What are the odds...

of finding a 1963 silver dime on an new (no more than 1 year old) elementary school playground under some playground equipment on top of the wood chips?
I figure it is rare to find silver dimes still in circulation, let alone loosing said silver dime by a child.
I found this dime (@ F condition) almost as bright and shiny as new this last weekend. It was my first find of the day too.
I figure it is rare to find silver dimes still in circulation, let alone loosing said silver dime by a child.
I found this dime (@ F condition) almost as bright and shiny as new this last weekend. It was my first find of the day too.
nice find!
He also found a 19 something wheatie laying in the parking lot at wal mart, and another one lying on the floor at JC penny's..
Random ..but it happens..