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eBay seller mtc3015....keep a CLOSE eye on this guy!** FloridaBill Update!!**



  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,575 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would love to hear from the buyer of this "apparent" gorgeous Gettysburg Commemorative once in hand.

    Grandpa has to be smilin' down from heaven!!!! image



    eBay Link

  • OPAOPA Posts: 17,131 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I wonder if he sold all of "Grandpas" coins...none available for auction...image
    "Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,575 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I wonder if he sold all of "Grandpas" coins...none available for auction...image >>

    I believe he has sold them all......Florida Bill bought a few, and we're awaiting his report!!!!!!
  • nankrautnankraut Posts: 4,565 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Man, all my Grandpa left me is a cleft chin.

    Russ, NCNE >>

    Hey Russ; Women go crazy over guys with cleft chins.

    Regarding the "grandpa coins" addressed here, I wouldn't touch any of them with a ten foot pole unless in PCGS/NGC slabs.
    I'm the Proud recipient of a genuine "you suck" award dated 1/24/05. I was accepted into the "Circle of Trust" on 3/9/09.
  • gripgrip Posts: 9,962 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>If the feedback is good and the coin looks good then not taking Paypal shouldn't make one damn bit of difference. Intelligent buyers would look at the coin and the feedback before checking to see if they take Paypal or not. It's like buying the plastic, not the coin... >>

    Not sure why you're so quick to defend this seller but feedback is not necessarily the best way to come to a judgment on the matter especially if most of those leaving the feedback possibly are not such astute collectors, and witnessing what these auctions are closing at I'm inclined to think just that. Another curious thing about most of these auctions is the coins hit near market trends within hours of being listed. There are plenty of high profile sellers out there and that does not happen with all their auctions. What's your connection? >>

    My thoughts also.
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,575 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well, it looks like Grandpa has some more shiny coins in his sarcophagus. image

    MTC the Seller
  • OK…Regarding the eBay auctions of Mtc3015…..

    I have delayed payment….I was waiting for negatives (or even neutrals) to show up in his feedback….

    Since there have been none, I have advised the seller the payment is being sent this Monday via Express Mail.

    So in a few more days I will receive the coins I “won” …..and I’m not anywhere near qualified to grade ….Hell, I can’t even focus on objects within a couple of inches from my eyes any more…I think there is a poster here that has a B&M store in Pensacola….maybe he/she would take a look and I’ll relay the results….

    I’ll let you know (and I REALLY wanted that Gettysberg!)

  • greghansengreghansen Posts: 4,301 ✭✭✭
    I have delayed payment….I was waiting for negatives (or even neutrals) to show up in his feedback…

    Holy crap! You've been delaying pament for 30 days on auctions you were the high bidder on because you wanted to see what comments other high bidders had about the stuff they won? Wow! If I was the seller, I think the negative feedback would by flowing the other way by now!

    Whatever type of seller this character may turn out to be...he certainly isn't impatient in receiving his money. I would never wait that long before initiating actions...especially where the auction specifically states a timeframe when payment is expected.

    My guess is that not all of his coins are trouble, but he likely marketing a lot of 'problem' coins in with the regular stuff. Nothing new there. I created a thread last summer where a seller was buying up net graded ANACS coins, cracking them out and listing them raw on EBAY with tricky pictures and doing quite well. I knew, because I had viewed the auction lots myself at the Florida summer FUN show when they were in ANACS slabs and he listed them immediately afterward. As I recall...he did quite well. Bidders wanted a 'rip' and they were bidding on the hope the coins would slab, even though there was no suggestion in the auction listing they would slab...and certainly no listing they had already been removed from a slab. Wouldn't suprise me to find out this guy is doing something similar especially with the key coins.

    Greg Hansen, Melbourne, FL Click here for any current EBAY auctions Multiple "Circle of Trust" transactions over 14 years on forum

  • UncleJoeUncleJoe Posts: 2,547 ✭✭✭
    How many US sellers use the term FDC on American coins?

    What does FDC mean? I'm not familiar with this term but apparentely this seller is as well as a lot of his "buyers".

  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    FDC is some European term

    sounds something like Fleur de Ceure

    means something like flower the crap

    Grandpas got another round

    I wonder how many IKE sets gramps has in those nice new folders
    and proof sets in books

    why would gramps have multiples

    I think the seller could actually be cracking some from slabs

    as he got $6K for the PR63 toned/storied
    edit/picture shopped
  • MarkMark Posts: 3,556 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Here is a link to a website with a defintion of FDC. I believe that it is, as has been said, mainly a European term. Now, of course, it seems to be making an appearance on eBay. image

  • Looks like some of the coins weren't as good as the pictures show--he got negatives on two coins--apparently despite being Superb Gem Prooflike, PCGS, thought one was a MS63, and the Exquisite Gem Proof FDC Morgan was a PR63. Feedback has been withdrawn, so they must have reached some type of deal--despite the "no returns" etc.
  • DoogyDoogy Posts: 4,508

    << <i>UncleJoe:

    Here is a link to a website with a defintion of FDC. I believe that it is, as has been said, mainly a European term. Now, of course, it seems to be making an appearance on eBay. image >>

    FYI, before we as Americans came up with grading minutae like the Sheldon scale and other things, the rest of the world (including the US in the 19th century) were using FDC for describing superb gem proof coinage. The term is not new, and this term and BU (although standing for Brillant Universal, the same basic thing as our brillant uncirculated) was started in mainstream coin collecting use in 1690

    We Americans were obviously late to the game in coin collecting, and grading terms in general.
  • relicsncoinsrelicsncoins Posts: 8,079 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This guy has quite a scam going. Fist throw out the Grandpa coin bit, next show some enhanced photos of the coin, and then show some little plastic baggy to make people believe that these coins have been stored for a very long time and therfor must be origninal.

    It all adds up to suckers paying rediculous prices for raw coins.

    Need a Barber Half with ANACS photo certificate. If you have one for sale please PM me. Current Ebay auctions
  • Not backing this guy up for ANY reason..have never dealt with him, and definitely have nothing to gain, but its funny, the 'momshopoholic' that negged him 3 times, then agreed to withraw it, had given the seller a positive feedback Jan 30. Just seems strange to me...and his buyers ARENT buyers that have 10 or under feedback (some arent just into coins, a few, I cant understand why they bought a coin, its like their only coin they bought), so, I dont know what to make of this guy. Unless, the 'momshopoholic' got PO'd...maybe she DID try to scam HIM, maybe he tried to scam HER....be interesting to see how this plays out.
  • OPAOPA Posts: 17,131 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would consider most, if not all, of his auction titles having an FDC description as misleading.

    The definition of FDC is:

    Fleur du Coin ... FDC ... This only applies to proof coins and these coins are absolutely perfect, without any marks, wear or blemishes.
    "Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."

  • << <i>Not backing this guy up for ANY reason..have never dealt with him, and definitely have nothing to gain, but its funny, the 'momshopoholic' that negged him 3 times, then agreed to withraw it, had given the seller a positive feedback Jan 30. Just seems strange to me...and his buyers ARENT buyers that have 10 or under feedback (some arent just into coins, a few, I cant understand why they bought a coin, its like their only coin they bought), so, I dont know what to make of this guy. Unless, the 'momshopoholic' got PO'd...maybe she DID try to scam HIM, maybe he tried to scam HER....be interesting to see how this plays out. >>

    Funny how everyone reads different things into this. Look at the coin that got positive feedback. It's a GSA Morgan--so there probably wasn't any issue with it.

    The other comments by Mom are very straightforward: Superb Gem Prooflike was Choice BU MS63 per PCGS; Exquisite Gem Proof FDC was a PCGS PR63--and doesn't look anything like pictures. If someone was going to lie or whatever to make the seller lookbad, wouldn't you say the coins were altered or something?

    Here Mom just says the coins weren't as good as thought (or described).

    Note that all of the coins were legit. You probably have a seller with a lot of old coins taking some pretty generous pictures. I wonder about the plastic covers on all the coins too--not sure if that alters the pictures a bit by itself.

    The guy has sold a ton of coins. I'm sure he knows what he's doing.

    I also suspect him and Mom reached some agreement. She isn't a coin seller, from what I can tell--for clothes, and toys, a doubt anyone cares enough to retract a negative on almost $8,000 in coins.

  • ManorcourtmanManorcourtman Posts: 8,087 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>This guy has quite a scam going. Fist throw out the Grandpa coin bit, next show some enhanced photos of the coin, and then show some little plastic baggy to make people believe that these coins have been stored for a very long time and therfor must be origninal.

    It all adds up to suckers paying rediculous prices for raw coins.

    JJ >>

    Ding, ding, ding.....we have a winnerimage
  • DoogyDoogy Posts: 4,508
    many of you may remember when 'momshopoholic' (actually a man) showed up on our forum to show us that proof Morgan, and whether or not he should pay for it and follow through on the transaction. Many/most people thought he was going to the shaft. It appears that the coins is indeed real, and a proof, but nowhere near FDC; he got the shaft in the end for buying into a person's grade of a raw coin, and paying over market value for a coin that grades PCSG PF63

    maybe the buyer can chime back in again on this thread and tell us some more info about his buys and the seller in general

  • << <i>No returns is a bad idea on coins, I'll agree on that. The no Paypal thing people overreact to. It's like you're planning on getting screwed. What a wonderful way to live life. If you think you're gonna get screwed don't buy the coin. It's very simple. MOST people know this. image >>

    you drive without car insurance too?
    imageDo not taunt Happy Fun Ball image
  • BroadstruckBroadstruck Posts: 30,497 ✭✭✭✭✭
    To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
  • I wonder if this seller is going to be more vulnerable to negative feedback now that the feedback policy has changed . . .
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,575 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Check this out....................................image

    Coin never recieved Buyer: momshopoholic ( 835) Feb-07-08 08:23
    Reply by mtc3015 (Feb-07-08 10:11):
    Postal claim filed with USPS, buyer likely stole the coin
    Rating mutually withdrawn
    Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item. Learn more.
    1884-O Morgan Silver Dollar Golden FDC Unc (#230200275771) US $99.00 View Item
    Superb Gem Prooflike was Choice BU MS63 per PCGS Buyer: momshopoholic ( 835) Feb-07-08 08:23
    Reply by mtc3015 (Feb-07-08 10:12):
    Buyer lied and said PCGS rejected it, tried to pay me $150 instead -He's a thief
    Rating mutually withdrawn
    Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item. Learn more.
    1925-S California Half Dollar FDC SUPERB GEM UNC (#230199546680) US $1,030.00 View Item
    Exquisite Gem Proof FDC was a PCGS PR63--and doesn't look anything like pictures Buyer: momshopoholic ( 835) Feb-07-08 08:21
    Reply by mtc3015 (Feb-07-08 10:13):
    Buyer LIED and said PCGS rejected it, tried to pay me only $1500 He is a thief!
    Rating mutually withdrawn
    Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item. Learn more.
    1879 Morgan Silver Dollar EXQUISITE BLUE GEM PROOF FDC (#230201144043) US $6,650.00 View Item

    eBay Link

  • Seller has legit coins that are selling for way more than if they were slabbed. Notice that he does sell a couple NGC graded coins, these are the ones he thought were super high grade and could get more if they were in a slab.

    Oh and glad to see he is selling newer stuff that his father gave him now. Next his kid will be giving him new mint stuff to sell.

    My guess is that once the romance wears off he will open up another new ebay account and start over.
    Life member of the SSDC
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,575 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • If Gramps was your average Joe, you’d think he would have learned a thing or two about coin grading during all his years of collecting, given the magnitude of his “collection” as represented via the Ebay listings this past year by the grandson. Whatever loss the apparently dim-witted guy must have incurred when purchasing these over-graded coins those many years ago has surely been recuperated to the benefit of his inheritor . . .

    This "inherited from my grandpa" line is apparently a very effective con in creating the belief for bidders of seller and product authenticity.
  • Any update from fl. bill? MTC seems to be running otu of coins and we never did recieve a first hand report on this guy. Just wondering.
  • GrivGriv Posts: 2,804
    I think you old ladies are full of crap. Go to bed and quit your gossiping! image
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,491 ✭✭✭✭
    Ah come on! Don't send us old ladies to bed!

    We wanna know how this turned out for Mr. Bill!

    He promised!
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,575 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Holy Cr*p!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! image

    Would you bid on this one?????

    Grandpa is having a heavenly dance on this one!!!!!!

    I thought Grandpa's lockbox was empty....boy was I wrong.

    Where's Florida Bill???????


    1795 Flowing Hair Type Silver Dollar

    Bol-1 FINE/VF a few marks




    .99 Cents Starting Price!

    This is an early & lovely 1795 Flowing Hair Type Silver Dollar Coin. The inventory lists the condition as Fine/VF a few marks but never holed, plugged or edge mounted and it is a beauty, look at the supersize pics and you be the judge, you grade it and bid accordingly as I make no guarantees as to the grading since it was done so long ago. A rare find indeed! Excellent and worth a premium bid, this should bring a strong price! An absolute, No Reserve, unreserved NR auction,this coin will sell to the highest bidder - don't miss out. Watch this jewel lot go with a super low starting price of only $.99! Part of my Grandfather's collection which I will be offering more of in the near future.

    PLEASE READ CAREFULLY $10.00 shipping and insurance & handling charge will be added to the final selling price of this item to US destinations ONLY, overseas will cost more. I will combine for multiple item bidders up to $100 in insurance, rates adjusted upward thereafter. Bidders who fail to pay for lots, sales tax and shipping charges in full or do not meet the terms of sale requirements below may have their transaction voided as a result at our discretion. Please do not use Ebay Checkout or request totals until after this group of listings close, we will invoice you promtly and combine shipping charges accordingly. Be sure to include a copy of your invoice or at the very least your item number(s) with your payment to be sure you receive the correct item(s).

    Terms of Sale: Full payment for auction lots is expected within 10 days of auction closing, items not paid for in this time frame will be relisted and the sale declared null and void. Bidders who fail to pay or pay late will be reported to Safe Harbor and will no longer be allowed to bid in our future auctions. Check, sorry NO PAYPAL or credit cards, items sold as is and all sales final as this is a completely unreserved and absolute auction with no returns. Payment by Money Order, Cashier's/Certified Items will be promptly and securely shipped following receipt of payment. Thank you for your bids and we look forward to serving you! Best wishes and good luck with your bidding.

    eBay Linky
  • nankrautnankraut Posts: 4,565 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Man, all my Grandpa left me is a cleft chin.

    Russ, NCNE >>

    Ya know, Russ, many women think a cleft chin is really cute.image
    I'm the Proud recipient of a genuine "you suck" award dated 1/24/05. I was accepted into the "Circle of Trust" on 3/9/09.
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,575 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>FloridaBill posted pictures of his coins and bravely asked for opinions at the first of February. We all learned something valuable.

    FloridaBill's pics of mct3015 buff...opinions appreciated

    FloridaBill's pics of mct3015 1909 VDB...opinions appreciated

    FloridaBill's pics of mct3015 SD Half...opinions appreciated

    FloridaBill's pics of mct3015 1917 T1 SLQ...opinions appreciated..LAST ONE >>

    Thanks Moki, that puts FloridaBill's purchases in perspective!!! image
  • TomBTomB Posts: 21,640 ✭✭✭✭✭
    FloridaBill also posted another thread with images of the SLQ and SD commem where you could really see what a cleaned, AU coin looks like.
    Thomas Bush Numismatics & Numismatic Photography

    In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson

  • fastrudyfastrudy Posts: 2,096
    Man, all my Grandpa left me is a cleft chin

    Wow, Russ, how lucky! Mine left me a receding hairline.
    Successful transactions with: DCarr, Meltdown, Notwilight, Loki, MMR, Musky1011, cohodk, claychaser, cheezhed, guitarwes, Hayden, USMoneyLover

    Proud recipient of two "You Suck" awards
  • mmotxmmotx Posts: 93 ✭✭
    From someone who has purchased from mtc3015, I figured my story might be appreciated. About 4 months ago I won an auction for an 1890-O $1 that as graded as Select FDC (MS63). I paid around $400 for the item. At that time, I thought the item was a 64 shot 5. The peripheries were also nicely toned and the entire piece really appeared original. After the item was received, I was able to confirm what I had originally thought. The coin would likely grade out a MS64. I then sent the coin to PCGS and sure enough, a MS64 it was. I did pay a premium for the coin, but the way I figure it, at auction, nobody is placing a gun to your head and forcing you to bid. I placed a premium bid because I liked the color and thought there was a slim shot at 65 (does carry a significant premium to 64).

    That said, I do believe the seller is not in any way trying to mislead the buyers. Yes, many of the pictures are shot with too much light, but it appears that is more a factor of the seller not being a professional or even skilled photog. Additionally, I do believe these items were an inheritance of some sort. Regarding the grading, any old-time raw collection is going to have coins that deviate from the current grading standards on both sides. To have a coin be marked as Gem long ago and then graded as a MS63 in no real surprise.

    As to why the seller is not using terms that are generally offered on e-bay, I have no idea. From the looks however, it doesn't appear needed. He is getting strong prices and has good feedback. People have bought into the inheritance line and think there is the chance of a big score. He is also saving himself thousands by not accepting paypal. Could he have made more by allowing returns...likely, but hey, that is his prerogative. If you don't like them don't bid.

    Hope this helps to shed some light.

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