Help with finding Garrett accessories

Can anyone here let me know where I can pick up a new set of Battery "sleeves" for my GTI 2500? I have looked out there at some of the different sites, but I haven't been able to find any yet. I've put an email into the folks at but I doubt I will hear back from them until Monday at the earliest.

Can't remember where I got them, but they were cheap. Like three bucks.
Maybe Garrett's homepage will have a listing for them. Like kevinstang said, you might catch 'em in a generous mood and get a free replacement.
Thanks again
When I ordered the 2500, I also ordered it on a Saturday, and that one was shipped out and reached me within 6 days as well.
When you have the "bug" to get out and hunt, you really want to get out there as soon as you can--I can imagine what it felt like when you thought you may have to wait 2 weeks.