MS 67 My Butt if this coin is a 67 i will eat one of my two 63 and worst!!!

I just do not belive that PCGS would grade this coin MS 67.
I would like to Ask MR. Hall how this coin makes a 67.
How do i sent my coins in to to have them regraded up to MS 67 bull
68 or better 68.
This is the second time that i seen them over grade One of this guys coins.
Could be the same coin!
i just can not belive. Link!Text
I would like to Ask MR. Hall how this coin makes a 67.
How do i sent my coins in to to have them regraded up to MS 67 bull
68 or better 68.
This is the second time that i seen them over grade One of this guys coins.
Could be the same coin!
Never give up the hunt!
25 inf 1/14 Gold Dragons ,never surrender, over come and adapt
and hold at all cost!
25 inf 1/14 Gold Dragons ,never surrender, over come and adapt
and hold at all cost!
Russ, NCNE
Hay man i have to stand up and tell people, like friends and love ones!
You can trust PCGS
With Out Question!
25 inf 1/14 Gold Dragons ,never surrender, over come and adapt
and hold at all cost!
<< <i>I just do not belive that PCGS would grade this coin MS 67.
I would like to Ask MR. Hall how this coin makes a 67.
How do i sent my coins in to to have them regraded up to MS 67 bull
68 or better 68.
This is the second time that i seen them over grade One of this guys coins.
Could be the same coin!
Couple of things:
first of all, you don't know if any of those marks are actually on the holder, and not the coin.
secondly, they marks may have been exaggerated by the scan
third, the coin could have fantastic luster, it just doesn't show in the scans.
However, for $8,100 or more, you could get a coin that's legitimately rare, not a coin with nearly 10,000 known and slabbed.
An authorized PCGS dealer, and a contributor to the Red Book.
<< <i>And fourth please start using the English language a lot better, what country are you from? English only is used here buddy. >>
Anywon criticizin' the Anglesh Langwij hear is throwin' roks in a glass houz!
Buddy Boy! I am not your buddy and i am not a typist, nor do i want to be.
I have a life! Mr English Professor.
25 inf 1/14 Gold Dragons ,never surrender, over come and adapt
and hold at all cost!
25 inf 1/14 Gold Dragons ,never surrender, over come and adapt
and hold at all cost!
<< <i>Hey! Realone !
Buddy Boy! I am not your buddy and i am not a typist, nor do i want to be.
I have a life! Mr English Professor. >>
Sure do get smoe interesting folks here.
Check out my current listings:
<< <i>You should be very careful about disparaging that particular seller.
Russ, NCNE >>
I can disparage him all I want. I was dismissed with prejudice.
My icon IS my coin. It is a gem 1949 FBL Franklin.
<< <i>I just do not belive that PCGS would grade this coin MS 67. >>
But they apparently did...imagine that. Yet from small images on eBay you have deduced that PCGS was wrong in its grading. Have you seen the coin in hand, outside the holder? Sure, PCGS can make a grading mistake or rather their opinion can be inconsistent on a particular coin, but you may want to reserve your expert judgment until you have more information. If the average collector could accurately grade high-end modern coins from small, eBay images, just imagine what the experts at PCGS could do.
Too many people rant because they can't get the same grades as those "insider dealers." As someone who has actually taught grading and has spoken with these ranters in person about how they are being "cheated" by the grading services, it usually ends up that their rants are based on a lack of knowledge on how to grade than not being part of the "inner circle."
If you disagree with the grade, don't buy the coin. If you can't grade, then either get the requisite knowledge and experience or just buy the plastic.
Edited for spelling.
See for a free online reference for US twenty-cent pieces
Me and Mrs. Swampboy are just gonna sit back and watch Broadstruck's sigline tonight.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
this quarter i submitted and it graded 67 and that is what i expected. it does not look like a 67 in my bad photos.
25 inf 1/14 Gold Dragons ,never surrender, over come and adapt
and hold at all cost!
<< <i><< You should be very careful about disparaging that particular seller.
Russ, NCNE >>
I can disparage him all I want. I was dismissed with prejudice. >>
Russ, NCNE
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
<< <i>don't get it... $8100 for a 2004 Statehood Quarter
Check out my current listings:
BUT, there is still no way to tell which marks are on the plastic and which (if any) are on the coin.
<< <i>How do i sent my coins in to to have them regraded up to MS 67 bull >>
I don't think there is such a designation as MS67 "Bull". I've heard of MS67 RD, MS67 FB, MS67 FT, but not MS67 B.
(I can think of a number of times where a "bull" designation might be appropriate, however...)
The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!
My Jefferson Nickel Collection
Edited to add second pic.
Not saying I agree or disagree with the grade. I've circled several of the hits. Can't determine what that is on the cow's head, so I've put a question mark there. Hopefully, the larger pics will help.
Chow down !
<< <i>pla$tic sure makes people $tupid
K S >>
I think it sure makes people money. Interesting contrast, eh ?
<< <i>
<< <i>pla$tic sure makes people $tupid
K S >>
I think it sure makes people money. Interesting contrast, eh ? >>
$tupidity is what makes people money, not pla$tic
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>pla$tic sure makes people $tupid
K S >>
I think it sure makes people money. Interesting contrast, eh ? >>
$tupidity is what makes people money, not pla$tic
K S >>
If this theory is true than we must achieve stupidity for survival, yes ? It takes money to buy the things we need to survive. So, in essence...if we attain stupidity based on your reasoning, we stand a chance at survival ? This is enlightening.
<< <i>
<< <i>Hey! Realone !
Buddy Boy! I am not your buddy and i am not a typist, nor do i want to be.
I have a life! Mr English Professor. >>
Sure do get smoe interesting folks here. >>
Jerks and wannabe's are everywhere
So, how did they taste?
Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."
<< <i>I'm thinking it would be tough to confirm the grade on that one based on the picture in the auction listing. >>
sure does not appear to be a 67.
<< <i>Why Russ ? Because some people get better service than some small dealer or collectors.
Hay man i have to stand up and tell people, like friends and love ones!
You can trust PCGS
With Out Question! >>
You need to be banned, don't you?
Free Trial
The label tells you what kind of cereal you get. If you don't like it, go to bed without supper
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>pla$tic sure makes people $tupid
K S >>
I think it sure makes people money. Interesting contrast, eh ? >>
$tupidity is what makes people money, not pla$tic
K S >>
Were this true, I'D be broke, and YOU"D make a lot of money.
Check out my current listings:
<< <i>I just do not belive that PCGS would grade this coin MS 67.
I would like to Ask MR. Hall how this coin makes a 67.
How do i sent my coins in to to have them regraded up to MS 67 bull
68 or better 68.
This is the second time that i seen them over grade One of this guys coins.
Could be the same coin!
While I can understand your disbelief especially as it pertains to photos on ebay.... I would like to add:
Grading is subjective. One must see the coin in hand prior to assessing a grade. PCGS is a company made up of humans that have a process that uses "subjectivity" in the grading. Is there a reason to try and tear down an institution over a coin ? Is there a reason to insinuate that someone is getting better treatment in the grading room than you ? I think this is rubbish. Honestly man, give your head a shake. Graders are paid to grade coins, not look up who submitted them and then be lax. Anyway, if it were my company and I found that was happening, I'd hire you to be a spy on the inside. If you found that it was not the case, I would graciously accept your apology.
...especially when that someone is Alan Hager.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
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