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Has anyone ever heard of the Poet Collection of New Orleans Quarter Eagles (sold by Doug Winter)?

I was taking a look at Doug Winter's quarterly newsletter that he emailed to his clients over the weekend. He mentioned two things that I was hoping to get clarity on. Here is the first quote:

2007 was a record-setting year for Douglas Winter Numismatics and raregoldcoins.com. I would like to sincerely thank everyone who did business with me this year. I was fortunate to sell some great collections including Pinnacle, Five Oaks, Three Rivers, The Washington D.C. collection of Carson City half eagles and eagles and the Poet collection of New Orleans quarter eagles. I sold coins this year that ranged in price from $500 to over $500,000 and virtually every transaction was smooth and, in most cases, fun. I am extremely fortunate to deal with some of the nicest people in the rare coin hobby and I could not be as successful as I am without you helping me. I’m flattered by your confidence in using me as your favorite rare coin dealer and look forward to many more years of successful business and friendship.

Now the highlight of the numismatic year in 2007 was the sale of the Three Rivers Collection. However, I was shocked to see that the Poet Collection of New Orleans quarter eagles was on that list too. Maybe I have a bad memory, but I just don't recall this collection being highlighted on Winter's website. Typically not a single New Orleans quarter eagle gets bought and sold without Longacre knowing about it, so I was a little surprised to see this. Does anyone know?

Here is the second quote that I found interesting:

As I’ve written many times, the FUN show is one of the highlights of the numismatic year and I think that the 2008 edition will be one of the best ever. I will be at my usual table (I will be sending you an email in the coming weeks with my table information and more useful details about the show) ... . ... I’ll even have an assistant with me this year meaning that—for a change—I can actually spend some time chatting with you if you come up to the table.

Does anyone know if Winter is going Corporate? What's this business about an assistant? image
Always took candy from strangers
Didn't wanna get me no trade
Never want to be like papa
Working for the boss every night and day
--"Happy", by the Rolling Stones (1972)


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