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Jones' Records Erased ... Why Not The Same For Bonds'

JackWESQJackWESQ Posts: 2,133 ✭✭✭
Apparently, the IAAF has no hesitation to erase all of Marion Jones' results dating to September 2000.

ESPN: Jones' Results Erased

So, I wonder why MLB couldn't do the same for Bonds (and every other player who admitted or is found to have used steroids) if he is convicted of perjury regarding his alleged use of steroids. It amazes me how MLB has this holier than thou attitude about its record book. Perhaps some of this "fear" is attributable to what the Players Union might do.

/s/ JackWESQ


  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    good idea, bobblehead sucks anyway-california people might like him, i think the rest of us can do without him-know where hes gonna be playing next year-the courthouse bench-no more homers for hercules-he got that way from drinking milk and lifting weights im sure,he was a twerp in 1987 -looks like lou ferigno nowimage
  • Each sport is allowed to handle it they way it feels is best, probably based on the demands of the consumer participants and past precedence. The choice baseball made is probably for the best when you see that the Olympics lead in hypocrasy surrounding their drug policy. Keith Hernandez still has his Gold Gloves, Shawne Merriman went to the Pro Bowl, the Celtics are allowed to keep their championships from when they had Robert Parrish. To strip Bonds of anything when there are so many other drug users in the sport would cause far more problems than anything is solves. In this case it is not a holier than thou attitude, it is a pragmatic one
  • Hernandez snorted coke, he didnt take roids. Parrish smoked pot, neither are steroids or performance enhancers.
  • As a life long fan of track & field
    the rulers of T&F tend to be very hard on rule breakers
    Unlike the idiots who run sports in the U.S. who care more about $$$$
    than the integrity of the sport they are involved in
    As long as they keep doling out a slap on the wrist nothing meaningful will ever happen to clean up cheating in sports in the U.S.
  • . . . weed and coke are both banned by IOC and MLB

    A slap on the wrist may not clean up the drug users, but track-and-field has spend several decades proving that a sport with tough punishment can be just as dirty
  • SDSportsFanSDSportsFan Posts: 5,149 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Problem is, if MLB were to remove Bonds' records, they'd then have to remove Gaylord Perry's and Don Sutton's also (among others), since they were caught cheating too.

  • Bottom9thBottom9th Posts: 2,695 ✭✭
    Unfortunately Perry and Sutton are just the tip of the iceberg. Though I can't stand Bonds, I doubt his records will be erased. I hope I am wrong though!
  • perkdogperkdog Posts: 31,204 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Am I wrong in thinking that Steroids would help an individual much more w/Track than baseball?
  • Bonds won't be the only one on steroids when Mitchell's report comes out.
    i used to think cycling and track and field were dirty, now baseball and porbably fb.
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