<< <i>Those that flip first flip best
i couldn't disagree more.. having bought (in 2000), slabbed, and sold (in 2002).. four 2000-W LOC BiMetallic Uncs. five years ago, and got $1900.00 for MS70s.. what are MS70s going for now?.. four grand and up.. we can agree to disagree but in my opinion, people who are selling the Platinum sets raw or even sealed box on eBay or selling to a dealer and taking a hundred or two profit right now are cheating themselves out of a LOT of money.. i'm not psychic, but there are too many good arguments against selling these sets so early.. especially if you only have one.. >>
Way too high a mintage for the 6000 person collector base. Sell early as within 3 months until eternity, these sets will lag behind every other plat offering to date. When plats do come into their own in about 10-15 years. These sets will be the dogs and the 2004-2006 plats will be the kings.
<< <i>
If lost in transit to PCGS they are only worth what you paid for them and at this point it is mint issue price of $1950. If they get lost on the way back from PCGS, you have to prove value based on the grade. You can do this from closed auction prices and PCGS price guide but at this point I doubt you will get the Post Office to reimburse you anywhere north of issue price. There just isn't enough sales history determine a price other than issue price or slightly above. >>
in 2002 or 2003 i ordered a Monaco Euro Mint / Unc. set directly from the Monaco Mint (i'm on their Subscription list).. the ONLY way to get these at issue price is to be on their list, get their official letter, printed on their colored letterhead, fill it out, and air mail it back to them.. the set cost me something like $40.00 plus Postage.. these are not only immediate sell-outs, but Monaco has more list subscribers than the number of sets they make, so even being on the list doesn't guarantee you'll get order fulfillment.. the key is to fill out the order and mail it back to them as fast as possible, and they will NOT take it as a FAX.. it has to be the same original colored letterhead letter they send you in the mail..
they billed me, weeks later.. they shipped it, it was pilfered in transit probably by someone at a Customs House who figured out what was inside the package(s) and started pilfering the sets.. this happened to multiple people, because, like the two yearly Vatican sets (Proof and Unc.), Monaco's sets are in VERY high demand by Euro collectors, and sell-out immediately and immediately wildly escalate in value.. some years Monaco doesn't issue an Unc. set at all.. like 2007.. in 2006 they ONLY issued a three-coin Proof set, even though their Euros come in eight denominations like all the other countries in Euroland..
anyway.. when my mailman handed me the padded envelope, i noticed a strange blue tape across one end of it.. in his presence, i took off the tape, found the padded envelope (which is logo-crimped around all four edges).. had been slit open on one end.. someone had pulled out the cardboard sleeve and we saw that its shrinkwrap had been broken, the coin set aken out, the empty sleeve put back in, and the package sloppily taped up..
i filed a claim against the USPS for loss.. since it was an International shipment, i had to go through the USPS' Int'l claims office in NYC.. i asked them what value to claim loss against, since this set was sold out, and no longer availble for $40.00.. and they told me "current market value".. i said how do i establish that?.. they said "find any coin dealer ad or eBay sale result, print it out, and submit it along with your claim form.. you can use ANY valid, current in-stock price you can find, as high as you want, we only need proof of ONE price.. as long as it is a coin set that is currently in-stock at a coin dealer, or a recent eBay auction page..".. or words to that effect..
i sniffed around and found that a huge Euro dealer based in The Netherlands, muntplaats.nl, was selling the set for about $500.00.. i printed out their Web site's sales page for the set at that price and submitted it along with my USPS claim form plus print-outs i made of photos of the pilfered packaging.. after a few weeks, i received a check in the mail from the USPS for something like $510.00.. which was Muntplaats.nl's price for the pilfered set, plus the cost of the Postage i had paid the Monaco Mint on my order form..
so in other words, the USPS will reimburse you for an Insured parcel's contents not at the price you paid for it, but for its current market value.. in that case, a rare $40.00 Mint set was currently selling for $500.00, and that's how much i was reimbursed..
since these Platinum sets are still available at issue price, that's probably what you'd get if yours was lost in Transit.. AFTER they sell out and prices escalate, then the whole claim game will change..
i contacted the Monaco Mint people and sent them photographs of the pilfered set.. they replied and said yes, we have been getting reports from other US-based members of our subscribers' list that their sets have been pilfered too.. so we are changing to a different style of shipping packages, changing our return address (which was something like "The Monaco Coin and Stamp Office (in French)".. and trying to Track down exactly where this is happening..
i replied and said since your limit of purchase is one (1) set per subscriber, and mine was pilfered in Transit, is there any chance i could get a replacement?.. they said well we can't GIVE you one but yes, we'll make an exception and sell you another one for $40.00.. i said sounds good to me.. they charged me another $40.00 (can't remember if they charged me shipping again).. and i received the replacement set a couple of weeks later.. which i later sold on eBay for over $500.00..
i don't just flip rare Euro sets (Vatican, Monaco, and San Marino have been the rarest, since those three tiny countries went Euro in 2002).. there are some Euro coins i collect, enjoy, cherish, and stay in my collection, like the HUGE 50 Euro Silver Salvadore Dali Commemorative which is my board Avatar over there and pictured below, right after i got it.. <-- plus some other special low-mintage interesting, artistic Euro coins.. like Austria's yearly BiMetallic Silver / Niobium Commemoratives.. (this for anyone who wants to play J'accuse and tell me i'm not a coin collector, just a flipper..) ..
at any rate, not to belabor the point, but the two times i have filed a claim for loss against the USPS (i also sold a Vatican Mint set on eBay to guy in Paris France which never got there.. the USPS Traced it, which took a month, and the result was "Lost in Germany" (!?)).. they have reimbursed me the highest dealer price i could find, in both cases, more than ten times what the sets originally cost me.. all i had to do was prove current market value based on a Dealer's ad.. which in both cases was a print-out from a Dealer's Web site of sets identical to the ones i had either shipped and got lost, or received and been pilfered..
just for grins, here's the monster 50 Euro Dali Silver and Gold coin, still in my collection.. Dali's famous "melting watch" is actually a removable Gold free-floating insert on the coin with a watch face on one side, and i forget what's on the other side..
the biggest coin (Silver and denominated).. i have ever owned.. not only beautiful, serial-numbered, low-mintage, and in a gorgeous presentation case with Dali paintings on its cardboard box.. but also useful as a hockey puck and a weapon
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
<< <i>
<< <i>I'd guess that the first pair of 70's sold together and having consecutive cert numbers with all the trimmings could fetch $15K. >>
Thats Funny
I would say these will do worse than the FS Jeffersons. You will be lucky to $3K for a 70 set. You heard it here first. >>
Why is it funny? When PCGS started doin ASE 70's again how much did the FIRST 2006-W FS go for? $2500 and there will likely be plenty of them. The first guy to get a pair of PCGS 70's with ALL the trimmings will do well if he sells ASAP.
<< <i>
Way too high a mintage for the 6000 person collector base. Sell early as within 3 months until eternity, these sets will lag behind every other plat offering to date. When plats do come into their own in about 10-15 years. These sets will be the dogs and the 2004-2006 plats will be the kings. >>
"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts." -Sen. Daniel
Patrick Moynihan"..
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
Close - you mean 2003-2005 - no?
Re: "LOC" coins - Interestingly, only about 10%-15% more than 69 coins. The spread is next to nothing now. The best bet would have been to take the $1,900/coin you got for 70's way back when and bought more raw coins. You would have really cleaned up!!
<< <i>" what are MS70s going for now?.. "
Re: "LOC" coins - Interestingly, only about 10%-15% more than 69 coins. The spread is next to nothing now. The best bet would have been to take the $1,900/coin you got for 70's way back when and bought more raw coins. You would have really cleaned up!!
Wondercoin >>
except i bought them in 2000, had them slabbed in 2002 by which time they were no longer available from the Mint at $390.00.. also interesting is that the Proof version, with a Mintage of over 20,000 (the Uncs. were 6683).. is now selling (at least on TeleTrade) in PR70 for MORE than the MS70 Uncs. but that's only for PCGS 70s.. if you want a raw Proof, you can get one for about a grand.. a raw Unc., try about $2500 to three grand..
when i sold my NGC MS70s on eBay, NGC's population of 70s was somewhere around 14.. i'd like one back but i'm savin' up for Lincoln-related stuff.. i think the whole Lincoln cent series is going to go ballistic come 2009 when the coin turns 100.. the country will be swept up in Lincoln fever and the keys and semi-keys should go insane.. just a hunch
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
<< <i>What are 'LOC' coins? >>
Year 2000 Library of Congress. Bi-metalic.
A score I made on one of these is I bought it raw on ebay and it graded a pcgs MS70.
<< <i>
<< <i>What are 'LOC' coins? >>
Year 2000 Library of Congress. Bi-metalic.
A score I made on one of these is I bought it raw on ebay and it graded a pcgs MS70.
Thanks, congrats on your MS70
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>There was an early 2007-w first strike 70 bid up to $5K on monday that didn't sell so I assume that these will bring more. >>
If you think that $5,000 is a deal, you can buy this one. You might be able to offer him $4,950
why walk it into a show instead of mail it?.. wellllll.. i bought a Mint sealed never-opened 2006-S SF Old Mint Gold off eBay a few weeks ago.. opened the box, slid the clamshell out of its blue slipcase, and the capsule had popped out of its recess, popped apart, and the coin was sitting naked on the felt lining (luckily undamaged and un-dinged, since there's not a lot of vertical space for it to move around inside the closed clamshell case).. and this is not the first time i've heard of this happening, although it's the first time it's happened to me..
.. >>
The SF capsules had a major problem that almost ALL the coins popped out of the capsules. I think they have corrected the problem and it would be rare for the coin to pop out. (though not impossible).
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>There was an early 2007-w first strike 70 bid up to $5K on monday that didn't sell so I assume that these will bring more. >>
If you think that $5,000 is a deal, you can buy this one. You might be able to offer him $4,950
why walk it into a show instead of mail it?.. wellllll.. i bought a Mint sealed never-opened 2006-S SF Old Mint Gold off eBay a few weeks ago.. opened the box, slid the clamshell out of its blue slipcase, and the capsule had popped out of its recess, popped apart, and the coin was sitting naked on the felt lining (luckily undamaged and un-dinged, since there's not a lot of vertical space for it to move around inside the closed clamshell case).. and this is not the first time i've heard of this happening, although it's the first time it's happened to me..
.. >>
The SF capsules had a major problem that almost ALL the coins popped out of the capsules. I think they have corrected the problem and it would be rare for the coin to pop out. (though not impossible). >>
I bought 2 of the SF old mint gold $5 coins from an eBay seller; one was out of the capsule and PCGS gave it a 69; the other was ok and got a 70.
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
<< <i>
I bought 2 of the SF old mint gold $5 coins from an eBay seller; one was out of the capsule and PCGS gave it a 69; the other was ok and got a 70.
you lead a charmed life.. lean closer to the screen so i can rub you for good luck..
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
maybe that's where Santa was all day and night!
Post office was busy today.
I sent them in for First strike and Trueview.
I sent them overnight with tomorrow 3:00PM delivery--of course PO will be closed but they will be waiting for PCGS on Monday morning. I also sent them in express service (5-day). I hope it will be faster than Regular service?