Home Metal Detecting

Demo Site

I found a demolition site! I received permission to search it almost a week ago, but the large equipment was in there hoggin' up all the space, so I had to wait my turn. I finally got in there tonight about an hour before sunset, so I didn't have much time to hunt. I did find two small bottles that are packed hard with dirt and roots, pictures to follow after they get cleaned up. I also found a good sized spoon. I have no idea what it's made of, but right now it's rather abrasive and green. Any ideas how to clean it? I'm going to need to keep an eye on this site in case they start removing the dirt before I can search it. My gut is screaming there's something in there just waiting to be found, maybe lots of somethings. image Mary
Be Still and Know


  • get in there mary and find those goodies...if ya wait too long the place 'll be concrete next thing ya know....hh
    "see ya at the beach"
  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Good luck Mary... treasure awaits... Cheers, RickO
  • Take a photo of the site so you can remember the latout.

    Good Luck

  • dig it up Mary!...Good luck..

  • Go for it!
  • Good luck!
    If it wiggles, it ain't goin' in my salad.
  • Mary what are you doing here??Get back to that demo there are some good
    oldie's waiting for you there,now go get them!!!

  • Thanks for all the encouragement! I'm planning on being over there again tomorrow morning. This is a difficult site, they've dug down approximately five feet to put in a foundation, with all the dirt being piled up against the house. The area of land is only about 1/4 acre, so between the dirt moutain and the house there isn't much room left for me to move around. I'm not opposed to climbing the dirt hill, but I am afraid of it sliding out from under my feet, possibly trapping me in the foundation ditch with many hundreds of pounds of dirt landing on top of me. Not a good thought!
    Be Still and Know
  • ;-0 You would make a fine foundation. image

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