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Coins, medals and bullion value.

291fifth291fifth Posts: 24,421 ✭✭✭✭✭
With today's high bullion prices I suspect we are going to see more and more rare and scarce items hitting the melting pot. Anyone who lived through the 1979-80 bullion price run-up probably wishes that they unloaded more of their material when they could, especially silver items. These people are probably going to be more prone to cashing out today while they have the chance.

Thinly collected areas, such as medals struck in silver and gold, are going to be especially vulnerable.

Platinum coins are also very vulnerable due to industrial demand for the medal. At over $1500 an ounce the sale of platinum items is going to be a great way for individuals who find themselves financially pressed to raise quick cash.
All glory is fleeting.


  • I have a very scarce gold bar on ebay for sale right now in fact. I wont give a link, or even any hints, but it will bring at least 1.5x spot. There are collectors, and there is a market for rare bullion. Some people might say, "its just bullion". But to an average person, they see someone spend $3,000 on a gem Barber half, and think, "gee, that coin only has $5 worth of silver in it". Different strokes.

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