Drive by posting. I'll try to get caught up this weekend with the woohoos and
for all the cool finds y'all have been making.
14th I put all the pre- 14th finds in a plastic bag until I had to take pictures, and I can't find it. More of the same minus any silver.

1906 US cent

Cool large button.

1906 US dime

Military button? Can't find it in Albert's. Says _____ _____ ARMY.


Had a two Barber hole. An iffy signal next to a maple sapling. The baby tree had to go.
1895O US dime

1907 US dime


Buttons and pointy rock pieces.

Hat pin? Lots of yellow rocks. Camera liked the wood in the background better.

4 IHC hole All fatties, and all junk. About half of the IHCs that I find look like this. I was able to make out the date on three.
1860, 1861, 1863

5 skunks so far this month(not pictured)

14th I put all the pre- 14th finds in a plastic bag until I had to take pictures, and I can't find it. More of the same minus any silver.
1906 US cent
Cool large button.
1906 US dime
Military button? Can't find it in Albert's. Says _____ _____ ARMY.
Had a two Barber hole. An iffy signal next to a maple sapling. The baby tree had to go.
1895O US dime
1907 US dime
Buttons and pointy rock pieces.
Hat pin? Lots of yellow rocks. Camera liked the wood in the background better.
4 IHC hole All fatties, and all junk. About half of the IHCs that I find look like this. I was able to make out the date on three.
1860, 1861, 1863
5 skunks so far this month(not pictured)