Working in law enforcement I can say that there are TONS of counterfeit items on ebay, and other auction companies. Unless they were to employ a large amount of people to constantly track these items then they will never be able to stop the incoming tide of counterfeit items. I have noticed that you guys here on the forums do a WONDERFUL job of policing the ebay coin community. I applaud each time I hear someone has found a fake, misrepresenter, or cheat and reported them to ebay. Once they are reported it is up to Ebay to take the stand against this person. So far things seem to be working and I especially like the fact that Ebay has limited the number of Coin Certifiers that can be listed in the auctions. This will help protect a lot of people from fraud. Keep up the good work! Todd
Then they should have reported them.... as we do here on the forum in the coin category. Ebay is an auction site, not an authentication service... I believe Tiffany will lose on this one. Cheers, RickO
<< <i>Tiffany said that out of a sample of 136 Tiffany items advertised on eBay, 73% were fake. >>
<< <i>I have heard on the underground that Tiffany acutally has a very strong case this time around..... >>
If Tiffany wins it is going to be a big headache for Ebay since many other companies are going to go after them as well.
<< <i>If Tiffany wins it is going to be a big headache for Ebay since many other companies are going to go after them as well. >>
If Tiffany wins, maybe the U.S. Mint could sue eBay over all the fake Mint products from China which appear.