First Time Finds/Thoughts on Detectors

Well, my buddy and I borrowed his fathers Tesoro metal detector. Old school detector with only one sound and no volume control (which made for an annoying day!). We went to an old school here in NC and started looking around the old ball fields and gym areas. After two hours of searching we found about 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bottle caps and pull tabs....or at least it felt that way! We also found a brass tab off of god knows what, a brass pipe fitting, an old pair of broken glasses, 3 pennies, 2 dimes, and one nickel. All the coins were either 90's or 80's except for one 1976 penny. Nothing of any value but we had fun. I am HOPING that the old lady gets me a new metal detector for Christmas but I'll have to wait and see if she does. I'll post pics of our finds later on tonight or tomorrow. I am currently looking at a Whites M6 or XLT. I can't decide which I want. The XLT has more bells and whistles but I think for a beginner the M6 might be the best choice. Any thoughts or opinions??? Thanks!
If you have really dug a hundred quidzillion bottlecaps and pulltabs, then the future is rosy for you. Think of the law of averages. You've got your quota now, so it's all good from here on.
North Carolina, huh?
Check this out.
Here are a few highlights from my earlier detecting days, when I lived in the Tarheel State.