Hey, it's filling my maximum bids in for me! This is NOT good!
Salute the automobile: The greatest anti-pollution device in human history! (Just think of city streets clogged with a hundred thousand horses each generating 15 lbs of manure every day...)
Just tried again, with the world coin auction coming up. Instead of being able to browse all the countries represented, I have to create a search for a specific country. That's not how I like to just browse what's available. Browsing is what's been hurt the most.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."
I had started a new thread, but will paste the content here.
The new search function is so difficult, I think some bargains will be had.
The new function seams to want me to have to do 10 steps to define a search I want...
Maybe someone has cracked the code and can help. Let's say I want a search that will return: - Pre 1841 - PCGS Graded - US Coins - For auction How do I create this list?
So from acquire coins, I first select all current auctions. That is one criteria. It still has 5,208 items including artwork, foreign coins, etc. I pick PCGS on the left. This cuts it substantailly down to 1,422 items. But I still want to cut it to older type coins. I can select half dime, but now I only have two items and I cannot add in other types, so remove half dimes, and I am back at 1,422 items, most of which I do not want to look at.
Now I add 179 OR 180 OR 181 OR 182 OR 183 to the keyword list, thinking it will get me the older coins only. But I get zero results.... Let's try 179 OR 180 to see if the multiple ORs confused it. Again, zero results.
By this time, I am frustrated. I have no desire to creat a search for each coin type individually.
Even in my want list, I have a category, a grading service, and a grade range, but I get primarily items outside my search criteria.
<< <i>I had started a new thread, but will paste the content here.
The new search function is so difficult, I think some bargains will be had.
The new function seams to want me to have to do 10 steps to define a search I want...
Maybe someone has cracked the code and can help. Let's say I want a search that will return: - Pre 1841 - PCGS Graded - US Coins - For auction How do I create this list?
So from acquire coins, I first select all current auctions. That is one criteria. It still has 5,208 items including artwork, foreign coins, etc. I pick PCGS on the left. This cuts it substantailly down to 1,422 items. But I still want to cut it to aloder type coins. I can select half dime, but now I only have two items and I cannot add in other types, so remove half dimes, and I am back at 1,422 items, most of which I do not want to look at.
Now I add 179 OR 180 OR 181 OR 182 OR 183 to the keyword list, thinking it will get me the older coins only. But I get zero results.... Let's try 179 OR 180 to see if the multiple ORs confused it. Again, zero results.
By this time, I am frustrated. I have no desire to creat a search for each coin type individually.
Even in my want list, I have a category, a grading service, and a grade range, but I get primarily items outside my search criteria.
If Heritage folks are reading this, please help! >>
1st.............. auction bargains will come at the expense of the sellers..2nd ...Heritage will be a big beneficiary of bargains by buying cheap coins for the " house booK".... 3Rd Heritage... will still collect their 20-25% hammer price of each coin..4TH ..if the sellers get chumped from the auction sales price .....some might not return..
Let's turn the question around. If the new format is what we were used to and had been replaced by the old one, would we consider it an improvement?
Salute the automobile: The greatest anti-pollution device in human history! (Just think of city streets clogged with a hundred thousand horses each generating 15 lbs of manure every day...)
<< <i>Let's turn the question around. If the new format is what we were used to and had been replaced by the old one, would we consider it an improvement? >>
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly."
Ok here is how I normally browse for Canadian coins I like in the NYINC sale:
STEP 1: I first look for the various auctions that Heritage has going on:
Heritage responds with this listing on the left:
Very long list along with very few top tabs which was reserved for current or archived auctions and the ability to remove # All Current Auctions (remove) # All Post-Auction Buys (remove) | All Buy Now (remove) | # Virtual Bourse (remove)
Titles & Descriptions Acquire Collectibles & Art All Coming Soon (12,943)
Auctions Current: 2008 January New York, NY Signature World Coin Auction 458 (2,622) Current: Sunday Internet Coin Auction 67123 (1,227) Current: Tuesday Internet Coin Auction 27123 (1,359)
Highlights Featured (3) JH Exceptional (33) Make An Offer (993) New Item (105) Virtual Bourse (919) Weekly Special (11)
Coin Category Colonials (30) Half Cents (18) Large Cents (37) Small Cents (282) Two and Three Cent Pieces (33) Nickels (307) Half Dimes (28) Dimes (235) Quarters and Twenty Cents (330) Half Dollars (363) Silver and Related Dollars (1,109) Gold Dollars (45) Quarter Eagles (73) Three and Four Dollar Gold Pieces (30) Half Eagles (66) Eagles (36) Double Eagles (83) Classic Commemoratives (386) Modern Commemoratives (123) US Bullion Coins (205) Territorial and Fractional Gold (76) Patterns (15) Errors (36) Proof Sets (10) Coins of Hawaii (6) Tokens and Medals (3) Ancient Coins (96) World Coins (2,525) Other Collectibles (3)
Reserve Status Reserve (if any) Not Posted (2,604) No Reserve (18)
Coin Grading Service Uncertified (1,390) NGC (844) PCGS (269) ICG (53) ANACS (43) Other (16) NCS (4) 6 (1) 11 (1) 4 (1)
The top tabs have current and archived auctions as before as well as the ability to remove * All Current Auctions (remove) | * All Post-Auction Buys (remove) | * All Buy Now (remove) | * Virtual Bourse (remove) | * Current: 2008 January New York, NY Signature World Coin Auction 458 (remove)
I am hopeful that Canada is within World Coins (2525) and click on it
Heritage responds with this listing on the left (Ahh, we just found Canada!):
Highlights Featured (3)
Coin Category Albania (3) Andorra (2) Angola (1) Argentina (7) Australia (34) Austria (26) Barbados (2) Belgium (15) Belize (1) Bermuda (2) Bolivia (211) Brazil (8) British North Borneo (1) British West Indies (1) Cambodia (1) Canada (216) Ceylon (1) Chile (39) China (110) Colombia (41) Cook Islands (4) Costa Rica (8) Croatia (1) Cuba (25) Cyprus (5) Czechoslovakia (2) Danish West Indies (5) Danzig (14) Denmark (18) East Africa (1) Ecuador (7) Egypt (3) El Salvador (3) Eritrea (1) Ethiopia (5) Finland (3) France (64) French Colonies (1) French Equatorial Africa (3) French West Africa (1) German East Africa (7) German New Guinea (10) German States (105) Germany (22) Great Britain (266) Gold Coast (2) Greece (11) Guadeloupe (1) Guatemala (28) Haiti (2) Honduras (4) Hong Kong (17) Hungary (7) India (10) Indonesia-Timor (1) Iran (2) Ireland (5) Isle of Man (1) Israel (1) Italian Somaliland (6) Italy (74) Japan (21) Kiau Chau (1) Korea (9) Liberia (2) Liechtenstein (2) Lithuania (2) Low Countries (1) Luxembourg (89) Madagascar (1) Malaysia (2) Malta (2) Martinique (1) Mexico (158) Mombasa (1) Monaco (3) Montenegro (1) Morocco (1) Mozambique (2) Myanmar (1) Netherlands (25) Netherlands Antilles (1) Netherlands East Indies (4) New Caledonia (2) New Zealand (11) Nicaragua (1) Norway (4) Panama (1) Paraguay (1) Peru (121) Philippines (22) Poland (13) Portugal (40) Puerto Rico (8) Reunion (4) Rhodesia (7) Romania (14) Russia (177) San Marino (7) Sarawak (5) Saudi Arabia (1) Seychelles (1) Sierra Leone (1) South Africa (116) Spain (25) St. Thomas & Prince (2) Straits Settlements (22) Sumatra (1) Sweden (11) Switzerland (48) Thailand (2) Tibet (1) Transylvania (1) Trinidad & Tobago (1) Uruguay (1) Vatican (13) Venezuela (4) Vietnam (11) Yugoslavia (3) Zanzibar (5) World Lots (9)
Reserve Status Reserve (if any) Not Posted (2,517) No Reserve (8)
Coin Grading Service Uncertified (1,324) NGC (840) PCGS (269) ANACS (43) ICG (26) Other (16) NCS (4) 6 (1) 11 (1) 4 (1)
The top tabs are the same as before: Current auctions Archived auctions * Results include: * All Current Auctions (remove) | * All Post-Auction Buys (remove) | * All Buy Now (remove) | * Virtual Bourse (remove) | * Current: 2008 January New York, NY Signature World Coin Auction 458 (remove) | * World Coins (remove)
I click on Canada (216).
Heritage responds with this listing on the left:
Coin Category New Brunswick (3) Newfoundland (34) Prince Edward Island (1)
Current Bid Range $1 - $99 (24) $100 - $999 (171) $1,000 - $4,999 (20) $5,000 - $9,999 (1)
Coin Grading Service PCGS (138) Uncertified (32) NGC (27) Other (12) ICG (4) ANACS (3)
Hmmmm, am I in Canada? No indication as such on the left or on top. I DO see Canadian coins in my listing and deduce that with 216 listings that I must be in Canada. But why isn't it listed and HIGHLIGHTED ON THE LEFT to affirm that I made the right choice or at least REMIND ME of where I am.
I suddenly decide (part of the browsing mind) that I would like to take a peek at the Prince Edward Island coin and quickly head back to the mainland Canadian coins. After all, there is only one PEI coin and I can get this over with pretty quick due to only having to look at only one coin then get back to Canadian coins.
I click on Prince Edward Island (1)
Heritage responds with this listing on the left:
No further refinements available. You can:
1. Use more general keywords. 2. Remove a selection from the breadcrumb trail to expand the results. 3. Click here to start over.
Hmmm, that is interesting. I cannot go backwards or sideways. Not a good thing. I was not asking for further refinements.
But I still want to see what the Price Edward Island coin is all about as I collect PEI coin (not coins).
So I look at the general listing of the PEI coin and it says:
Current Bid: $280 $ What is this? (Minimum $300) Track this Item What is this? Reserve (if any) Not Posted Prince Edward Island Victoria Cent 1871,... [Open item a new window] Lot 50632 » World Coins » Canada » Prince Edward Island Service: PCGS Grade: See Description Signature » 2008 January New York, NY Signature World Coin Auction 458 Time Remaining: 20d 6h 2m for Internet Bidding Live auction on Jan 6, 2008
Huh???? A general description of a coin I am interested in and the grade is "See Description??????"
So now, I HAVE TO CLICK ONTO THE COIN just to see what grade it is and I get the old fashioned Heritage lot detail which states:
<<<<<Prince Edward Island Victoria Cent 1871, KM4, MS66RD PCGS, superb obverse with intense mint luster, the reverse displays a faint fingerprint. Estimate: $400 - $600>>>>>
Ok, this is fine as I had this before but why did it not show the grade before as Heritage used to do in the summary listing??
Now, I need to get back to Canada, but the path back to Canada becomes more obscure as there is no longer a Heritage listing on the left.
I do see a clickable section called:
Category: All Auction Items > Canada > Prince Edward Island
I click on this and do go back to Canada but there is no specific indicator showing me that I am in Canada other than the lots in the middle of the page are Canadian coins. I wonder if my wife would know that. But then again, this is not now a site for the computer challeneged or coin challenged.
So, I will peruse the Canadian coins for a little while (I will use the 50 coins per page (too bad my computer screen isn't 5 FEET TALL!
Back in a few after I finish scrolling a few coins as i really want Canadian Specimen kind of coins (not MS, not PL).
Yikes!!!! Every lot summary has a grade of "See Description." What the f***??? I am NOT going to squint my eyes on at every lot thumbnail picture of a slab plus every detail lot of every raw coin just to see what grade the coin is in. I cannot believe this is the fault of the new program but it would have been avoided with the old program.
"See Description" should NEVER be allowed as a default grade!!!
I see an interesting lot that I remembered was sold a year ago (the 1875-H 25c silver Eliasberg in MS-64) and was surprised to see it up for auction again.
The lot reads:
Click for larger image Sold For: Sign-in or Join (free & quick) Victoria 25 Cents 1875H, KM5, MS64 PCGS Eliasberg, the finest known example of this rare date. PCGS has only certified two o... [Open item a new window] Lot 50602 » World Coins » Canada Service: PCGS Grade: See Description
Signature » 2007 January New York Signature World Coin Auction 425 Auction Date: January 7, 2007
So I studied the coin a while and became confused why this coin was for sale so soon yet the dates referred to the 2007 sale.
Then after 5 minutes of look, I saw the answer;
We found 2,954 result(s) in our Auction Archives. Sample Result:
Now that got me very upset since Heritage for the first time was displaying SAMPLE ARCHIVE RESULTS ALONG WITH CURRENT LOTS BEING AUCTIONED. geez!!!!!!
I'm giving up. I'll go look elsewhere to look for coins. Maybe after Xmas they'll get the message and go back to the old format.
Salute the automobile: The greatest anti-pollution device in human history! (Just think of city streets clogged with a hundred thousand horses each generating 15 lbs of manure every day...)
<< <i>I want to see all the Lincoln cent proof coins coming up in the Fun auction. I want to see them listed by date order. I MIGHT then want to then see them listed high to low by dollar bid. Please tell me how I can do this easily. Thanks. Steve >>
I have been in contact with the brass at Heritage and have been assured me that they are listening to our suggestions and will be improving the site in the next couple days, so we can browse as easily as before, yet take advantage of the targeted search function. Please put the pitchforks away until further notice.
<< <i> Please put the pitchforks away until further notice. >>
Always took candy from strangers Didn't wanna get me no trade Never want to be like papa Working for the boss every night and day --"Happy", by the Rolling Stones (1972)
I have been in contact with the brass at Heritage and have been assured me that they are listening to our suggestions and will be improving the site in the next couple days, so we can browse as easily as before, yet take advantage of the targeted search function. Please put the pitchforks away until further notice.
I've spent several hours over the last couple days familiarizing myself with the new interface, and hoping that I was just reacting to change. Nope, it still sucks.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly."
I have to start going against the grain. I used it today and looked up specific information with no issues. My search criteria resulted in a much more exact list of coins than the previous system.
It's fine if you need specific info on A coin, but just try to look at the catalog like you used to be able to and it's a disaster. At the least, it's very time consuming.
Can you imagine trying to sort 200 IHC's alphabetically instead of by date?
"My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose, Cardinal.
Man, haven't seen many grownups get this upset by something in a long time. I refrained from commenting much until I had a chance to dig into this morning and after a few minutes I was off and running. It scares me that some of you are very intelligent, are doctors, businessmen and lawyers, who come up with diagnoses, run companies, and chase ambulances. Get a grip will ya!
It's so refreshing to visit the currency side of the Heritage web site - it hasn't been screwed up yet.
"My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose, Cardinal.
"My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose, Cardinal.
Looks like they've made improvements to the new search method as well. At least now the default presentation is by date.
"My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose, Cardinal.
<< <i>Looks like they've made improvements to the new search method as well. At least now the default presentation is by date. >>
That was one of the most important changes. They also removed the "featured auctions" from the front of the queue. I think that confused a lot of people.
It's still filling in $56 for my "secret maximum bid"!
Salute the automobile: The greatest anti-pollution device in human history! (Just think of city streets clogged with a hundred thousand horses each generating 15 lbs of manure every day...)
Boy, did I just make some nucular max bids on Switzerland: Helvetic Confederation silver, or what? Yesterday I couldn't find it. Or spell it. Soon I will own it. Thanks for making it possible for you to take my money again, Heritage!
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."
I realized that the best thing about the the old format was that it used the columnar approach which needed a wider screen but which also allowed MANY more lots to be reviewed and scanned on one page.
It is the essence of browsing.
We first need to browse as coin collectors. It is the most enjoyable aspect of the hunt.
We browse the coins and numismatic items in the dealer bourse tables as collectors with our eyes.
We do not ignore dealer tables and instead say the word "search." Well, maybe some of us do for the special coins. But then we would call rather than just simply click and click and click???
By the way, in the old format why doesn't Heritage make better use of the right column and use that for featured auction items???
One major auction item lot would be appropriate each time you click onto a page.
I was searching tonight during the Tuesday auction and there is a button to use the old search. I did not click it because I am fine with the new one but it might be useful for some here.
I did use the "old" interface last night to purchase $76 worth of coins - once their web page stopped filling in bids for me. Whoopteedoo. They lost out hundreds more dollars of my bids.
Salute the automobile: The greatest anti-pollution device in human history! (Just think of city streets clogged with a hundred thousand horses each generating 15 lbs of manure every day...)
<< <i>I did use the "old" interface last night to purchase $76 worth of coins - once their web page stopped filling in bids for me. Whoopteedoo. They lost out hundreds more dollars of my bids. >>
Not sure if I understand what you just posted, are you saying that you didn't buy coins you wanted because you didn't like the way you had to find them?
<< <i>I used to like looking through Heritage's page MORE than eBay! It's awful.. let me opt out, please! >>
maybe you should try visiting the site since you are asking for something they gave us more than a day before your post. or you could just read the thread since the opt out option was noted just a few posts before yours in the thread.
"From Time to Time the Tree of Liberty Must be Refreshed with the Blood of Patriots and of Tyrants"
(Just think of city streets clogged with a hundred thousand horses each generating 15 lbs of manure every day...)
Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."
The new search function is so difficult, I think some bargains will be had.
The new function seams to want me to have to do 10 steps to define a search I want...
Maybe someone has cracked the code and can help. Let's say I want a search that will return:
- Pre 1841
- PCGS Graded
- US Coins
- For auction
How do I create this list?
So from acquire coins, I first select all current auctions. That is one criteria. It still has 5,208 items including artwork, foreign coins, etc. I pick PCGS on the left. This cuts it substantailly down to 1,422 items. But I still want to cut it to older type coins. I can select half dime, but now I only have two items and I cannot add in other types, so remove half dimes, and I am back at 1,422 items, most of which I do not want to look at.
Now I add 179 OR 180 OR 181 OR 182 OR 183 to the keyword list, thinking it will get me the older coins only. But I get zero results.... Let's try 179 OR 180 to see if the multiple ORs confused it. Again, zero results.
By this time, I am frustrated. I have no desire to creat a search for each coin type individually.
Even in my want list, I have a category, a grading service, and a grade range, but I get primarily items outside my search criteria.
If Heritage folks are reading this, please help!
<< <i>I had started a new thread, but will paste the content here.
The new search function is so difficult, I think some bargains will be had.
The new function seams to want me to have to do 10 steps to define a search I want...
Maybe someone has cracked the code and can help. Let's say I want a search that will return:
- Pre 1841
- PCGS Graded
- US Coins
- For auction
How do I create this list?
So from acquire coins, I first select all current auctions. That is one criteria. It still has 5,208 items including artwork, foreign coins, etc. I pick PCGS on the left. This cuts it substantailly down to 1,422 items. But I still want to cut it to aloder type coins. I can select half dime, but now I only have two items and I cannot add in other types, so remove half dimes, and I am back at 1,422 items, most of which I do not want to look at.
Now I add 179 OR 180 OR 181 OR 182 OR 183 to the keyword list, thinking it will get me the older coins only. But I get zero results.... Let's try 179 OR 180 to see if the multiple ORs confused it. Again, zero results.
By this time, I am frustrated. I have no desire to creat a search for each coin type individually.
Even in my want list, I have a category, a grading service, and a grade range, but I get primarily items outside my search criteria.
If Heritage folks are reading this, please help! >>
1st.............. auction bargains will come at the expense of the sellers..2nd ...Heritage will be a big beneficiary of bargains by buying cheap coins for the " house booK".... 3Rd Heritage... will still collect their 20-25% hammer price of each coin
(Just think of city streets clogged with a hundred thousand horses each generating 15 lbs of manure every day...)
<< <i>Let's turn the question around. If the new format is what we were used to and had been replaced by the old one, would we consider it an improvement? >>
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 BC
I first look for the various auctions that Heritage has going on:
Heritage responds with this listing on the left:
Very long list along with very few top tabs which was reserved for current or archived auctions and the ability to remove # All Current Auctions (remove) # All Post-Auction Buys (remove) | All Buy Now (remove) |
# Virtual Bourse (remove)
Titles & Descriptions
Acquire Collectibles & Art All Coming Soon (12,943)
Current: 2008 January New York, NY Signature World Coin Auction 458 (2,622)
Current: Sunday Internet Coin Auction 67123 (1,227)
Current: Tuesday Internet Coin Auction 27123 (1,359)
Featured (3)
JH Exceptional (33)
Make An Offer (993)
New Item (105)
Virtual Bourse (919)
Weekly Special (11)
Coin Category
Colonials (30)
Half Cents (18)
Large Cents (37)
Small Cents (282)
Two and Three Cent Pieces (33)
Nickels (307)
Half Dimes (28)
Dimes (235)
Quarters and Twenty Cents (330)
Half Dollars (363)
Silver and Related Dollars (1,109)
Gold Dollars (45)
Quarter Eagles (73)
Three and Four Dollar Gold Pieces (30)
Half Eagles (66)
Eagles (36)
Double Eagles (83)
Classic Commemoratives (386)
Modern Commemoratives (123)
US Bullion Coins (205)
Territorial and Fractional Gold (76)
Patterns (15)
Errors (36)
Proof Sets (10)
Coins of Hawaii (6)
Tokens and Medals (3)
Ancient Coins (96)
World Coins (2,525)
Other Collectibles (3)
Coin Finish
MS/Unspecified (6,279)
Proof (301)
SMS (11)
Coin Grade
P1 - AG3 (7)
G4 - G6 (11)
VG8 - VG10 (22)
F12 - F15 (27)
VF20 - VF35 (63)
XF40 - XF45 (143)
AU50 - AU58 (363)
MS60 - MS62 (266)
MS63 (340)
MS64 (578)
MS65 (687)
MS66 (477)
MS67 (148)
MS68 (29)
MS69 (53)
MS70 (63)
PR1 - PR58 (3)
PR60 - PR62 (6)
PR63 (5)
PR64 (42)
PR65 (89)
PR66 (95)
PR67 (75)
PR68 (90)
PR69 (155)
PR70 (128)
See Description (2,622)
Not Graded (4)
Coin Designation
BN (158)
RB (45)
RD (141)
5F (84)
FS (8)
FB (65)
FH (19)
FL (66)
PL (58)
DM (32)
CA (99)
DC (256)
Current Bid Range
$0 (15)
$1 - $99 (1,545)
$100 - $999 (3,019)
$1,000 - $4,999 (555)
$5,000 - $9,999 (46)
$10,000 - $49,999 (27)
$50,000 > (1)
Price Range
$1 - $100 (64)
$101 - $1000 (630)
$1,001 - $10,000 (576)
$10,001 - $100,000 (108)
$100,001 > (4)
Reserve Status
Reserve (if any) Not Posted (2,604)
No Reserve (1,536)
Reserve Not Met (839)
Reserve Met (229)
Coin Grading Service
NGC (2,334)
PCGS (2,034)
Uncertified (1,435)
ANACS (619)
ICG (122)
NCS (27)
Other (17)
6 (1)
11 (1)
4 (1)
I click on the auction I want which is the Current: 2008 January New York, NY Signature World Coin Auction 458 (2,622)
Heritage responds with this listing on the left (but where is Canada?):
Featured (3)
Coin Category
Coins of Hawaii (1)
Ancient Coins (96)
World Coins (2,525)
Current Bid Range
$1 - $99 (89)
$100 - $999 (2,188)
$1,000 - $4,999 (316)
$5,000 - $9,999 (22)
$10,000 - $49,999 (6)
$50,000 > (1)
Reserve Status
Reserve (if any) Not Posted (2,604)
No Reserve (18)
Coin Grading Service
Uncertified (1,390)
NGC (844)
PCGS (269)
ICG (53)
ANACS (43)
Other (16)
NCS (4)
6 (1)
11 (1)
4 (1)
The top tabs have current and archived auctions as before as well as the ability to remove * All Current Auctions (remove) |
* All Post-Auction Buys (remove) | * All Buy Now (remove) | * Virtual Bourse (remove) | * Current: 2008 January New York, NY Signature World Coin Auction 458 (remove)
I am hopeful that Canada is within World Coins (2525) and click on it
Heritage responds with this listing on the left (Ahh, we just found Canada!):
Featured (3)
Coin Category
Albania (3)
Andorra (2)
Angola (1)
Argentina (7)
Australia (34)
Austria (26)
Barbados (2)
Belgium (15)
Belize (1)
Bermuda (2)
Bolivia (211)
Brazil (8)
British North Borneo (1)
British West Indies (1)
Cambodia (1)
Canada (216)
Ceylon (1)
Chile (39)
China (110)
Colombia (41)
Cook Islands (4)
Costa Rica (8)
Croatia (1)
Cuba (25)
Cyprus (5)
Czechoslovakia (2)
Danish West Indies (5)
Danzig (14)
Denmark (18)
East Africa (1)
Ecuador (7)
Egypt (3)
El Salvador (3)
Eritrea (1)
Ethiopia (5)
Finland (3)
France (64)
French Colonies (1)
French Equatorial Africa (3)
French West Africa (1)
German East Africa (7)
German New Guinea (10)
German States (105)
Germany (22)
Great Britain (266)
Gold Coast (2)
Greece (11)
Guadeloupe (1)
Guatemala (28)
Haiti (2)
Honduras (4)
Hong Kong (17)
Hungary (7)
India (10)
Indonesia-Timor (1)
Iran (2)
Ireland (5)
Isle of Man (1)
Israel (1)
Italian Somaliland (6)
Italy (74)
Japan (21)
Kiau Chau (1)
Korea (9)
Liberia (2)
Liechtenstein (2)
Lithuania (2)
Low Countries (1)
Luxembourg (89)
Madagascar (1)
Malaysia (2)
Malta (2)
Martinique (1)
Mexico (158)
Mombasa (1)
Monaco (3)
Montenegro (1)
Morocco (1)
Mozambique (2)
Myanmar (1)
Netherlands (25)
Netherlands Antilles (1)
Netherlands East Indies (4)
New Caledonia (2)
New Zealand (11)
Nicaragua (1)
Norway (4)
Panama (1)
Paraguay (1)
Peru (121)
Philippines (22)
Poland (13)
Portugal (40)
Puerto Rico (8)
Reunion (4)
Rhodesia (7)
Romania (14)
Russia (177)
San Marino (7)
Sarawak (5)
Saudi Arabia (1)
Seychelles (1)
Sierra Leone (1)
South Africa (116)
Spain (25)
St. Thomas & Prince (2)
Straits Settlements (22)
Sumatra (1)
Sweden (11)
Switzerland (48)
Thailand (2)
Tibet (1)
Transylvania (1)
Trinidad & Tobago (1)
Uruguay (1)
Vatican (13)
Venezuela (4)
Vietnam (11)
Yugoslavia (3)
Zanzibar (5)
World Lots (9)
Current Bid Range
$1 - $99 (83)
$100 - $999 (2,102)
$1,000 - $4,999 (311)
$5,000 - $9,999 (22)
$10,000 - $49,999 (6)
$50,000 > (1)
Reserve Status
Reserve (if any) Not Posted (2,517)
No Reserve (8)
Coin Grading Service
Uncertified (1,324)
NGC (840)
PCGS (269)
ANACS (43)
ICG (26)
Other (16)
NCS (4)
6 (1)
11 (1)
4 (1)
The top tabs are the same as before:
Current auctions
Archived auctions
* Results include:
* All Current Auctions (remove) |
* All Post-Auction Buys (remove) |
* All Buy Now (remove) |
* Virtual Bourse (remove) |
* Current: 2008 January New York, NY Signature World Coin Auction 458 (remove) |
* World Coins (remove)
I click on Canada (216).
Heritage responds with this listing on the left:
Coin Category
New Brunswick (3)
Newfoundland (34)
Prince Edward Island (1)
Current Bid Range
$1 - $99 (24)
$100 - $999 (171)
$1,000 - $4,999 (20)
$5,000 - $9,999 (1)
Coin Grading Service
PCGS (138)
Uncertified (32)
NGC (27)
Other (12)
ICG (4)
Hmmmm, am I in Canada? No indication as such on the left or on top. I DO see Canadian coins in my listing and deduce that with 216 listings that I must be in Canada. But why isn't it listed and HIGHLIGHTED ON THE LEFT to affirm that I made the right choice or at least REMIND ME of where I am.
I suddenly decide (part of the browsing mind) that I would like to take a peek at the Prince Edward Island coin and quickly head back to the mainland Canadian coins. After all, there is only one PEI coin and I can get this over with pretty quick due to only having to look at only one coin then get back to Canadian coins.
I click on Prince Edward Island (1)
Heritage responds with this listing on the left:
No further refinements available. You can:
1. Use more general keywords.
2. Remove a selection from the breadcrumb trail to expand the results.
3. Click here to start over.
Hmmm, that is interesting. I cannot go backwards or sideways. Not a good thing. I was not asking for further refinements.
But I still want to see what the Price Edward Island coin is all about as I collect PEI coin (not coins).
So I look at the general listing of the PEI coin and it says:
Current Bid: $280
$ What is this?
(Minimum $300)
Track this Item What is this?
Reserve (if any) Not Posted
Prince Edward Island Victoria Cent 1871,... [Open item a new window]
Lot 50632 » World Coins » Canada » Prince Edward Island
Service: PCGS
Grade: See Description
Signature » 2008 January New York, NY Signature World Coin Auction 458
Time Remaining:
20d 6h 2m for Internet Bidding
Live auction on Jan 6, 2008
Huh???? A general description of a coin I am interested in and the grade is "See Description??????"
So now, I HAVE TO CLICK ONTO THE COIN just to see what grade it is and I get the old fashioned Heritage lot detail which states:
<<<<<Prince Edward Island Victoria Cent 1871, KM4, MS66RD PCGS, superb obverse with intense mint luster, the reverse displays a faint fingerprint. Estimate: $400 - $600>>>>>
Ok, this is fine as I had this before but why did it not show the grade before as Heritage used to do in the summary listing??
Now, I need to get back to Canada, but the path back to Canada becomes more obscure as there is no longer a Heritage listing on the left.
I do see a clickable section called:
Category: All Auction Items > Canada > Prince Edward Island
I click on this and do go back to Canada but there is no specific indicator showing me that I am in Canada other than the lots in the middle of the page are Canadian coins. I wonder if my wife would know that. But then again, this is not now a site for the computer challeneged or coin challenged.
So, I will peruse the Canadian coins for a little while (I will use the 50 coins per page (too bad my computer screen isn't 5 FEET TALL!
Back in a few after I finish scrolling a few coins as i really want Canadian Specimen kind of coins (not MS, not PL).
Yikes!!!! Every lot summary has a grade of "See Description." What the f***???
I am NOT going to squint my eyes on at every lot thumbnail picture of a slab plus every detail lot of every raw coin just to see what grade the coin is in. I cannot believe this is the fault of the new program but it would have been avoided with the old program.
"See Description" should NEVER be allowed as a default grade!!!
I see an interesting lot that I remembered was sold a year ago (the 1875-H 25c silver Eliasberg in MS-64) and was surprised to see it up for auction again.
The lot reads:
Click for larger image
Sold For: Sign-in or Join (free & quick)
Victoria 25 Cents 1875H, KM5, MS64 PCGS Eliasberg, the finest known example of this rare date. PCGS has only certified two o... [Open item a new window]
Lot 50602 » World Coins » Canada
Service: PCGS
Grade: See Description
Signature » 2007 January New York Signature World Coin Auction 425
Auction Date:
January 7, 2007
So I studied the coin a while and became confused why this coin was for sale so soon yet the dates referred to the 2007 sale.
Then after 5 minutes of look, I saw the answer;
We found 2,954 result(s) in our Auction Archives. Sample Result:
Now that got me very upset since Heritage for the first time was displaying SAMPLE ARCHIVE RESULTS ALONG WITH CURRENT LOTS BEING AUCTIONED. geez!!!!!!
Very, very bad news!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."
(Just think of city streets clogged with a hundred thousand horses each generating 15 lbs of manure every day...)
<< <i>I'm giving up. I'll go look elsewhere to look for coins. Maybe after Xmas they'll get the message and go back to the old format. >>
Just means more deals for the rest of us.
<< <i>
<< <i>I'm giving up. I'll go look elsewhere to look for coins. Maybe after Xmas they'll get the message and go back to the old format. >>
Just means more deals for the rest of us.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>I'm giving up. I'll go look elsewhere to look for coins. Maybe after Xmas they'll get the message and go back to the old format. >>
Just means more deals for the rest of us.
Nope sellers lose if less are looking.
<< <i>I want to see all the Lincoln cent proof coins coming up in the Fun auction. I want to see them listed by date order. I MIGHT then want to then see them listed high to low by dollar bid. Please tell me how I can do this easily. Thanks. Steve
lick this LINK
it took 5 click from the home page to get to this result
--Thomas Jefferson
<< <i> Please put the pitchforks away until further notice.
Didn't wanna get me no trade
Never want to be like papa
Working for the boss every night and day
--"Happy", by the Rolling Stones (1972)
Cool. It'll be even better than before
I'm sending them an email right now. Switch back, or else!
BS man, Bs
Russ, NCNE
<< <i>several hours >>
I give up after several minutes.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 BC
what a pos
now a useless tool
boooo hnai
out of rockets ...out of bullets...switching to harsh language
It's fine if you need specific info on A coin, but just try to look at the catalog like you used to be able to and it's a disaster. At the least, it's very time consuming.
Can you imagine trying to sort 200 IHC's alphabetically instead of by date?
Who is John Galt?
Far as the new version, well..............................
Coin's for sale/trade.
Tom Pilitowski
US Rare Coin Investments
Life has just changed as we know it.
for inserting the new feature ....switch to old version
out of rockets ...out of bullets...switching to harsh language
<< <i>
<< <i> Please put the pitchforks away until further notice.
Just put the wallet away.............................
<< <i>Switch to Old Search Feature
All is better now.
Coin's for sale/trade.
Tom Pilitowski
US Rare Coin Investments
In reality, I anticipate using a combination of both going forward.
<< <i>Looks like they've made improvements to the new search method as well. At least now the default presentation is by date. >>
That was one of the most important changes. They also removed the "featured auctions" from the front of the queue. I think that confused a lot of people.
(Just think of city streets clogged with a hundred thousand horses each generating 15 lbs of manure every day...)
Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."
It is the essence of browsing.
We first need to browse as coin collectors. It is the most enjoyable aspect of the hunt.
We browse the coins and numismatic items in the dealer bourse tables as collectors with our eyes.
We do not ignore dealer tables and instead say the word "search." Well, maybe some of us do for the special coins. But then we would call rather than just simply click and click and click???
By the way, in the old format why doesn't Heritage make better use of the right column and use that for featured auction items???
One major auction item lot would be appropriate each time you click onto a page.
(Just think of city streets clogged with a hundred thousand horses each generating 15 lbs of manure every day...)
<< <i>I did use the "old" interface last night to purchase $76 worth of coins - once their web page stopped filling in bids for me. Whoopteedoo. They lost out hundreds more dollars of my bids. >>
Not sure if I understand what you just posted, are you saying that you didn't buy coins you wanted because you didn't like the way you had to find them?
<< <i>I used to like looking through Heritage's page MORE than eBay! It's awful.. let me opt out, please! >>
maybe you should try visiting the site since you are asking for something they gave us more than a day before your post. or you could just read the thread since the opt out option was noted just a few posts before yours in the thread.
--Thomas Jefferson
I'm premature
Edit to add:
Tick Tock, I'm off the clock.
The next post is reserved for SilverBaron