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Silver Eagle Lovers and Bicycle Lovers

Just bought a set of PCGS American Hero series Lance Armstrong autographed coins. One for each year he won the tour. 1999-2005.

While I feel I'm nuts for paying big bucks for bullion coins you gotta admit there's something very cool about having a full series of the greatest cyclist in American History. And I'm likely keeping this so it's not like I think this is some kind of awesome investment.

Photos when they show up, probably about in a week or so.

Anyone can say anything they want about Lance but he overcame a lot to win 7, count 'em 7 TDF's. I'd prefer my daughter recognize him as a role model rather than some TV or rock star which plays into this a little. Trying to fire up my daughter to get into cycling a little. I recently started road biking and have completely and totally fell in love with the sport. The only way though you'll ever see me at the TDF, ..............I'll be the guy in the stands holding a glass of wine.

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  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Cycling is a great sport... like all competition in this era, it is being contaminated by performance enhancing drugs.... and Lance was an incredible performer... no drugs, just guts. Cheers, RickO

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