Custom Holders and the power of CU Forum

After reading a recent post about Capital Plastics holders, I thouht I would post a picture of a custom holder that I obtained from one of our members.

Normal slab included for ref.

I was able to obtain both the medal and the holder thru PMs with members of this forum

Normal slab included for ref.

I was able to obtain both the medal and the holder thru PMs with members of this forum
The glass is half full!

Must have reverse pix, BTW...
The shilling is a coin in a NGC holder that I included for size ref.
You mean that SILVER coin in the NGC holder?
Wow, my powers of observation are just amazing tonight, ain't they?
Gorgeous reverse on that medal- and nice custom holder, too.
I dunno why I automatically inserted the medal (mentally) into the slab with the shilling, and not even reading the label on the slab helped cure this strange observation.
Custom holder from trot99
That's THE pedigree to have in Vickie medals, as far as I'm concerned.
Coin's for sale/trade.
Tom Pilitowski
US Rare Coin Investments