Ebay Beef

Lets say you had an item listed in a 7 day auction on Ebay. You only bought the item last week because you knew you could flip it in a 7 day auction, thus not having to tie up your money very long. The auction ends with the winning bidder bidding almost double what you expected the item to close at. You are elated, until 1 hour later, Ebay sends you an alert stating that the high bidder was in fact a hijacked account and that your entire listing has been deleted, and that you have to relist this item. Now Ebay will take care of the fees for that deleted listing, but would you be upset knowing that if this moron hijacker wasnt screwing around, your item would have likely sold for about what the 3rd highest bidder had bid? And now Ebay is telling you that you wont even have the opportunity to use the 2nd chance feature? How would you feel?
Edited for spelling
Russ, NCNE
<< <i>I would agree with Ebay's action in that case because the hijacked account performed the same as a shill and the end price for the underbidders was artificially inflated. >>
But the 3rd high bidder placed a proxy bid more than 12 hours in advance to the listing's ending time. That means that he was very willing and happy to pay that amount!
No use getting upset over something you can't control.
As for ebay doing it...I am ok with that as well (has only happened to me once) as I would rather be safe than sorry by selling to a hijacked acct.
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
<< <i>Yeah, it's a pisser when this happens. Unfortunately, there really isn't any other way for eBay to handle it when the hijack is discovered after an auction ends.
Russ, NCNE >>
It is a pisser Russ. But the only person who loses on this whole deal is the only person with absolutely no blame, ME! You can blame the hijacker. You can even blame Ebay for their inadequate security to prevent this from happening. But I did nothing wrong, and I get "penalized" the hardest. I have significant money tied into an investment that was supposed to be for 7 days, not 14. So the one person in this mess who has NOTHING to do with what went wrong is the one who suffers the most?
<< <i>I look at it as "that's life" and you roll with it.
No use getting upset over something you can't control.
As for ebay doing it...I am ok with that as well (has only happened to me once) as I would rather be safe than sorry by selling to a hijacked acct. >>
Ok. Just tell me what the harm is in contacting the 3rd high bidder and offering the item to him at HIS proxy bid? The worst he can say is no....correct?
Consider it a blessing
<< <i>You get to relist right away, if it had finished and you were cotacted and paid by the highjacker with bads funds you'd be losing big time
Consider it a blessing >>
That is absolutely true. Could have been MUCH worse. But again, what is the harm in allowing me to offer the piece to the 3rd highest bidder at HIS proxy bid? At best, he is delighted to aquire it at his price. At worst, he says "im not interested any longer, thanks". Why the hell wont Ebay even allow me to do that? Seems very fair to me!
When I read the title of this thread I thought, why is this guy bringing up Ebay cattle auctions on the coin forums?
If Ebay canceled the auction for that reason, Wouldn't they automatically NARU the hijacked account?
<< <i>I understand it's a real bummer but I think it's a minor blip in life and I'm not sure it's worth the passion you have on it. Relist it and you might get more or you might get less but such is life. It sounds like you still have the coin so go ahead and flip it. What is it by the way? >>
I never said it was a coin. It was a rare piece of gold bullion. And rickyroooo was right, that hijacked account has been deactivated.