May have a good spot to hunt next week, weather permitting *UPDATE* Barber, Seated Liberty, gold...a

Ooh, snows in the forcast for early next week in spots around here according to the latest weather, which also said our October average temperature was 58 degrees, 8 degrees warmer than normal- it was nice. Anyways, I may have a great spot to hunt next week, a friend of my brothers, someone he works with is going to be working on the foundation of an old storage building he owns, which just happens to have been at one time or another - a meeting hall, church, school house and grange hall. I didn't get all the details, but its located in a small town settled in the early to mid 1800's, have seen the building and it looks like a church without the steeple going by window shape and building shape. I talked to the owner the other day and he told me about all the things it used to be, not sure if I put the order down right, but with all that activity there's got to be money around that ground! The owner was leaving on the day I talked to him to go on vacation, will be back late next week- he wanted to show me the property line(s) before I detect. He also said when he gets back he is going to be digging out the stone foundation and wooden floors and re-supporting the structure. I may get stuck doing more digging than I planned- but I'll be able to hit all the dirt piles for sure! I'll plan on bringing the camera- and oh yeah, no one has ever detected this site- been in his family for a while!
On a milestone note, I was able to get out and detect today, found just under $2 total, nothing old, but it brought my year total up to $85.43, which surpasses my last year total of $83.97! And I still may have a month or two of detecting left. I was able to hunt all but one month so far this year- February was a no go! HH
*UPDATE* see post below for the finds....
On a milestone note, I was able to get out and detect today, found just under $2 total, nothing old, but it brought my year total up to $85.43, which surpasses my last year total of $83.97! And I still may have a month or two of detecting left. I was able to hunt all but one month so far this year- February was a no go! HH
*UPDATE* see post below for the finds....
Here's a photo of old gas pump:
The second day got off to a slow start as well, there's alot of trash buried in the yard- seems alot from the automotive days when things just got tossed out back. Lots of old brass fittings etc.. Then it looked like I might be on to a hot spot- 4 wheats in one hole! - first out a 1935, then a 1929, another 1929 and then a 1918. I kept waiting for a silver to pop out as well, but not. Walked a couple feet and found a 59-D nickel, a couple feet more and there bingo- an Indian! A 1900, not in bad shape either, the soil was almost a hard clay in the back of the place where most of the good coins were found, made digging and back-filling the holes difficult. The cooler temps probably didn't help much either. Anyways, by this point I thought my luck had changed and the spot was going to yield more, but it went cold and got cold, nothing but trash for the next hour- so I moved to the side yard. Not much but junk there either, picked up a few more modern cents and another wheatie- a 1955. Also dug what looks to have been a small spoon end, possibly silver or silver plate. Forgot to take pictures of the toy guns I found as well, I think parts of three different ones and I did find an older brass button. But overall, not as good a spot as I thought it was going to be. The owner still has alot of the grounds to clean up and has put off the foundation work for this year ( couldn't get a backhoe to do the digging- digging by hand was too tough with all the tree roots). There were also piles of cinder blocks and wood that were along side the building in preparation for foundation work that blocked some the hunting. Next year he will be digging down with a backhoe - so hopefully I can make it back and do better. Here's a group shot of coins found- and almost forgot about the gas station token, found it the first day right near the front of building as I just started- thought I had silver right off, again not to be on this trip...
Oh yeah, I was just dreaming for the last week of the gold, seated liberty and barber coins I was going to find here...gochas to look I bet
<< <i>No chance of checking the walls or the basement? Can find some good stuff that way >>
Right now the basement is cluttered with debris and old junk from the garage era, the pump was literally just inside the door leaning up against the wall, the owner had never even noticed the Texaco sign on it (it was against the wall). Probably lots of good stuff, if one can find it. His plans may require it be cleaned out now as the foundation has some serious issues. Alot of the interior walls had the plaster removed in past- they used it as an indoor town basketball court. Still has some of the lines on floor - where there isn't stuff on top of it. There was lots of junk targets in the ground- the ones I did dig ended up either being old soda cans, copper fittings of all types or kids toys- really made detecting difficult. But I will keep in touch with owner and follow foundation work hopefully.
<< <i>Oh yeah, I was just dreaming for the last week of the gold, seated liberty and barber coins I was going to find here...gochas to look I bet >>
Indeed. Your devious trick worked well.
your site could be easily be the same. you may want to dedicate some time just removing surface targets.