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What will you drop into the Salvation Army Bucket? UPDATE



  • pendragon1998pendragon1998 Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭
    Hm...I propose separating Christmas into two holidays:

    Christmas for the Christians

    Commercial Product Exchange Day for the rest.

    Everyone's free to celebrate both!

    Back to the topic, I think it's ridiculous to drop gold, silver, platinum, what have you into the kettles. You're wasting their time and creating an additional expense for them to have to ID your coin, sell it (probably losing a percentage) and then finally get the money. Just drop in the frickin' money from selling the coin yourself.

    Besides, in this paranoid world, if you stuff a paper-wrapped package into the pot, they're likely to call the bomb squad and detonate the pot.
  • Not saying it's a good idea using platinum coin
    but don't you think the press would be worth it's weight in platinum
    make more people hear and think about giving
    just a thought
  • SeattleSlammerSeattleSlammer Posts: 10,038 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nothing. I don't give to religious charities. My donations serve needs that are unquestionably secular. From my standpoint, the Salvation Army does not have a clear track record in that regard.

    Boy that is funny since the largest contributors of food and money for people in need in this country come from religious organizations!
    As far as a track record goes you may actually want to read about their track record, since you obviously speak from your arse.

    Sheesh, that reply sure wasn't in the Christmas spirit! image

    ....just cash the slab and put the cash in the bucket....that'll get the most money out of the deal for SA.

  • That is a fine gesture and very much in the spirit of the season, Floridabill.
    The Salvation Army is a fine organization that "walks the walk", and doesn't just "talk the talk". I personally don't care what your underlying philosophy is if you do as many good things for people as they do. I'm sure that the homeless people who use their (by far the largest) shelter here in Baton Rouge don't either.
    The Salvation Army was there for the people of New Orleans following Katrina. I helped evacuate the Superdome and Convention Center, and have the hugest respect for all of the people and organizations who got off their butts and went into that nightmare.
    Good work.
    "College men from LSU- went in dumb, come out dumb too..."
    -Randy Newmanimage
  • drwstr123drwstr123 Posts: 7,041 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The S.A. is the only charity I look forward to contributing to. Many years ago I worked in a place where I saw the work that they do. When I was drafted, I saw what they gave to us. They are to be admired and awed. They are well respected in my household. Mike
  • SeattleSlammerSeattleSlammer Posts: 10,038 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Christians Children Fund is another good one for those looking

  • BlindedByEgoBlindedByEgo Posts: 10,754 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>The Salvation Army is an evangelical Christian organization. I do not support this type of organization regardless of the good works it may do. There are other secular charities that also perform good works, and I choose to contribute to them instead. >>

    That is what makes this country great - you can choose to support anyone, regardless of religious or other affiliations.

    I don't know why you bothered to respond though - other than to be negative. A simple "nothing" would have been sufficient - we reall don't care about your agenda.

    To answer the original question - I drop casual change and small bills there. Any substantial donations (there and elsewhere) I make are via check - the tax code favors documenting ones' charitable contributions.

    I rarely meet more grateful people than ones who have been served by the Salvation Army. While they are christian by action, they are relatively low-key about being Christian - at least here in SoCal.
  • droopyddroopyd Posts: 5,381 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I don't know why you bothered to respond though - other than to be negative. A simple "nothing" would have been sufficient - we reall don't care about your agenda. >>

    So... what's your agenda? You must have one beyond calling me out.
    Me at the Springfield coin show:
    60 years into this hobby and I'm still working on my Lincoln set!
  • BlindedByEgoBlindedByEgo Posts: 10,754 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>I don't know why you bothered to respond though - other than to be negative. A simple "nothing" would have been sufficient - we reall don't care about your agenda. >>

    So... what's your agenda? You must have one beyond calling me out. >>

    No, pretty much just to call you out.
  • droopyddroopyd Posts: 5,381 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>So... what's your agenda? You must have one beyond calling me out. >>

    No, pretty much just to call you out. >>

    As long as we're clear, then.
    Me at the Springfield coin show:
    60 years into this hobby and I'm still working on my Lincoln set!
  • BECOKABECOKA Posts: 16,961 ✭✭✭
    Now that I think of it I have not seen any buckets in my area. The grocery stores have been pretty clear sailing this year.
  • drwstr123drwstr123 Posts: 7,041 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>So... what's your agenda? You must have one beyond calling me out. >>

    No, pretty much just to call you out. >>

    As long as we're clear, then. >>

    The question by the OP is clear too. What's your situation. Unsure of your secularity that you must inject it out of context? Mike
  • droopyddroopyd Posts: 5,381 ✭✭✭

    << <i>The question by the OP is clear too. What's your situation. Unsure of your secularity that you must inject it out of context? Mike >>

    Nope. Merely highlighting the type of organization that the SA is. Surprisingly some people are not fully aware of their mission.

    Edited to add: And the SA does have a political agenda (contrary to the OP's statement), whether you wish to believe so or not.
    Me at the Springfield coin show:
    60 years into this hobby and I'm still working on my Lincoln set!
  • drwstr123drwstr123 Posts: 7,041 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>The question by the OP is clear too. What's your situation. Unsure of your secularity that you must inject it out of context? Mike >>

    Nope. Merely highlighting the type of organization that the SA is. Surprisingly some people are not fully aware of their mission. >>

    No sir, check your mirror. It is you who has the mission. Merry Christmas and may God bless. Mike
  • droopyddroopyd Posts: 5,381 ✭✭✭

    << <i>No sir, check your mirror. It is you who has the mission. Merry Christmas and may God bless. Mike >>

    As do you, friend.
    Me at the Springfield coin show:
    60 years into this hobby and I'm still working on my Lincoln set!
  • Droopyd
    What's your point in this why fight
    make your point leave it at that
    Happy Holidays What ever they are for you
    why keep fighting is their something your not telling us
  • droopyddroopyd Posts: 5,381 ✭✭✭

    << <i>why keep fighting is their something your not telling us >>

    Nope, I simply do not support evangelical Christian organizations. The reasons are my own though they aren't unique to me. Apparently that's not enough for some people. So be it.
    Me at the Springfield coin show:
    60 years into this hobby and I'm still working on my Lincoln set!
  • jessewvujessewvu Posts: 5,065 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>You going to throw in a slabbed one? lol. >>

    Absolutely....It's been a good year...and honestly, I don't know how to give back better than then this......

    FloridaBill >>

    Don't you think they would be better off with 1900 presidential dollars? At least they can take that to the freakn' bank...
  • Droopyd
    why not explain your reasons maybe
    you'll change a few of us
    couldn't hurt and maybe you'll do allot of good
    never know
    your not doing much shooting from the hip
    as you are now
  • YaHaYaHa Posts: 4,220
    If some people only knew who they hire. I knew two people in the Washington Dc area that worked the kettles for a free cot and 3 hots at the Salvation Army headquarters in Lanham Md. Also they would steal money for their crack habit everyday. These guys worked on a truck picking up donations during the off seasons and the really nice stuff they picked up, they had a few buddies selling the stuff at a flea market in the heart of Washington Dc. So again put a smoke bomb in there or a Mcdonalds wrapper, because the real needy will never see it in most cases. Sorry, I give to my church twice weekly may I add. God loves me and all of you people too.
  • If I want to give to a charity, I do it by check. I don't give cash to buckets or kids with coffee cans or convenience stores selling 4 leaf clovers.

  • the local papers advertise bell ringer spots for $7 an hour. only one local supermarket has them, and the guy ringing the bell looks like a crack addict.
  • it's been reported in the papers up here in Wisconsin that someone dropped a $20 lib into the bucket - now that is being generous!! - I try to volunteer every year to take an hour or two with the bell - feel that Im giving something back to society - in general, I feel we have a very giving society - when the chips are down, Americans pitch in and help - which helps make this the greatest country in the world - AMEN!!
    currently putting together a EF/AU/BU 18th & 19th Century Type Set; and CC Morgan Set

    just completed 3d tour to Iraq and retired after 28+ years in the US Army
  • tyler267tyler267 Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭✭
    I think it's great to support the Salvation Army.

    But there are new IRS Rules for Contirbutions to Charity:

    - Regardless of the amount of the donation you must have written proof of the donation. For cash donations you must have a reciept, canceled check, or credit card statement.

    - For non cash donations(like coins) you must to have a reciept from the charity for all donations valued under $500. For all donations valued over $500 you must have a written appraisal from someone other than the charity.

    These new rules are really going to hurt alot of good charities, and cause allot of honest taxpayers problems.

    My opinion is sell the coin, write a check to the charity, and take the tax deduction.
  • UtahCoinUtahCoin Posts: 5,359 ✭✭✭✭✭
    A fake Chinese Trade Dollar would most likely make the news....
    I used to be somebody, now I'm just a coin collector.
    Recipient of the coveted "You Suck" award, April 2009 for cherrypicking a 1833 CBHD LM-5, and April 2022 for a 1835 LM-12, and again in Aug 2012 for picking off a 1952 FS-902.
  • TwoSides2aCoinTwoSides2aCoin Posts: 44,444 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I cannot drop love into a bucket.
    Love is a mystery, just like coins graded at NGC.

  • vplitevplite Posts: 1,385 ✭✭✭

    << <i>If I want to give to a charity, I do it by check. I don't give cash to buckets or kids with coffee cans or convenience stores selling 4 leaf clovers. >>

    Checks are best. A couple I have given to unknown kids collecting door to door never cleared. Kinda makes me wonder....

    The gold coin seems to be dropped in a SA kettle here in St. Louis every year (per the local evening news). That also kinda makes me wonder....
    The Golden Rule: Those with the gold make the rules.
  • I have volunteered ringing the bell and I can tell you the red bucket has a lock on it and a supervisor picks it up at the end of the day. You cant look into it. Also the head of the Salvation Army makes in the area of $20000 a year where the head of the United way is up around $400000. The agenda of the Salvation Army is helping people as Jesus commisioned all of us to do.
  • Oh, I've been sentimental and dropped a regret or two in my life... image

    Take Care
    100% DAV, Been There and Done That!
    166 BHDs & 154 Die Varieties & Die States...
    Bust Half Nut Club #180

    Festivus Yes! Bagels No!
  • mgoodm3mgoodm3 Posts: 17,497 ✭✭✭
    I give to the SA and also to my local foodbank (by check)
    coinimaging.com/my photography articles Check out the new macro lens testing section
  • Charity Receives $1300 Coin

    $1300? I might just call them and offer to buy it back!


  • << <i>Charity Receives $1300 Coin

    $1300? I might just call them and offer to buy it back!

    FloridaBill >>

    didnt take long to make the news great gift!
  • and at least one here questioned the volunteers integrity
  • FloridaBill
    i don't care what anyone else says what goes around comes around
    MERRY CHRISTMAS To you and yours you did a Good Thing

  • << <i>Charity Receives $1300 Coin

    $1300? I might just call them and offer to buy it back!

    FloridaBill >>

    that's awesome FB


  • 57loaded57loaded Posts: 4,967 ✭✭✭
    nice ending!!!!image
  • direwolf1972direwolf1972 Posts: 2,076 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Personally speaking I've always been wary of how many good large dollar items are dropped in kettles that never show up at the actual Salvation Army. I have no fault with them or any particular kettle worker. I just know human nature can be ugly even in the kindest of places.

    Personally I'd rather just throw a $20 in every kettle I pass for the holiday season and call it even, were I in your position. If its spread out its less likely for there to be any temptation.

    Edited to add. At least on that large of an item you will probably see it in the news and know it made it. >>

    Nice to see a good ending and that it made it safely to its intended cause. Congrats.
    I'll see your bunny with a pancake on his head and raise you a Siamese cat with a miniature pumpkin on his head.

    You wouldn't believe how long it took to get him to sit still for this.

  • I had my head down going in the grocery and dropped in a buck, looked up and the bell ringers here the chief administrator of the hospital and the board chair of our public bus service. Never can tell... Merry Christmas!!!
  • NumisOxideNumisOxide Posts: 10,997 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • YaHaYaHa Posts: 4,220

    << <i>Strange, I'm in North Jersey & I have never seen any S/A people with the buckets. I've only seen them on TV! I don't know why, I'm just assuming I shop at times they just happen to not be out there. >>

    They are always are getting robbed. Also the Salvation Army got caught by the IRS trying to write off 10x their take one year. I read this about ten years ago or so somewhere when I was in Alantic City gambling.
  • I started reading this thread thinking "what a nice gesture"

    So I went to the Salvation Army web site. Most interesting.

    Read about the history:
    History of the Salvation Army

    Articles of War for the Soldiers:

    Rules for Officers:
    Rules for Officers

    Make up your own mind...

  • << <i> I started reading this thread thinking "what a nice gesture" >>

    The poster continued to with webpages disbarring the Salvation Army.....


    I KNOW, as a fact, that SA helps people. And it extends it's help without preaching.

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Good Quanza, Happy New Year!

  • CgbCgb Posts: 710
    Wow, I would have said that it would be better to donate directly to the Salvation Army.

    The honesty of that beller ringer is refreshing.

    Great job, buddy!
  • rec78rec78 Posts: 5,753 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nothing --that constant bell ringing is annoying--However, I would give them a few dollars if they just stopped ringing it while i was there.
  • BlindedByEgoBlindedByEgo Posts: 10,754 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well done. All of the naysayers are going to He!! anyway. imageimage
  • "Salvation Army officers must devote full time to Army work. An officer who marries must marry another Salvation Army officer or leave his or her officer status."

    My cousin married a woman who was a near lifelong member of the S.A. they booted her out immediately because he was not a member. So I guess the website is accurate.
  • Y'know, I have my own philosophical differences with the Methodist Church (was raised one), the Jewish faith (married one), Catholicism (have a Godson, I am his "Christian Witness" if something, God forbid, ever happens to my best friend), Mormons, Baptists, Unitarians, Democrats, Republicans, the American Federation of Teachers (am a member), the ACLU, the NRA, and yes-the Salvation Army.

    Despite whatever personal ideological or philosophical differences I may have, each of these groups has many positive things to offer- whether it's faith, self-sufficiency, better working conditions, helping the less fortunate, gun safety, or the protection of free speech.

    I'm a pragmatist- I like to see people who take actions that solve problems in the real world. I have already made clear my respect for the works of the Salvation Army as an organization in tackling real-world problems.

    Similarly, I may have philosophical differences with Floridabill in any number of issues (I don't know him, but I'm sure we could find many things to disagree about!). However, that does not preclude me from respecting his generosity to a charitable organization that he believes in. I also find it difficult to believe that he has taken so much flak from so many of us about his decision to give something of no small consequence to a charitable organization that undeniably does so many good things for so many people.

    If you don't care for the Salvation Army, fine! Try following his example and giving of yourself to a worthwhile cause that is more in tune with your personal ideas- whether you write a check, give cash, volunteer your time, or drop the Garrett Brasher Doubloon into a bucket! Whatever fits your ideas, means, and moral compass.

    Personally, I am inspired by his actions and I hope the publicity it receives serves to inspire others to give something of themselves as well. I am contributing to the Coastal Conservation Association this week, largely because of the guilt I felt about spending so much on my hobby and so little on the causes I profess to believe in. Just remember, it is a lot easier to tear something down than to build something up.

    Sorry to be so preachy- I think I'll go to bed now.imageimage
    "College men from LSU- went in dumb, come out dumb too..."
    -Randy Newmanimage
  • Hats off to florida Bill! Thanks fot sharing. I have put alot of money in the buckets this year!
  • drwstr123drwstr123 Posts: 7,041 ✭✭✭✭✭
    FloridaBill - I'm with you. Merry Christmas and may God bless. Mike
  • ttt

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