Home Metal Detecting

Man can it get any better then this!!

The other day I had a sweet detecting day,I call it dime day!!

I was hunting the spot where I got the 2 reale at a few week's and then place had more to
give up to me and my trusty machine.
Right off the bat and mean as soon as I turned on the machine nd made my first swing
I got a sweet hit and out of the ground came a 1840 seated dime a little worn but a sweet site to see!!
Then a few minute's later I get another sweet hit and out of the dark soil pops up a 1853 w/arrows seated dime.I'm thinking dude can this get any better??
The answer was soon to come as I popped another silver out of the ground.
Not sure what it is but it's bigger then a dime and I can make out a little writing on the edge
but nothing else.Then a little while later out of that dark soil come's another seated dime,
it was a 1865s.Then a little later I popped out my first holed coin(LM's favorite typeimage)
it was a fatty IH.
Then thing's slowed for a bit but the dirt still had something to give up to me and it was
a bust dime,I can't make out a date on it yet but I will try.
This not all.


I also got a few relic's as well.There are some pistol ball's,led bullet,small gold ring,
bone handle pocket knife, and other nick nack's.


and finally these 2 nice Chinese clay marbles.




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