"government is not reason, it is not eloquence-it is a force! like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." George Washington
I recently ran into a lady who's job is to collect change from the few(6-800) remaining coin opereted phone booths for a local telephone company.
I ran into her at the bank where she was depositing a large bag of quarters. She said she still sees silver quaters from time to time and she claimed she could tell if there were any in a coin box simply by the soud they made when she emptied the boxes.
And yes.....she pulled and replaced all that she found.
I've gotten a dime or two over the years, but never a silver quarter out of circulation, as far as I can recall.
Got an impaired clad proof, once.
I ran into her at the bank where she was depositing a large bag of quarters. She said she still sees silver quaters from time to time and she claimed she could tell if there were any in a coin box simply by the soud they made when she emptied the boxes.
And yes.....she pulled and replaced all that she found.