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here some more info for ya's which is very interesting for a a lot op people.......



  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    <no it wasnt but again i'm just trying to share hobby news. there in trouble for a few main reasons: wright, woods, brady & bush.>

    what does orville wright/tiger woods/the brady bunch/and trimmin your bush have to do with it?

    thats why i cracked a 75 topps pack gai one time and it had 3 1976 cards in it lol

  • << <i>just got back from the show & i now the gai staff has the chicken pox.

    i try to share some info but i'm dealing with a bunch of tools on here. also november i'll be back to share some more info. >>

  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    i like tool- dier von satan,unt kine ire? wanna dance superman???
  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭

    << <i>i was suspened because I had board members curse out my 5 yr old son. So i went above the mods heads & i made a lot of problems for them all. I still post on the beckett boards. >>

    I call bluff.....this post was made by your son.
  • lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>So i went above the mods heads & i made a lot of problems for them all. I still post on the beckett boards. >>

    Which only cements my case about you telling Beckett I was using their logo in my sigline.

    Dont you have better things to do with your time?
  • RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    << also november i'll be back to share some more info. >>

    Ok DOPEY Gillis where is your November info?
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