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If My Coin Collection Was Stolen. A? B?

Hi just wanted some great suggestions to protect my coin collection if it was ever stolen. Back 14 years ago my home was broken into and the punk that was later caught wiped us out. He sold all of my belonging to a pawn shop in another state and to make a long story straight POOF!! All of my stuff was never to be seen again. After the insurance adjuster made it seem like it was our fault. I got a check well less than my value and what I paid for the items that were stolen. Finally the greatest news the home owner insurer cancelled us.

Now here is my question, my coins are very valuable, A? can I get the value back for the value of coins worth not the value of its face value.

B? what is a great add/on to a insurance policy that a coin collector to protect their value?

One more thing thank my God and your God for not letting this punk hurt my wife and daughter. At the time of the robbery my wife and daughter just left for church.

I had to go to court to help fry this loser and found out just before and twice after this guy rape a 70 year old woman and 2 younger girls less than the age 16 and murdered a older guy, during additional robberys. This happened in a span of 8 days just after he was release from prison from a 30 year sentence for the same crimes.


  • my suggestion as a coin collector, father, and a 25 yr old disabled man, own lots of guns, shot first worry later, and get a strong secure safe. the safe is a coin guys best friend. plus dont tell anyone you collect coins. all it takes is someone saying "i know a guy that collects coins, he'll know what that is." boom, potential for a robbery. just remember to be safe, lock your doors, and shot first. answering questions is easy, burying a loved one is not...
  • notwilightnotwilight Posts: 12,864 ✭✭✭
    I recommend safe deposit boxes and Sig Sauer.
  • notwilight,

    good advice. i like the sig as well. very trusty insursnce provider...
  • tahoe98tahoe98 Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭
    plus dont tell anyone you collect coins. all it takes is someone saying "i know a guy that collects coins, he'll know what that is." boom, potential for a robbery. just remember to be safe, lock your doors, and shot first. answering questions is easy, burying a loved one is not... >>

    the 'anyone' could well be the mailman.............he sees all image
    "government is not reason, it is not eloquence-it is a force! like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." George Washington
  • tahoe, good point.

    my mailman sees my coinworld and other publications all the time.

    better get those xmas tips out there.

    that is a very good point though.
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    As a law enforcement/detective here in NC I can give you the same advice that I give to people here. PICTURES PITCURES PICTURES!! Take DETAILED pictures of every coin, book, album, slab, and supplies. Have those coins written down in a book ALONG with approximate values and a coin book to back that value up for the inusrance companies. When it comes to purchasing insurance for you coins, DON'T BE CHEAP! Lastly, don't be cheap in buying a safe. I repeat DON'T BE CHEAP IN BUYING A SAFE........ An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Bolt those things to the floors and put them in places that most people couldn't get them out. Take the time to plan for these type of things. Also, watch who you tell about your coins and NEVER tell ANYONE where you keep your safe or valuables at.
    If you do have your coins stolen be ready to supply your local law enforcement with a detailed list of coins, with mint marks and dates. Have the pictures to back up the fact you have these coins, if you don't have pics and a list then you might as well not have ever had them, because the insurance company isn't going to pay you and we can't recover the items. Lastly, take vidoe of your coins, your safe, and where the safe is located. This will help the insurnace company verify that you actually owned the safe, the coins, and what prevention measures you took. I know this seems redundant but most collectors don't follow these simple tips. If you have slabs be sure to have the serial numbers written down or in a database somewhere. Also, make friends with some Law Enforcement that collects coins. These guys will be more than willing to go an extra mile to help get your coins back. I go down to my local coin shop every thursday and hang out. It makes them feel safer and it helps me get coins cheaper!! I always grade them on how they are protecting themselves, their store, and their investments. If you run a coin shop, DON'T LEAVE YOUR GUN LAYING ON THE COUNTER. This drives me insane! If you are going to carry on then carry it!! It will do you NO GOOD laying 10 feet from you on a table or a counter, plus some criminal may pick it up and use it against you. In today's society you cannot be too careful. Be prepared, expect the worse from people, and ALWAYS pay attention to your surroundings. If you have a gut feeling something bad is going to happen then it probably is. Call the cops, that's what we get paid to do, protect people. Hope this helps!
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    I almost forgot, in your coin shop don't put your most valuable coins out. Keep them locked up, especially gold coins. Most people that are coming into your store to purchase a high dollar coin already have it in their head what they want. Having a bunch of high priced items out for some scum bag to look over only makes him want to rob you more. Be safe out there guys and let me know if I can EVER help any of you in any way. Thanks!
  • ASUtodd. just from this comment I can tell you are a LEO......................."Be prepared, expect the worse from people, and ALWAYS pay attention to your surroundings. If you have a gut feeling something bad is going to happen then it probably is. Call the cops, that's what we get paid to do, protect people. Hope this helps!"

    The Supreme Court has ruled that the police do not have the obligation to protect the individual but society as a whole. Numerous lawsuits have been filed (and lost)because of the misbelief that the Police are obligated to protect you. So the best thing you can do is stay aware, stay prepared and remember its just money.

    Molon Labe
  • todd,
    thank you for your service and dedication. i have a few cops in the family and they say the same thing. a cop is a special breed of person. you run to what people run from. thanks. i feel wierd at 25 saying that considering the image given to my generation about cops. once i thought they were all out to get me, now i see them and have to say thank you. strange how things go with some time and meeting good people. i am glad that there are people like you out there.

  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    Uknowncomic, I'm not sure how to take your comments but as a Law Enforemcent officer WE ARE OBLIGATED TO PROTECT people. There are laws, concerning dereliction of duty, that say that me, being an leo, have to render services. Now this may not be a federal law, but here in NC it is a state law. I do protect the soceity as a whole and the individuals. I am merely wanting the guys on this forum to be safe and to think about things that can happen to them. It is the Christmas season and it is not only the time of year for celebration but the time of year for crime. I don't see anything wrong with wanting others to be safe. Regardless, I am still here if anyone needs me. Thanks!
  • mozeppamozeppa Posts: 4,431 ✭✭✭
    I play golf with my mail man.

    and he knows....

    ......ifn' he dood it.......he ditta whipp'n'image
  • RockdogzRockdogz Posts: 145 ✭✭✭
    Use a PO box to receive your mail...
  • PrethenPrethen Posts: 3,452 ✭✭✭
    Use a PO Box for any coin related business and join the ANA and purchase the inexpensive coin collector insurance through Hugh Wood.
  • Don't always expect a lot of help from the cops. I know. A lot of my coins were stolen. They came to the house, investigated and before they left, told me I should check the local dealers [not them] because I knew more about my coins. I did, found out who had bought them and told the cops. They made a phone call to the dealer and he faxed them a list of what he bougfht. The cops never got back to the dealer. But since the dope left his name, address and drivers license number, they picked him up. He just got 3 years in prison for that , parole violation, and credit card theft. I believe everything the cop above said, especially the serial numbers on slabs, but not all cops are gung ho. They were probably sad because the Krispy Kreme had just closed their doors. I'm only a little bitter, because it was partially my fault. My coins were not well enough hidden. $12,000.00 worth. Steve
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    I'm sorry that you did not receive the level of service that you felt you should from the patrol divison in your area. You have to understand that the normal "patrol" officer isn't trained to indentify coins and work cases of that nature, that's where a good detective should come in. Usually agencies will have Detectives that specialize in certain areas and type cases. This may not apply if you live in a small city or town. Understand also that if you can't provide idenitifiers on your coins then the police can't take them back for you. Some coins have thousands and millions of them minted so finding your direct coin is a tough job without the proper documentation. I wish there was something I could do for you to get rid of your bad experience but I can't, therefore I'll overlook the Krispy Kreme comment!!! image
  • i like the krispy cremes. that sucks steve. i hate hearing about these stories. it just makes no sense to me as a person. i guess your either born with a sense of right or wrong, or not. its a shame that these disgusting people get out and do it again. i will now take even more precautions after reading this thread.

    thanks for all the info everyone...

  • notwilightnotwilight Posts: 12,864 ✭✭✭

    << <i>tahoe, good point. my mailman sees my coinworld and other publications all the time. better get those xmas tips out there. that is a very good point though. >>

    All of those things and all my shippig supplies etc go to my private mail box.

    One more thing. Even if you keep all your coins in your safe deposit box, a bad guy who figures out you are associated with expensive round things may not know that. the Sig is to protect your life and your loved ones. make sure everyone who knows you collect coins knows you don't keep them in the house. --Jerry
  • This content has been removed.
  • I had detectives investigating. Or I remember sergeant stripes. Whatever, I'm just saying that they didn't go overboard. But 3 years is quite a bit of time and since he was on parole, when he gets out, he has to start making restitution or he could be thrown back in. Krispy Kreme is just a joke. I like them too, but they are overpriced. Steve
  • BarbercoinBarbercoin Posts: 1,018 ✭✭✭

    Funny how things work out, your family being gone and all. You have much to be thankful for. Despite losing your coins, it could've been a lot worse. Thieves have such little regard for property or even the lives of another human as was in this case.

    I wanted to publically admonish the insurance company. Once they settle (that's "if they do"), they drop you like flies. State Farm dropped us after we claimed a tree that went through our roof. We never saw that one coming (the tree or the fact they dropped us). But they sure took our premiums for well over twenty years. What jerks they can be.

    Pictures and bolting the safe to the floor seem to be the best advice.

    Good awareness post.

    WTB: Barber Quarters XF

  • SeattleSlammerSeattleSlammer Posts: 10,032 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Use a SDB. Much better than a safe in your home that inherently has a big target on it....."look here!, look here!"

    And if your collection is particularly valuable and/or if you particularly value your collection, get a third party appraisal!

  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    Understand also that it is hard to "recover" coins as opposed to items with serial numbers on them (well those items that the bad guys haven't taken the serial numbers off). Coins are a collectible that you don't want to inscribe a serial number or Owner Applied Number to. It's a hard case to crack because there are "bad" coin dealers and pawn shops that will gladly take stolen merchandise, knowing that it can't be traced. Baseball cards, coins, and collectibles as this are very hard to receover. It makes my job 10000000 times easier when the coin dealers and pawn shops work with me and not against me. I know that they don't always get reimbursed for their losses, when they buy stolen items, but I do the best I can. When it goes to court the case is out of my hands. I have no say in how long a person gets in jail and I have no say as to any restitution. The bad part is the crook has no money to begin with so the chances of reimbursment are slim and none. Be careful who you buy items from and carefully document the items that are brought in. Require a picture ID (State driver's license works the best). Take the person's name, or copy their ID. Write down the condition of the coins being brought in and even take pictures of the coins and the person bringing the items in. I, being a law abiding citizen, would have no problem with this if I were to bring coins in because I haven't done anything wrong. Some people would object, and so be it, but most that object would do so because the items are stolen. It sucks having to do all this but one bad apple ruins the whole barrell. When I think about this topic I immediately think about gun laws. They inconvenience the law abiding folks while only slowing down the criminals (at best). It's sad that we have to go this overboard to protect ourselves from the evil element of society. I can only blame oursleves as a society for allowing this to continue. We elect officials that don't vote for more strict laws for punishment and we don't have the moral respect for other citizens within our communities.
    I got into collecting coins as a stress relief from the crap that I have to deal with at work. Once the department found out I had knowledge of coins I was then assigned cases involving the theft of coins and the like. My hobby has now become work..... I try to keep the two seperate by educating those that are in the hobby so that I don't have to work these types of cases. Most delears, that I have seen, are older citizens who may not be aware of how the current criminal element operates within our society. Senior Citizens are easy targets for the criminals and thus end up becoming victims more so than the rest of us. I hope that one day we don't have to worry about this stuff but I doubt that day will ever come, so until then I will keep figthing to keep these morons off our streets and out of our coin hobby....same goes for counterfeiters. (No I'm not saying that coin colelctors are old foggies!! I am only 30 myself!)
  • 09sVDB09sVDB Posts: 2,420 ✭✭✭
    Although it's hard to do because you don't have the ability to view them when you want but a SDB is the best way to go. Also a PO box is a good idea too.
  • If you want to protect your coins from ever being stolen- dig a real deep hole in your backyard and build a concrete bunker with 18" thick walls with a 1 way in hidden trap door.

    I wonder why 'we' collect just to keep in a SDB.

    I have mine dispalyed in my house and a few in my office- if someone wants them that bad- they can.
  • ASUtodd, I didn't intend to offend. In fact, in the age of the dinosaur I was a city cop in a very small burg in the San Joaquin Valley. This was back before Miranda. I really take my hat off to the LEOs of today. You guy s have to put with way more crap than we would have. Shakespeare had it right. "First we kill all the lawyers" ..LOL( Dont come down on me for that one . He wrote it... not me.)
    Molon Labe
  • FrankcoinsFrankcoins Posts: 4,569 ✭✭✭
    Consider a safe, a gun, a monitored alarm system, and a dog.
    Frank Provasek - PCGS Authorized Dealer, Life Member ANA, Member TNA. www.frankcoins.com
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    No harm, no foul!!!!
  • ArizonaJackArizonaJack Posts: 4,029 ✭✭✭
    You cannot simply shoot first and ask questions later. You must be absolutly sure of the laws and ramifications to pulling that trigger, robbery is not a reason unless you are in physical danger, then a well placed double tap to the chest would by the order of the day.

    I use coin manage software by Liberty Street. PICTURES and documentation on a backup disc placed away from coins and home. Desk at work, safe deposit box, etc. You must simply have documentation, the more detail the better. I just keep a safe and descretion as a tool, not the end all. Prayers and good karma work also.

    " YOU SUCK " Awarded 5/18/08
  • themasterthemaster Posts: 676 ✭✭✭
    You try to break into my house, there will only be one side to the story. Speaking from experience.

    Have a Great Day!
    "If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some." Benjamin Franklin
  • IrishMikeIrishMike Posts: 7,737 ✭✭✭
    Don't keep your valuables in your house. A bank lock box is a very cheap investment.
  • CoinosaurusCoinosaurus Posts: 9,631 ✭✭✭✭✭
    IrishMike has it right. A bank deposit box is a zillion times safer than keeping stuff at home (though still not 100%).

    I use a SD box plus insurance from Hugh Wood on top of that.
  • YaHaYaHa Posts: 4,220

    << <i>As a law enforcement/detective here in NC I can give you the same advice that I give to people here. PICTURES PITCURES PICTURES!! Take DETAILED pictures of every coin, book, album, slab, and supplies. Have those coins written down in a book ALONG with approximate values and a coin book to back that value up for the inusrance companies. When it comes to purchasing insurance for you coins, DON'T BE CHEAP! Lastly, don't be cheap in buying a safe. I repeat DON'T BE CHEAP IN BUYING A SAFE........ An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Bolt those things to the floors and put them in places that most people couldn't get them out. Take the time to plan for these type of things. Also, watch who you tell about your coins and NEVER tell ANYONE where you keep your safe or valuables at.
    If you do have your coins stolen be ready to supply your local law enforcement with a detailed list of coins, with mint marks and dates. Have the pictures to back up the fact you have these coins, if you don't have pics and a list then you might as well not have ever had them, because the insurance company isn't going to pay you and we can't recover the items. Lastly, take vidoe of your coins, your safe, and where the safe is located. This will help the insurnace company verify that you actually owned the safe, the coins, and what prevention measures you took. I know this seems redundant but most collectors don't follow these simple tips. If you have slabs be sure to have the serial numbers written down or in a database somewhere. Also, make friends with some Law Enforcement that collects coins. These guys will be more than willing to go an extra mile to help get your coins back. I go down to my local coin shop every thursday and hang out. It makes them feel safer and it helps me get coins cheaper!! I always grade them on how they are protecting themselves, their store, and their investments. If you run a coin shop, DON'T LEAVE YOUR GUN LAYING ON THE COUNTER. This drives me insane! If you are going to carry on then carry it!! It will do you NO GOOD laying 10 feet from you on a table or a counter, plus some criminal may pick it up and use it against you. In today's society you cannot be too careful. Be prepared, expect the worse from people, and ALWAYS pay attention to your surroundings. If you have a gut feeling something bad is going to happen then it probably is. Call the cops, that's what we get paid to do, protect people. Hope this helps!
    Todd >>

    Hi Todd thanks for your service to the people of Nc. I just got back from picking up my son for CCD at our church of St Marys here in Md, I thank the great Lord each and everyday for peace and hope no harm is brought upon anyone but it is the world we live in more than none it will happen.

    Todd if I was home that day that evil suspect that stole my belonging would not be here with us and I would of saved many tax dollars all the way down the line.

    I live like this, now please don't judge me board members. I beleive that ones family, ones life is more valuable than anything else in this world, and as to take anothers life, voilation of ones being is voilation of humanity. He would of been gone and thats that.

    As to being voilated that day my wife and daughter still feel that someone went through their things and broke the rule of coming into our home uninvited and they both have the hebe jebes still to this day. I tell them as a husband,father and a man, to look at it this way, you didn't get hurt. You didn't lose much, and you didn't see your dad take someones life. That was a bonus for all that day.

    My son is thirteen and wants to go into the Airforce to become a MP and learn about law enforcement. I take him to our local gun range and he shoots my 38 caliber handgun, my 9mm beretta and 357 is too much for him at this time. He does this to protect his mother and sister while I'm away. Also to learn gun safety and understand guns are safe if you are educated.

    People that know about this don't like the idea of a 13 year old shooting and learning about guns. I tell them to mind their own business and hope to God they are never voilated. Thanks again Todd and the other law enforcement officers on this board for your continued service.
  • YaHaYaHa Posts: 4,220

    << <i>YaHa,

    Funny how things work out, your family being gone and all. You have much to be thankful for. Despite losing your coins, it could've been a lot worse. Thieves have such little regard for property or even the lives of another human as was in this case.

    I wanted to publically admonish the insurance company. Once they settle (that's "if they do"), they drop you like flies. State Farm dropped us after we claimed a tree that went through our roof. We never saw that one coming (the tree or the fact they dropped us). But they sure took our premiums for well over twenty years. What jerks they can be.

    Pictures and bolting the safe to the floor seem to be the best advice.

    Good awareness post. >>

    My insurance dropped us after 20+ and it was hard is hell to get home owners insurance again. We paid $320 a year before we got zapped and had to get Md Causalty at over $1,400 a year. 3 years later after being punshished Travelers took us on and we paid $290 for a year with more coverage. Go figure its a game, but life is real and am tired of our politicians in Washington. They are to blame not the insurance companies.
  • YaHaYaHa Posts: 4,220

    << <i>Consider a safe, a gun, a monitored alarm system, and a dog. >>

    I have that all now Frank, but you would never ever think something like this would happen to you/me. I tell my daughter that is in college and son that lives home, that Daddy still educates himself everyday. Happy Christmas to All~
  • FrankcoinsFrankcoins Posts: 4,569 ✭✭✭

    << <i>You cannot simply shoot first and ask questions later. You must be absolutly sure of the laws and ramifications to pulling that trigger, robbery is not a reason unless you are in physical danger. >>

    In Texas, you can...

    Gov. Perry Signs Law Allowing Texans to Protect Themselves
    SB 378 Permits Texans to Use Deadly Force in Self Defense

    AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry today signed into law Senate Bill 378, extending Texans’ rights to use deadly force for means of self-defense, without retreat, in their home, vehicle or workplace. The law takes effect Sept. 1, 2007.

    “The right to defend oneself from an imminent act of harm should not only be clearly defined in Texas law, but is intuitive to human nature,” said Gov. Perry. “Today, I am proud to sign the Castle Law which allows Texans to not only protect themselves from criminals, but to receive the protection of state law when circumstances dictate that they use deadly force.

    “I thank Senator Jeff Wentworth, Representative Joe Driver and the Texas Legislature for their dedication to ensuring Texans’ rights to self-defense.”

    In 1995, the Texas Legislature created an exception to a 1973 statute, which required a person to retreat in the face of a criminal attack. The exception allowed a person to use force without retreat when an intruder unlawfully entered their home. Senate Bill 378 extends a person’s right to stand their ground beyond the home to vehicles and workplaces, allowing the reasonable use of deadly force when an intruder is:

    Committing certain violent crimes, such as murder or sexual assault, or is attempting to commit such crimes;

    Unlawfully trying to enter a protected place; or

    Unlawfully trying to remove a person from a protected place.

    The law also provides civil immunity for a person who lawfully uses deadly force in the above circumstances. The use of deadly force is not lawful when it is used to provoke or if a crime other than a Class C misdemeanor is committed by the victim.
    Frank Provasek - PCGS Authorized Dealer, Life Member ANA, Member TNA. www.frankcoins.com
  • My insurance dropped us after 20+ and it was hard is hell to get home owners insurance again. We paid $320 a year before we got zapped and had to get Md Causalty at over $1,400 a year. 3 years later after being punshished Travelers took us on and we paid $290 for a year with more coverage. Go figure its a game, but life is real and am tired of our politicians in Washington. They are to blame not the insurance companies.

    yaha, i used to live in nj. i got hurt on the clock and got f-ed. watch out for travlers. theyre SCUMBAGS. and i do mean SCUMBAGS...
  • tahoe98tahoe98 Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭

    All of those things and all my shippig supplies etc go to my private mail box.

    that is fine unless it's an inconvenience because of health or transportation.

    "government is not reason, it is not eloquence-it is a force! like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." George Washington
  • planetsteveplanetsteve Posts: 1,425 ✭✭✭✭
    Consider going with a policy from an insurer specializing in collectibles. ANA membership gives you direct access to Hugh Wood, a Lloyd's of London affiliate, and the premiums are on the same order if not less than what you're paying Travelers. I haven't filed a claim, but I have yet to read anything negative from those who have. I imagine that Hugh Wood is much easier to work with than an insurer that doesn't really know coins and probably doesn't care to.
  • amazing story Yaha, thank God they were safe.....

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